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Project IGI

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It's a bit old but still has some of the best FPS graphics i have ever seen. The AI is great the missions are long and interesting and the weapon choises rock! The weapons and everything is really realistic. You can blow up Tanks, hindes, people, migs, all kind of stuff and it's realistic! you can kill people that are behind wooden walls or crates beacause the gun shoots right through it. you have to desroy or disable securitey cameras so the alarm isnt rased and enemy rienforcments arrive, or kill the enemy before he reaches the allarm button. you can hack into computers pick locks. climbe towers, snipe every thing. All in all it's the perfect FPS. And your parents wont get mad beacause heads and limbs get shot off. (all that happens is that when you shoot someone relistic blood splashes from the wound and the rest land on the wall computer or window or ground or ........


It's a perfect game! I highley suggest you get it. You can even get it for free. If you want to know where just PM me.




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