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Matrix's bullet time in SP ?


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A fair few times I have been shot at by the disrupter (without knowing someone was aiming me up until the shot was fired) in single player and without me doing anything, force speed turns on by itself and kyle seems to dodge the shot without taking damage. His legs stay still but his upper body tilts to the side - much like the Agent Brown did on the roof time when Neo was shooting at him near the end. Kyle only did it once as I got the hell out of the way (not wanting to stick around to see if it happens again).


Every now and then it happens so I am wondering what is going on? Anyone got any details on this passive ability? Or know how I can increase the chances of this happening more often?

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I never saw this happen when I played SP. :(


But hopefully I can see it when I play it again on a harder setting.


On the Nar Shadda level the disrupters always hit me even with the saber, so after that I alway kept moving in open areas; maybe that's why... :-\

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I'm jealous. I've played the game all the way through twice on regular difficulty and onece on Jedi Knight. I have NEVER been able to dodge a sniper shot. I would like to at least once just to see the animation you described. I guess the force just isn't with me :(

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Originally posted by ACGe0rge

I'm jealous. I've played the game all the way through twice on regular difficulty and onece on Jedi Knight. I have NEVER been able to dodge a sniper shot. I would like to at least once just to see the animation you described. I guess the force just isn't with me :(

You can see it on someone else. Just whenever you meet a reborn/etc..., before you charge and they're just waiting for you, try and snipe them with the sniper rifle zoomed it. I know it surprised the hell outta me when I pointed and was snickering to myself thinking "you going down...".

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I did not know the reborn did that since I only use the lightsabre since the first time I played the yavin-trial map. And ever since then I use the lightsabre and force cheats for every SP I have played since. I figure since I already "learnt" the force and found the sabre once, unlike Kyle, I won't forget to use it or leave my sabre alone with luke. I love the sabre so much I will keep it with me at all times - even in the bed sleeping or in the shower. I would be mesmerised by the showers water sizzling on the sabre like it did in the swamp level. Damn my rant has taken me far from the original point! :)

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I've actually taken out a Reborn with a sniper shot.



Remember the level with the rotating doodads on the horizontal cylinder with the parts sticking out that if you touched the rotating parts you'd die (or get hurt badly, don't remember which)? And there were three snetry turrets at the other end on the platform, and a reborn blue dude in the middle of the cylinder?


Well, after dying there multiple times, mostly from the turrets, I thought... "Why not take 'em out with sniper fire?" So I did.


Then I thought "Why not try to shoot that Reborn dude too?" So I shot once at him, and he... seemed to DEFLECT the shot... though that's impossible 'cause you can't deflect the sniper rifle.


But I thought... "Hmm.. one more try... this time, lower down" and I shot him in the gut. He got HIT! He died! Didn't need to fight him! Needless to say I got past that part fairly easily after that.


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Hmm.. I do believe that some Raven documentation said something about a passive Force power known as "Force sense".. so that's probably this so called sniper dodge thing. (and don't call it Force Speed automatically kicking in, I doubt it that you actually get those full 5 seconds of slowed downed-ness)But alas, I have yet to see it happen... I did see Kyle disintegrate rather often by now ^.^

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Guest Forceflow

It happened to me once or twice. Though both times I was standing still I think. (Can anybody confirm that) And Iw as certainly hit a lot more often by the sniper guys than not.


Dunno, could it be that it only works if you have your lightsaber out? I think the two times it happened I had it out and active...


Some official comment certainly would be nice...

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It's extremely rare on my copy - I finished the game once on "Jedi", twice on "Jedi Knight" and once on "Jedi Master", and it was not until I entered bespin_streets and started to toy around with reborn and the like that Kyle did his first 'sniper dodge'.


Somehow strange, I looked at it and just thought: "Wha-? Did I just hallucinate that or did he activate speed himself?" Was never able to repeat it, though. :( Stood there and let the sniper shoot me x-times while I was on 'god' but Kyle never dodged again. Weird.




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