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Greedo Antilles, the Newbie

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Greetings to all: I am Greedo Antilles, a distant blood relative to both Wedge Antilles and Greedo (I'm also a newbie, things being my first post on this group).


Greedo Antilles has versatile loyalties. I went with Rogue Squadron for all 19 missions, earning 19 gols medals (it took nine weeks). I also installed the Naboo upgrade Now, I'm getting board, so when I play the missions again, I go for a Black Medal.


What is a Black Medal, you say? Basically, I try to shoot down as many members of Gold Squadron as I can, while shooting down as few Imperial land or flying craft as I can (you think that's easy? Give it a try if you haven't). For example, if you take the Y-Wing in Calimari and immediately fly fast and high and dump about 10 bombs in four seconds, you can destroy each and every V-Wing and watch them all bob in the sea. Bombing X-Wings is also fun and my record is dispatching three X-Wings and two Tie Interceptors with one bomb. I prefer the cockpit view when bombing Rogue Squadron ships.


Sometimes I will fly an A-Wing or X-Wing and try to shoot Rogue Squadron ships with dumb proton torpedoes (two fast taps). That is very hard, but also very satisfying when it happens.


Sullust, which I like to do in a V-Wing or a Naboo, is a particular challenge. I usually make a concession and knock out the missile turrents, because they are the biggest cause of mortality. Then I turn my attention to shooting down all Rogue craft. On Sullust and a few other levels, I'll sometimes take a scorched earth approach and destroy everything that sits, flys or crawls, on any side.


Alas, my Rogue Squadron friends do not shoot at me, and I wish they would, since that would make it a better challenge. I also wish the Imperials would see what a good job I'm doing and stop blowing me out of the sky!


For some reason, I can't play the Tie interceptor, even though I get the green icon for it. I never see it in my hangar.


Anybody else like Black Medals?

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My brother used to do that...he once took a Y-Wing to Fest and did the scorched earth thing...except he discovered that two (or perhaps three) of the speeders are invulnerable. He confirmed this by using a cheat utility (made by Luka_YJK) by cranking his blasters up to bomb power and blasting the hell out of them. He was SO pissed when they didn't go down. :D


Anyway, if he was here (at the moment, he isn't...) he'd probably compete you for Black Medals. Maybe when he gets back. :D


Oh yeah, and your official RS.Net welcome:




And don't forget to check your sanity in at the door



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Originally posted by Greedo Antilles

Greetings to all: I am Greedo Antilles, a distant blood relative to both Wedge Antilles and Greedo (I'm also a newbie, things being my first post on this group).


Greedo Antilles has versatile loyalties. I went with Rogue Squadron for all 19 missions, earning 19 gols medals (it took nine weeks). I also installed the Naboo upgrade Now, I'm getting board, so when I play the missions again, I go for a Black Medal.




For some reason, I can't play the Tie interceptor, even though I get the green icon for it. I never see it in my hangar.


A) You are better than I am. I never managed the last two or three gold medals. (Or was it four...x_x) I did, however, make SAC plus some.


B) Select the Millenium Falcon. Press up. The camera view will swing around the Falcon, revealing the TIE Interceptor just waiting for you to fly it. :D

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Originally posted by Greedo Antilles

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm going to look into the cheat mode. It sounds like fun, being able to crank your blasters that high.




Your friend Greedo


Oh umm...that isn't an ingame cheat...it's a utility made by someone on these boards, Luka_YJK...I don't remember the link but it's on the boards somewhere.

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Originally posted by talldudeX

Yo....welcome...try not to spam...and avoid the newbie treatment. When ya get it, it hurts. ;)


I still have no idea what you are going on about :p I only remember yelling at Cal for flaming Ice about 300 times...and you people still keep going on about the Newbie Treatment. ;P

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welcome to rogue squadron!!!! don´t forget to leave your sanity cause you wont need it here, if you have it, we will make you leave it :D, dont feed the animal (specially weasels and squirrels) and be a good boy or my sweet lizzie borden will show you good maners.

welcome :)

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Well.... better late then never.


<h1>Welcome to</h1>

<h1>Rogue Squadron . Net!</h1>

Hi im Wraith 8. me too just got a spam warning. so take it easy. they are watching us right now. :D

This time i will not add a sound to it... cause some people dont appreciate it :(

I hope you have a good time here.


and now for the official welcome:

<marquee><h3>Leave your sanity at the door!</h3></marquee>



Dont spam! (got a nice pic off it :D)

Dont flame!

Dont insult Lynk Former or his Weasel!

Dont piss off the mods!

Dont leave the door open! it is freezing out there :D


C ya around!


-Wraith 8-





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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