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Are you all using gamepads or the keyboard???


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I know this sounds like a dumb question, but there is no way to pull off all the tricks I've seen posted here, if you use the keyboard. What gaming peripherals do you guys use? Or if you are using the keyboard, how do you have your keys bound???


I've gotten pretty far in the game, but I am at a point where I have to use Force Powers rapidly, and it sucks having to stop moving, look at the keyboard, press F2 or F7, etc....


So, out with it, what gaming pads or keyboard layouts is everyone using??



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Personally i only use my pad for racing games , i found it hard to play motorcross madness with a mouse . but i did that for a long time till i got my game pad .

as for keyboard layout , i use my mouse to walkfarward right mouse button , primary fire left button , change weapons scroll ,

alt fire my thumb button ,s move left , d move back , f move right , a is use force , z,x is shift through force powers . i usr the f1 - f7 for force the most .


im a u.t player and found that using the center of my keyboard was best for all the bindings , both vocal and word sayings , and a 5/6 button mouse is the best . my mouseman+ optical has 7 total buttons . left right scroll up and down , push the scroll button in and then the thumb .


it takes some getting used to , but i have used this layout since quake 1 came out , any1 remember fragging with a 28.8 modem . and enjoying the game play ?. man thoughs where the days :) .

some threewave ctf any1 ? :).


hey . btw . i cant figure out how to get to dessan ? i see him in the mirror and then he walks down the hall . i went down and pushed the block walls but i cant seem to figure out what to do next :/. i have had times with this game where i ran around forever trying to figure stuff out and got it . but this time its kicking my butt :/. i know i just missed something . but what is it ?

thanks for any help guys !

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Definitely a keyboard and a mouse for me. I used to play with a joystick and mouse years ago, but it just never really worked out for me.


Personally, I mapped the force powers to the 1-0 keys at the top, and put the weapons on the F keys. I found I used force powers a whole lot more than I switched weapons.

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I use


Forward= E

strafe L = W

strafe R = mouse2(right button)

backwards = D

Jump = R

duck = Space

use = alt

walk/run= a

reload(not needed in this game)= f

then z,x,c,v,b,g,t for the force powers.

Shift = third person first person switch

Tab = mission breifing


mouse1=primary attack

Mouse3=use binocs

mouse4=secondary attack (thumb button)

mouse5= use item (pinky button)

mwheelup=next weapon

mwheeldown=prev weapon


I'm useing a razor boomslang gaming mouse.


I basically utilize all the buttons on the left sid of my keyboard, I have one of those split keyboards.


but with all that I still suck :)

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I just use the standard FPS layout with a two-button scroll-wheel mouse. However, I also use Game Commander voice command software for force powers and inventory items. Works like a charm. If you aren't familiar with GC, basically it uses voice recognition to map phrases to macros. I just say "push" or "speed" and it sends the keystrokes to execute that command to the game. It will also automatically load the command set for whatever program is in the foreground. All you need is the software (http://www.gamecommander.com), a decent sound card, and a noise-cancelling microphone.

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keyboard and mouse....



I didn't realy remap and keys except for use and jump so that it would be closer to my hand so i wouldn't have to move all the time...



I remaped lighting and chock but that was because i liked to use them in fights not because i needed to...

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Movement for me is the standard WASD with mouse aiming.


I have an Intellimouse explorer with M4 as Pull and M5 as Push, Q as speed, R as mind trick, T as grip, H as heal, and V as lightning. I've never been a mousewheel person so I just leave it alone ...



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I remapped my force powers to the weapon keys, and the weapons to forcepowers keys. It seems faster to me due to the fact that I use force more than I change my weapons after I get my lightsaber!!!


The VC sounds like a great idea too! Considering I already have eveything but the software!!


I'm going to look in to that one... Thanks!



Nomad's Place II

P.S. For those of you that have been to my site: I'm going to spend some time this weekend to set up a few pages for JK2...



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