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Hints and tips.

Nill the Mean

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I posted this slightly earlier, but since it has one or two things I feel everyone should know, I'll make a thread.


You want advice? Try this:



Some bloke tries to shoot me with the repeater, I PULL it out of his hands, and shoot HIM with it / slash him to pieces. This works and medium distances. If he is still to far away to pull his gun, pull him anyway, he'll get closer to you. Some people have actually been stupid enough to pull out a rocket launcher at ridiculously close range.


I'll have that thank you.



Some guy runs around me slashing in heavy stance. I'm standing still, looking at him. After he runs around for a bit batting at the air like a frustrated child, he finally steps towards me, at which point I step back a tiny bit, avoiding the blow, and then strafe past him in MEDIUM (yes, shock, horror) stance slashing at him.




If my first hit connects, I strafe (just strafe, no other keys apart from attack) in the opposite direction immediately after my first hit connects which makes you slash again without finishing your last swing. This can be done up to four times, slashing in the opposite direction everytime. Someone coming out of DFA is SO DEAD when you hit them with this, heal or not. This works for both medium and light (light being slightly less effective).

Note: if you react to slow you will go into a spin, it must be done fast. If done fast enough you can practically slash four times on the SPOT. You'll never move more than a meter and will have done about 140 damage in about 2 seconds.



Why run from him slashing? Just step outside his range, not far away from him. It's like, someone swings a punch at me and I lie down on the floor to avoid it, when I could have just moved my head out of the way. You want to stay as CLOSE to the enemy as you can without entering his range. This range thing isn't a problem if he is using light or medium, cause you can just block. All you need to do is walk backwards (yes walk) and look directly at him. Only one or two of his hits will ever get through.



Someone using light to endlessly combo you? Just block the idiot until he kills himself on your saber, or hurry it up with aforementioned tactic.



Force pull, followed by the kick. You can do this over and over again, effectively kicking people to death in zero time. Especially good against:


-Drain (if you react quickly)


-Guns (you pull all his guns this way too)

-Grip (especially to pull people after you when they try to drop you)

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Yaaaaay! Somone responded!

At least one person is normal enough to thank me in some way for trying to help.

I guess everyone else just loves whining so much that they don't want my help and would rather cry and whinge about how much they suck.


This sounds a bit harsh really... sorry to anyone who is needlessly offended.

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Dark Rage:


Do. Not. Waste. Your. Energy. Trying to fight someone raging. There is a much easier way, especially for the Dark Side.


Rage is on a time limit. A canny opponent will not let it run it's full duration - it provides invulnerability (Health Cannot Drop Below 1) and speed (both movement and attack) BUT it drains health and force. There is a recovery period (10 seconds) during which they are vulnerable. HOWEVER...


They end the rage at 1 health, if they let it go the full duration. A wise opponent will wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... then tap grip or lightning the second it wears off. Easiest kill you'll ever get. For light siders, you might have to actually expend some real effort to kill them, but for the Dark Side it's ridiculously easy.


- Gaeb

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Good hint from Gaeb there. I agree, stay away from rage users, you are more likely to do yourself harm than good attacking them.

I would like to see people posting their most in depth tactics here. I posted most of mine. It would make a great thread to stifle all the whining.

If you know a solution to a problem, post it here!


P.S. Thanks to you three for being the first to reply :).



vvv good stuff vvv

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Falling Levels (Wah, he pushed me!)


Times you can be pushed (or pulled):

Activating a force power



Attacking (saber or gun)

Getting Up (yes, it's true)


You will AUTOMATICALLY counter a push or pull if you are not performing one of the above actions. Lag and server issues (and varying STRENGTHS in Push/Pull... 3 vs 2, 3 vs 0!) can result in your being pushed off even if you are standing still. Don't be surprised. But don't, please, for the LOVE OF GOD... come swinging your saber wildly at someone on Nar Shadda and then wonder why you went flying off the ledge.


There is probably even MORE to this than what I've already written... if someone grips you, pull them off with you. If you see someone jumping, don't hesitate to 'nudge' them a bit. Realistically, there are dozens of ways to kill someone... don't rule any way out just because it doesn't involve the 'holy' light saber.


- Gaeb

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Protect is as useful as it limited.


Amusingly, it's more suited to mass melee than to one on one combat. Especially in the Lab or Starship level with Guns on.


While under Protect, you are less vulnerable to damage. That's great. That means a canny opponent will back off and wait for it to wear off, then resume his attack. No skin off his back.


What would scare the living daylights out of him would be if you turned it on and swapped to a heavy explosive in a confined space. Start shooting the floor at his feet with the rocket launcher. If he manages to take it, swap to saber. Corner him. Don't use this power as a defensive weapon, it won't get you anywhere - a wise opponent will back off and wait. Use it offensively - get a foe in a confined space and then turn it on at the last second, with heavy explosives if possible. Saber otherwise.


I'm not too familiar with the costs of the power, I've only fought against it, never used it. But the only danger it's ever posed to me is when someone is right on top of me and I had no manuvering room. And it's pretty scary in that context.


- Gaeb

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Originally posted by ninja_alex_p

you guys seem pretty knowledgable about this stuff, and thanks for the advice :) ... but i have a questino


is protect good at all in mp? and if so .. when?


If you've ever run into those not talent ass clowns who kick you down, or push you down......... then try to strike with the strong swing, you can put protect on right before they connect.


If they haven't drained you already.

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Some really good tips here :)


But I really dislike drain too. Everything else seems to have its limitations, but drain? Balance to the force powers it brings not. You attack someone with lightning or grip, wasting time and effort and all they do is drain your power off and get healed instantly. Or worse, they just come to you and drain you off.


That's lame. How can one avoid a situation like that?


I have a hint, too:

When some guy runs at you, swinging around his saber, he is unable to block incoming thrown sabers. So if you stay just a bit out of his range, as mentioned in above posts, you can strike hin seriously with throwing your saber at him.


Push and Pull are really useful, too. Many people seem to ignore those weak "neutral" force powers, but pulling someone close to you and the 'lunge'ing him works like a charm :)

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If you've ever run into those not talent ass clowns who kick you down, or push you down......... then try to strike with the strong swing, you can put protect on right before they connect.


No talent ass clowns? I use that technique all the time...I also use just about every other technique to win. The "no talent ass clowns" are just smarter than you, because they kill people in around 5 seconds versus 30 or more in a "real" saber fight. The longer it takes to kill someone, the less points!

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Protect is more of a reflex skill, like push or pull. If you see something coming your way you might just have enough time to put it up and this can save your life.

As for drain, the best you can do is either get away as quiclky as you can or alternatively, kill him. When I opt to evade, I jump (anywhere, preferably over him). When I opt to attack, I try to get them with pull before my force is gone. If my force is gone, then let it stay that way. Switch anything on or use up that little bit of force. He'll use up force trying to drain you (most likely) and you just won't have any force to give. You can still roll towards him and then attack him whilst his guard is down.

And of course you can always just run

(doesn't make a good impression though).

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Personally I don't think Drain should heal the Dark side player... It should just drain Force Power of the other person.


That said.. I use drain all the time, especially against people who love using Lightning, Grip, or Mind Trick... (Acting just like Bots)


It's really funny when you are approaching a fight between three or four people, and you use drain just before you get into combat range, draining all of their force powers.. then falling back and watching.


You see the funniest deaths that way, as usually at least 1 person is relying on their force powers to win the saber fight. Suddenly deprived of those skills, they panic... funny to watch even if it isn't you getting the kill.

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One big thing to remember is, If you Circle Straffe, You opponent will always Circle Straffe too, in the opposite direction, it is built in to people minds and takes a lot of practice to get out of doing.


You can use this to your advantage to put the other person exactly where you want them and then they are open for play.


Example. Circle Straffe Right, throw Sabre Left, a long way infront of your opponent (this may hit it may not), immediately switch direction, your opponent will too because you have and your sabre will loop back through them. You can get a two hit combo this way.


If they are still able to fight before you sabre returns to hand, pull them. they will be more worried about the sabre returning to hand, if there is a wall/ledge they will slam into it, if not you can finish them off with a nice backstab



I would rather get 10 Classy kills in a game than 30 and finish top of the ladder. I use grip a lot but I very rarely just grip and throw off a ledge unless it is in funny circumstances ie The Indiana Jones Style!

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I figured that I explained it properly... You step slightly to the side and slash whilst doging, the move back, slash again etc...

Practice it by moving from left to right by strafing and holding your attack button. If you time it just right you can slash quickly in succession.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

I figured that I explained it properly... You step slightly to the side and slash whilst doging, the move back, slash again etc...

Practice it by moving from left to right by strafing and holding your attack button. If you time it just right you can slash quickly in succession.


I find its easier to just saber throw them. Currently the DFA move needs a bit of tweaking because once they land they can spin in circles and instantly kill everyone that comes near them. The power of the attack is fine but its leathal because of the swing, not the saber....before and after the swing it should not deal as much damage.

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My favorite way of dealing with gunners? Push or Pull. It takes some time to master, but it's well worth the surprise for your trigger-happy opponent.


2ndary Repeater Fire: Pull them into the blast radius


Detonators/Rockets/2ndary Flechette(requires good timing): Push them back! It's fun to kill someone with their own rocket. Alternatively, if the rocket's locked on you, use Speed or duck around a corner. It's also next-to impossible to target-lock on a Speeding player.


Trip Mines/Det Packs: Push/Pull as needed to get them in the blast. Nothing funnier than watching someone trap an area with mines then you push/pull them into the laser!


Energy Weapons: Saber Defense or Pull or Guns :D

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