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Bespin Luke Update!!!


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Man you guys are all color blind. His uniform is not Gray, its tan. If you dont know the difference between gray and tan you have major problems. The only thing i noticed wrong with this skin is no belt, and the color of the boots. All you people who think its gray need to go and watch ESB again.

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It was tan, No it' Gray, No, it's Tan, NO IT"S GRAY!


People. it may have seemed grayer because it was dirty, but to set the record straight. IT IS TAN!


Here, look at this:




It may be Dirty. It is Tan. It is NOT gray.


Now if you can't see the tan, I feel sorry for you.


And as far as the belt and the face, I'm sure they're not on him yet as it's a work in progress. And why do you think there is something wrong with the color of his boots?.....


Great job on the clothing detail Hapslash!

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Also, I'm thinking that it'll be easier to do the holster when the mod editor comes out. I'd think that'll let it be more three dimensional. Like the holster on the imp officer (which, btw, would be a great base texture for it). Might want to grab the whole belt off of someone with a holster.

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Ok,... here's my take on this.


- First the color :


The problem here is the original costume is that it's a pale tan, and through the majority of it's screen time it's very dirty,... Depending on the lighting & background it looks anywhere from tan to grey.


I've tested this in the game, and it washes out a lot of the color, plus, the modview's grey background makes it look much more brown than it actually is.


So far this is only the base of the skin, I will be adding the dirty look onto it after I've finished the main details.



- Boots :


In all the shots I've found, the boots appear to be about the same color and shade as the rest of his uniform. If anyone can show me otherwise, please do so.


- The belt :



As for the belt, int the movie it was rather large and bulky. Trying to paint it over one of these models would do it a great injustice. I would like to add it, possibly when we can alter the models, but until then it probably won't be added. Seeing as he is seen in the movie without it, I didn't think people would mind too much for now. Even if I did paint it on, it wouldent include the holster.




I don't plan on commenting on the face until I've done a little bit more work on it. But I would like to listen to any opinions about his hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in the last pic his boots/ankles seem to be kinda messed up...they slope too much. i agree with others that his face/hair need some tweaking.

for the weapon belt, try using the bespin cop's torso model, as it already includes a belt/blaster holster. then, just change the color a bit. seems like that would work well for a quick fix. personally, i like the sleeveless model better for some reason, even though the skin does need some tweaking.



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Actually I've done quite a bit of work on the skin since these pics were taken 2 weeks ago,... I wouldn't say that they are all dramatic changes, but they do help a lot.


One problem I had was that his clothing looked off-white in game so I had to darken it considerably. I recolored the skin areas so they would match up better. I did a little work on the face too, didn't really change the hair though, I kinda like it.


The default skin is basically the same as before, but with these darker colors and the new head.


Here's a pic of the two alternate skins I've done.



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with the new surface/skin techniques for the models, i was trying to work out the surface for the left hand so that i could remove it like the scene from ESB.


i noticed that you have now made an extra model for this anyway but i thought if you wanted to have the one normal model, perhaps you can just tell JK2 to remove the hand surface. ive got it working in the model viewer but i cant get it working in game (SP or MP)


i hope this makes sense? i did the left hand coz i thought people would still wanna use the saber and guns in the right hand (default?)


my .surf file contains:


surfOff "l_hand_wrist l_hand"


my .mvs file contains:




name "model"

modelfile "models/players/luke/model.glm"


oldskinfile "default"







name0 "l_hand_wrist"

name1 "l_hand"





if anyone knows how to take these files and actually implement this into the game for either SP or MP then Id love to see it. please email me at ihavedirt@hotmail.com


i can get luke in SP and as a custom bot in MP but his hand is still there.


~* beau *~

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Hapslash, that's awesome work you've achieved there. keep it up.


on the tan or gray colour debate, i've always saw it as gray, and that's cos of my old washed out video copy of Empire. But still, a nice rendition.


with the handless luke, i think the mud/dirt patches might distract from the overall colour, making it seem a darker colour than is faithful to the movies... but great none the less!

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