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I'm being arrained? jigga WHAT


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Yeah, so in the mail yesterday I get a letter from the City of Champaign telling me that I am to be arrained on May 24 at 9 am, as the defendent ina case, which they only gave me the case #. SO I panic, BIGTIME, call my lawyer give him th enumbers, no idea whats going on. check it:


On Saturday, February 23rd the City claims that they cited me for underage possesion of alcohol at Clybournes(a campus bar) at like 9:30 PM, with my signature on it and everything. And I didn't pay this ticket, or show up at court, so they are having me arrianed.


Heres the thing, I WASNT EVEN IN TOWN THAT WEEKEND. I lost my drivers license in September, and a State ID that semester also. Apparantly the cops are real good at detail and didn't notice that this schmuck wasn't actually me, so he obviosuly wouldnt pay it. Now I have to have my lawyer sort it all out.


This is bull****, maaaajor bull****.

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RUN AWAY. If you stay hidden long enough, America's Most Wanted will be all over you. And that show ROCKS.


And if your aiming to be in Cops, make sure you run away in style. Try to seal a race car or something and drive in heavy urban areas and have a hot air balloon ready. Try to ram the racing car into a propane gas tank or something so it will make this really cool explosion. The heat from the explotion makes the hot air balloon go up faster. Then yell at the cops that you have a hostage ; but It's really a pumpkin with a smiley face in it. Tell 'em to fall back or you'll shoot the hostage. Drop the pumkin at the cops and wave a white flag. Once they take you down, make some witty remark in Latin. Cops is a great show and they deserve better ratings.

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Heh heh... You should press charges against the police dept. for criminal negligence for not verifying the guy was who he said he was, and sue for legal fees and the emotional damages said negligence caused... I know I would.

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A friend of mine was once harrassed by a bounty hunter over some bounced checks that had been written by some human with the same name, living in the same county.


He cleared himself handily when he pointed out that the offender had a different middle initial...and he himself had never had a checking account in his entire life. :rolleyes:

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