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I think I found an easter egg!


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I was looking in the assets0.pk3 file with winzip and I noticed a file called "easter_egg.ibi".


The path says "scripts\cairn_dock1\" so there is an easter egg in that level I think!


I am not sure what a script is (i play games, not program them) but I am guessing the easter egg is in cairn_dock1.


I am sure someone has already pointed this out but just in case no one has posted this I am now so we can collectively search for the easter egg. I'm not sure what to look for so the more eyes searching means the greater chance of us finding it.

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To Gonk:

Why thank you :) By the way, am I right in asuming your from QLD too?


To Assault3000:

Queensland is a state name. I won't tell you where though as since many Americans assume non-yanks know state names of their land, I shall assume yanks know my lands state names.

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Gonkh8er, do you know what the easter egg is? You don't need to tell me what it is or where it is if you prefer, but could you tell me whether there is indeed a easter egg there? Its only a theory of mine at the moment until its proven, so there is a chance there is nothing there.


And Assualt, Gonk was basicly saying us, the pretties (aka what minions are called by a mad scientist - Gonk being the mad scientist) to go forth and do his bidding. In this case it is finding the easter egg if there is one there to be found.


Oh and Gonk, how many easter eggs are there in the game? I only saw one easter_egg file but I could have missed one or two.

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

To Gonk:

Why thank you :) By the way, am I right in asuming your from QLD too?


To Assault3000:

Queensland is a state name. I won't tell you where though as since many Americans assume non-yanks know state names of their land, I shall assume yanks know my lands state names.

I don't know all of the state names of where you are, but I know your's thankfully. How are you enjoying fall in Oz?

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Yes - here is some tips..


* Use "noclip" to get behind locked doors.

* Try to destroy any crate, or grate you see.

* Go to areas of the map which would lead you out of the way of the "right path to the next level"


If you can think of any other tips to possibly find an easter egg let us know.


And everyone who wants to find it keep searching that level!


Teamwork people, teamwork!


Oh and if you find it, post it here please - I know I will be. Share information :)

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Yeah, I had a quick look as well, nothing I can see.


It is a good level for an easter egg though, because for most of it you aren 't allowed to be spotted, so you can't just run round looking for secrets, you have to aviod detection at the same time.

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The only place you can't kill everyone in the room in that level is the room where you have to turn off the lights, because the officer at the alarm can't be killed. Other than that you can kill the whole level as long as no one gets to the alarm.

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no luck with the easter egg hunt so far, but I did find the answer to a question someone had asked on the boards about spawning force cubes to automatically start a level with certain force powers so they didn't have to activate the cheats etc... each time.


in the start.ibi in each level folder, at the bottom it has the values for the force level for each power you'll have when you spawn into that level


if you modified each of the start.ibi files to include level 3 force for each power, you'd automatically start each level with full force powers and wouldn't need to activate any cheats to do it.


the purple one

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Think I found it but I must warn you it is a MINOR easter egg if I'm right.


It look like just a re-creation of the cell-block from a new hope.


Ya know where they dress up as Stromtroopers and put Chewie in Binding cuffs.


No offense to raven but its not even worth looking for.


Unless there is more to it.


You have to have no-clip on to find it. There is no way to get to it normally.

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