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1st person view with saber in MP

Evil Jeff

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For the love of God will we be getting the ability to stay in 1st person view with the saber for multiplay??? Somebody tell me there's a console command that has yet to be found to fix this. I hate being forced to play a first person shooter in third person view.


I know lots of folks like to play in third person and that's fine, but don't force us all to do it. It's like playin with a remote control jedi on a wire. You can do it fine in single player so it stands to reason it can be done with multiplay. Please somebody tell me this is or will soon be possible.


I apologize if this was already discussed, but I couldn't find it.

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have you ever TRIED to do swordplay in first person? it works in real life because you have a larger field of vision and more of a sense of your surroundings.


the ONLY way you can get anywhere close to that in a game with the current technology, is to have third person.


you WILL not be as good in first person with a light saber, it is simply a fact, partially because you can't do some of the more acrobatic stuff in first person,


just play, you'll get used to it, first person swordplay does not work.

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If I understand correctly the reason first person does not work with sabers at the moment is due to the fact that when using first person with your saber you change to the Kyle Model with hands and a saber, effectively making you invisible. This would be a huge advantage through a programming snafu, and by not allowing first-person with a saber in MP Raven sidestepped the problem.



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Yeah? Well. if that's true it sucks. I am still very surprised and disappointed that Raven of all developers left out the option to use 1st person view in multiplay. Despite anyone's particular preferences this is a 1st person game so forcing us all to use 3rd person view with a saber is ludicrous.


And as far as preferences go, I tried playing both ways in DF2 JK and I was better in 1st person view. I kicked a lot of but with sabers so don't tell me that 3rd person is the only way to go. Of course I'm one of those odd ones who uses the mouse, keyboard, and joystick all together and it works great.


I just hope beyond hope that Raven fixes this issue with an upcoming patch. I have to say the single player game (despite some studders in outdoor scenes) was the best I've ever played. However, the multiplayer game is ranking awfully low for me right now. I'm not interested in seeing how well I can drive the remote control Jedi. I want to be in the damn game! It's a first person game so let me play in first person. If you don't want to, more power to ya. You don't have to. I want the same choice.

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I can pretty much assure you we wont be seeing 1st person sabers in MP... there are serious issues apparently, and I think raven will want to make patches to fix things that are wrong with the game, not add new things and create more problems :)

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why? that they were intelligent and figured out that theres no need to waste the programming time on something that one or 2 yahoos that try to make things more awkward would even use?


it is simple, this is NOT a pure FPS, when I first played Rune I found the third person view awkward as well, so in that part, I know where your coming from,


but, THINK ABOUT IT if in real life you were trying to simulate this, would you do better having a neck brace on and goggles that limit your view to 90 degrees in front of you and not able to turn your head? or being able to see around you, in 180 degrees?


"despite some studders in outdoor scenes" sounds like you had an FPS drop from having your settings too high, rather than a fault in the game.


"Of course I'm one of those odd ones who uses the mouse, keyboard, and joystick all together and it works great. " lol, no, it doesn't, lol, I thought using the arrow keys and mouse for FPS's "worked great" then I switched to ESDF for my directions when I got Tribes 2, and OH MY GOD, it was worlds better,




geeze... why do some people have to make things hard?

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Scuze me pinhead, but your type was already aknowledged and put aside on this issue. You may well be in the majority as to how you like to play, but that hardly makes you the voice of reason.

It only makes you a jerk by not leaving this topic alone if all you have to offer is "why don't you do it the way I do cuz my way is best"


Nobody's faulting you for wanting to play the way you want, but quite a few of us are very unhappy that a major feature of this type of game has been left out entirely. If you insist on harping about how great your methods are and that everyone should do it your way, then do it on another topic!


You may find it hard to believe, but the entire world doesn't agree with you. Especially on this issue. There are a lot of similar topics posted throughout this forum asking the same thing. "Why are we forced to play with a remote control Jedi in a first person game?" I frankly don't care if it were easier for everyone to play in 3rd person, (and I don't agree that it is). I don't want to play a first person game that way. It's stupid. It's like playin multiplayer with one of those remote control R4 units from the single player game.


If you like playin in 3rd person, then I'm happy for you and I hope you'll stay out of this issue then. You already have the features you expected. Don't deny anybody else the same courtesy.

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do you want them to waste their time programming for every back asswards way of playing that anyone could conceive of?


even if it was my against the grain playstyle that was being left out, I'd rather they put their time and money into things like content, and less bugs,


it is simple. it is not possible to properly utilize a bladeded weapon in a non poking something manner in first person with the currently standard technology.


this is NOT a pure first person shooter. I've tried both ways, I really have, and being able to see your surroundings rather than just a little area in front of you, works far better when your waving a 3 foot stick of plasma (or whatever the hell it is) around


I can't, or maybe just can't let myself, understand the thought process that goes into wanting them to spend their time programming in a facet that only a fraction of a percent of the users would utilize, that would increase the load on the processor, increase the memory usage(in case you don't know anything about programming, these are bad things) and be disadvantageous to those few who DID use it. all in the name of a fraction of a percent of people and/or some desire for it to be able to be played as a pure FPS, which it's not even supposed to be!! it's supposed to be higher than that.... more classy, FPS are the knuckledragging, lowbrowest game genre there is, it always has been, the majority of them (such as quake series, Unreal series... ) are 100% "twitch-click" games, Counterstrike and Tribes are at least part of a notch less low brow, because at least they take SOME thought(tribes is best played toggling between third and first person, you can shoot better in first, but manuvering (in 3 dimensions since there is a jet pack) is better done in third, ::ghasp:: because you can have a better sense of your surroundings!!


fine, if you want to disadvantage yourself, get together with all these other people you say are upset about it, and make a mod that allows it, rather than asking the programmers waste their time on a disadvantageous "feature" that a fraction of a percent of the players want.

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Doesn't make anybody think twice. :o What it does is yet again point out what a ego driven, vanity based wank that guy is when he won't butt out of the issue and insists on enlightening everyone on his lack of knowledge on the subject. When you get your degrees in electronic engineering and computer programming, like I have, you come back and tell me all about your well grounded knowledge and statistics on Raven and Lucasarts' customer base and programming limitations.


I don't care that you want to play with your fingers and toes crossed and a broomstick up your butt. The fact remains that forcing 3rd person view in multiplay is a limitation to the game which is in part, making the multiplay component a dissappointment for many. You wouldn't be able to relate to that unless you left your parents dark basement and logged off these forums for five minutes to step into the daylight long enough to see anyone else's point of view.


I and menu others are aware of the difficulty that Raven has with the player models they elected to utilize. That doesn't change the issue which should be addressed in some form. That may include the implementation of one choice of only player model for 1st person play. However, I'm sure you'll enlighten us further with your unsolicited, ill-informed, and off the issue opinions.

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What's with this holier-than-thou attitude, oh Evil One? Besides, River's got a point. I think Raven would need a particularly large request for them to bother implementing 1st Person sabering in MP. It does use up more resources on the computer, does increase load time, and those ARE bad things, genius. I'm working towards a bachelor's in computer science right now, but I already knew that using up system resources on frivolous things is a waste. If you want it bad enough, make a mod for it.


Oh and by the way, just how many people want this, because this game sure as heck isn't a disappointment for me or anyone I talk to.

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Bud, you should stay out of it too. You don't even have a clue that if you want to use saber in MP you must use 3rd person currently. So your earlier comments were pointless and unwarranted.

It doesn't really matter anymore anyway. These forums have gone to hell with all the clueless kids barraging them lately. It used to be a person could carry on a discussion with people who actually offered constructive input. That was back when you could still navigate these forums too. Nowadays it's way too clogged with all the constant and unneeded posts from people like you guys. You can't even find a topic one day later cuz it's buried so far beneath all the stupid statements and postulations of people like you two. So nevermind. I can't begin to compete with the amount of time you geeks dedicate to stroking yourselves on these forums. Have fun, but remember; lack of sunlight and regular baths won't impress the ladies. You remember them don't you?

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lol, you get a mail order programming degree?


1) I have been through a year of college for a programming degree at a major tech school, and came to the conclusion that it'd be a great hobby for me, but not as good for a career.


2) why bring up an electronic engineering degree? it has zero relevance to the discussion.


3) am I supposed to belive that you have a meaningful programming degree if you can't see that the time to make first person saber workable (if STILL dumb) in MP would not be worth it? I only had a years worth of programming classes and it's obvious that it'd be a signifigant amount of work, and system strain to put in a "feature" that is functionally inferior to what is already there.


:sigh: an ex-geek... how sad. kinda reminds me of the old guys who used to run used computer shops before the industry boomed and the bottom fell out of computers that weren't current.


I bet you $10 that the majority, if not all the development team think that the idea of using a lightsaber in first person while in multiplayer, (and single player for the most part) is simply DUMB. you lose mobility in that certain moves are NOT possible when in first person, not just hard, but not enabled. as well as that you can't see whats going on... and so on.


mouse keyboard and joystick, thats absurd, didn't you ever learn about efficiency in game controls? like where with a neintendo you can control better and faster if you put your thumb between the A and B buttons, so you don't gotta move your thumb as far? lol, the principal worked then, and works now, ASDF for direction controls is the most extreme level of it, WASD or ESDF are the more standard ones, but not QUITE as far as ASDF. but moving your whole hand between a joystick and keyboard and stuff,... thats nuts, the closest I ever had to that was playing Mechwarrior 2 or Heavy gear, and I had the controls mastered in such a way where my hand would be back on the mouse, or whatever, by time the game reacted to the controls,


whatever happened to adapting to the best strategy, in order to have fun?


remember when I made that pseudo-rant about the difference between a "newbie" and a "n00b" and said how someone could be very experienced in something, and still be a n00b....

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...I agree with you Evil Jeff, I want 1st person view for the real world simulation in the game.


...I also think that the acrobatic jumps should be enabled for 1st person view.


...Yes, it would be harder to do and require more skill, but that's the challange of learning. Jump boots are always fun in a game, so add the flips and make it harder.


...There could be servers for 1st person players and servers for 3rd person (puppet) players.:cool:

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