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Maps: Should they be more active?


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TheMadDoofer does have a point. It would lag a lot...it its big. if it was just in the middle, probably in a sectioned cut off area, and a medium sized starport/town/base/city, dependant of the area, would acually be nice...maybe not Coruscant but all of the other areas.

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I agree, the maps in this game can be boring at times. This is the first non C+C RTS game I've really got into. In C+C there would be maps that have a neutral base in there that attacks anything that comes in range of it.

Civilian areas would be cool to. Like mos eisly on tatooine map.

I think they should make the ewoks into a civilization. There not too much more primitive than the gungans

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Here's the thing: I tried making a map this way, and here's the problem. A) There's wayyyy too much lag. B) It's just not needed. While it's cool to see AT-ATs romping through cities, there's no point. And I can't build anything there! Boooo.


So: Cool idea, but doesn't work for a normal game. Leave it for scenarios.

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