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this is a pretty basic topic. what are your veiws on death. remember, you don't have to put anything if you feel this is a sensitive subject. but i'm basically asking, are you afraid, are you ready, don't you care. what do you believe, you'll go to heaven, hell, be reicarnated (maybe as a butterfly) some weird skeleton guy in a black robe and scyth comes along and takes you away on his pale horse (maybe named binky!) or do you just not want to talk about it. and plese remember, if you dobnt want to talk about it, you don't have to, no ones forcing you.


come on people, let your hair down and you feelings out.:D


peace and love to you all (apart from you, you know who you are)


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death can suck my nuts .... and so can life


i envy the people whos greatest decision is "what pants should i buy?" because they are so ivincible; they havent felt true loss for the first time ... lucky bastards



and i know that death wont solve **** ... except life ... but death will be worse and id miss out on the good parts of life















wow, that entire thing made no sense ........ dont listen to me fellas

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i dont wanna talk about it...




please, stop forcing me...


aaaaaaaaaaa, evil n mean ppl r forcing me to talk about death!









k then, this is wot i think:

i think that when u die, the world dont stop, but u do. u dont go anywhere, dont reencarnate (although u may argue that u reencarnate by completing the cicle of Carbon, Nitrogen, etc. when in decomposition)

i dont think the biggest problem is me dying, but the fact thta i ll leave many ppl that liked me n r gonna miss me, n thats wot scares me

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I´ll just quote the Azteks:

Life relays on Death. Life couldnt exist if death didnt.

Death relays on life. Death couldnt exist if life didnt.


So i´m pretty glad there is death :D otherwise We wouldnt exist (neither should storken :p)

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i dont likes death :(

Not death its self, but the nothingness doesnt sound too nice and i dout reicarnation.


i supose im some1 who would prefer to die for a good reason, not really 'for my country' but i wanna achieve something in my life and make a difference.


and juz the stuff i'll miss when im not around...


The technological advances for 1, id love someday to c the first man on another planet or flying cars and the lot.


Plus just all my friends and family.


"to be forgotten is worse than death" - Freya Crescent




if none of that made sence, im not surprised...

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well i think that death is basically what u want it to be. you could go to heaven or hell if you believe you will, you will come back in another life if you believe yourself to be. basicvally, i don't believe that i will just turn into nothingness and i will never be anything more than a crease on the pages of life. this isn't because i don't want t believ that, but because if i do believe that, then i have no faith in anything. and frankly, i pity the people who don't have any faith in the world. wouldn't you?

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i basically believe that my faith in god (uh oh, we've gone into religion now. well it was inevitable) would prove me worthy of either reincarnation, or eternal bliss. i have the feeling that i would be able to choose and if eternal blis seemed to drag on, then i would just do life again. seemes pretty logical.


THAT IS UP TO YOU , he said


is that the best death quote you could come up with? (although it was probably funny in the circumstanses, depends on if i've read that book)

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