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Stemmle's Interview


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Could he have been any more evasive and ambiguous with his answers? Maybe he had some reasons, but man, talk about not even trying. There were so many holes in the game that the interviewer brought to the front and Stemmle said, "I don't know, I haven't gotten that far yet." C'mon man. He makes it out like the script fell right in his lap along with his job. Hell, he even got his buddy to answer a few of the questions for him.


I'm just hoping this complete lack of closure means some sort of expansion/sequel is coming (although the PR pal said "no").


Flame away.

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funny? yes..


but there were times when i really wondered why the hell was somebody writing the story that doesnt seem to have a clue about star wars? sorry, but after reading the interview i felt quite disappointed about the way they approached the game ,-(

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