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Sith of the Old Republic?


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Sorry i meant to post that....


Yea the rule was made by Darth Bane after he was the last suriving Sith from the battle of Ruusan. he decided that the old system could not work if they were to continue to use the dark side (since everyone was always after more and more power, they would keep trying to stop others from getting more power then themself. This hurt the war efferts since no one would follow the leader.) He decided that the only way the sith would surive is to have only 1 Dark Lord of the Sith. And to make sure that there would be only 1 Dark Lord, the current Dark Lord would only take 1 apprentice. This appened about 1,000 years before the battle of Yavin (ep4) So if this game takes place what about 4,000 years before the battle of Yavin (i think i read that somewhere...) then we are looking at around the time of Exar Kun. Though 5,000 years would put us about the time of the first sith war, when the republic and Jedi first learned of the sith.



So anyone know what time frame this game is in?




*Above information was found in the Dark Side Sourcebook from Wizards of the Coast*

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Actually I doubt they will be 'hopping around' as you put it, Hannibal, :) atleast when speaking of Dark Lords. You are thinking of the New Sith Order, created 2000 B.B.Y.


This is around the time of Exar Kun, approximatly 4000 B.B.Y.

Not sure if it's during or after, but if it's during, then there are only two Lords, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, but many Sith followers, so yes, you probably will be able to become a Dark Jedi, but not a Lord.


!Note! The '2 lords' rule has not yet been created.


If it's after, then Exar is already gone, along with the last remnants of the Massassi Warriors from the Sith Empire which crumbeled after it's defeat by the Republic a 1000 years earlier. Ulic has lost his powers and gone into hiding.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Wraith 5

I thought this game was back in the time before the sith started the 2 rule.



If you want i can find out about how many years before epI darth bane lived.


This should clear things up.

Says both Jedi and Sith number in the thousands.(So Wraith 5 was right)

Also says after a recent conflict with the Dark Lords (so Com Raven was right)

Everyone was right.:D


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