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I want a guns only game


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I don't get why you don't want sabres in the game. I mean, if your using guns you'll own the sabre folks.


Look for a mod called Rebel Strike over at Mod Central. It is under construction, but I'm pretty sure it will be guns only, no Jedi.

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Originally posted by valor23

You want a guns only game.. play QuakeIII


This statement is the truth. If you want guns, play something else.


JK was made for Sabre vs Sabre, or Sabre vs Guns. Not Guns vs Guns.


I'm all for a multiplayer, objectives based mod with no sabre, as it'll have a plot (hopefully) and everything will be in character. But as far as pure death match goes, not having the sabre just makes this into a Quake clone.


Speaking of which, why isn't there a Objectives based MP mod yet? Or why wasn't there one to begin with? When do the map tools come out?



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This is crazy...

There are shiploads of guns-only-games-and-mods out there for you to play but you want to get rid of the main strong point of this game (and should I say, most distinctive feature of the star wars universe...).

If I remember well, there is the word "Jedi" in this game's title... and ain't the lightsaber the weapon of choice of Jedis? Thought so...

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This is pathetic. Quake III is far different from JO. The game was meant for a wide variety of types of play - yes, this includes guns vs. guns.


And isn't the word Outcast in the title? Oh wait, that means he isn't really a jedi....


I mean, for the love of freaking god people.


Get over it.



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i agree, if you want a gun only game, play quake3, or unreal tournament. their gun diversity is ten times better than JK2 anyway, where the guns are simply laser guns that fire at different speeds or with different features, a rocketlauncher, and the usual ho-hum collection of explosives.


and any saber player worth his salt would be able to take out a gunner or even several. laser can be blocked, explosives force pushed, and sniper fire dodged (ala seeing lvl 3). force pull their weapons off them, then saber their helpless asses.

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