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Top 100 Taunts

Jah Warrior

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(Can't remember his name) - "I have come to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum"


That would be the one and only Duke Nukem. Actually not the one and only as he was ripped off of Ash in Army od Darkness


bleep blipldy blop - R2D2


Come get some! - Ash (Army of Darkness)


Hail to the king baby! - Ash


They're Everywhere! - Bob (Marathon)


Frog Blast the Ventcore! - Bob


Time to die... - Head Replicant (cant remember his name) from Blade Runner

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:cool:"Say hello to my BOOM stick!!" - Ash, Army of Darkness


:) "I see your schwartz is as big as mine." - Dark Helmet, Spaceballs


:D "Bend down backway and accept the peg" - Mad Cobra, Guy Flex (song)


:cool: "Yoohoo... I'll make you famous." - Billy The Kid, Young Guns


:D "I smell varmint poontang." - Bill Murray, Caddyshack


:rolleyes: and, of course.... "RUN, FORREST, RUN" - some girl, Forrest Gump



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:D The kick butt and chew gum line was also used in They Live, with Roddy Piper in it. Never played Duke Nukem so can only guess they used that line there too.


Hows about... "No blasters! No blasters!" - Poor Bartender in ANH :eek:


Or even this spine chilling... blood curdling... terror striking... fearsome taunt!!



"Boo" - The Scorpion King!

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My fav taunt is from AVP i used to play alien on life cycle servers, when ever i got somebody as face hugger i had a script to say;


"And I saw your face, now i'm a believer"


Still trying to come op with a good one for jk II


though i'm partial to:


"Hu, I thought I smelled vaseline"


if you don't get it go watch tripping the rift episode 1

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"Why no Mr. Bond, I expect you to DIE!" -Auric Goldfinger


"You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack, and sh!t. And Jack just left town." -Ash


"Have you ever danced with the Devil in a pale moonlight?" -Joker


"Don't look at me like I'm frickin' Frankenstein, give your father a hug." -Dr. Evil


"I eat pieces of sh!t like you for breakfast!" -Shooter McGavin :D

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"into the garbage shute flyboy" ....leia


"we're doomed" ....C-3PO


"Reckless is he" .....Yoda


"Concentraaaate" ....Yoda


" So be it ... Jedi" .....Emperor


"I'm in it for the money" ....Han Solo


"I found them, repeat, i found them" ... Rogue 2 (Zev senesca??)


"He is as clumsy as he is stupid" .....Vader


"We're all fine here,..how are you?" ... Han Solo


"Move along, move along" ... Stormtrooper

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well __CKY__ my guess is you need to get them from a site where they have those (or some) particular audio clips, or else record them from your tv into your soundcard (ie:sound forge)

And then put it in the assets0.pk3 where the sounds are located

BUT... i wouldnt recommend ****ing with that file (or else make sure u got a backup from it) or else you'll need to reinstall the game, you can always download it from a server u try to connect to, but we're talking about 500 MB here

I havent tried it yet, to add/replace sound files......

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Originally posted by Demyse

(Duke Nukem) - "I have come to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum"


Ok, this is Duke Nukem


or it could be from a fight scene in "Dazed and Confused" with some slight manhandeling.


Personally I prefer "What are you some scum sucking, bottom feeding alge eater?" or "I keep getting older, they keep staying the same age," but since this is a Star Wars based game why not something like "You could USE a good kiss!"


If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.


The Force will be with you, always.


Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.


I have the death sentence on twelve systems.


Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Watch your mouth, kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home.


The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.


Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?


Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight. I take orders from just one person: me!


Hawkeye :lsduel:

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Guest Jolts

"I think the jedi are all out of real men"

"I've seen jawa's shoot better"

"Don't get cocky son"

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"May The Schwartz Be With You" -Yogurt "SpaceBalls"


"I feel the presense of.. The Schwartz" Dark Helmet Spaceballs


"Come Get Some" - Duke Nukem/Ash


"Ewww. What a Mess" Duke Nukem


"Bad Cop, Not Doughnut For You!" Me to Off. Van Hoek


"Hello Charleene.. I'm Marlene.. Hello Marlene.. I'm Charleene... Chew Your Gum... " President Scroob(sp?) and the Charleene/Marleene twins from Spaceballs.


"Do You want me... Baby..?" The crow/Ash from The Crow City Of Angels


"So We meet for the fist time for the last time... Yea.." Lonestar to Dark Helmet Spaceballs


(i like the movie Spaceballs)


"You feel lucky, Punk? Well, Do ya?" Clint Eastwood


"Go ahead.. Make My Day" - Clint Eastwood

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Dont get technical with me (C-3PO)


there be hell to pay (owen Lars)


He doesnt like you (Dr. Evazan)


I dont like you either (Dr. Evazan)


aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH (Han Solo running into 100 stormtroopers)


I cant see a thing in this helmet (Luke)


I MUST obey my master (Vader)

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"WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO0000000000000!!!!!1111111111111111" - Lando :)


"Wa wa na ko gu ri na!!" - Greedo




"Hey! You there!" - MR. Stormie


"You're not authorized in here!" - MR. Stormie


"YEE CHI BA GOO BAY!" - Gran, JKI First Mission, when he walks away lol


"Please don't hurt me!" - JKI Civilian


"You cannot defeat me!" - Jerec


"May the Force be with you...BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!" - Reborn?


"Stop that Jedi's jumps!" - JKI Imperial officers


"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I'm all outta bubble gums" - Rowdy Piper, They Live


"Apology accepted." - Darth Vader


"He doesn't like you!" "Sorry" "I DONT LIKE YOU EITHER!" "YOU JUST WATCH YOURSELF. I HAVE DEATH SENTENCES ON 12 SYSTEMS!" "Okay!" "YOU'LL BE DEAD!!" "This one is not worth it. Now let me buy you something" "GRRRAAAAAAAAA" *slash* - Cantina Scene


"Give yourself to the Dark Side" - Darth Vader


"Your destiny lies with me, Skywalker" - Darth Vader


"Dark Side? I've been there. Do your worst." - Kyle


"It's no moon. It's a space station" - Obi Wan


"*ROAR*" - Chewbacca :)


"FIRE THE LASER!!!! *pinky finger*" - Dr. Evil


"Hooraahhh for General, 'what's his name' 'lee' LEE!!!!" - The good, the bad, the ugly


"Lock the doors! And hope they don't have blasters" - Han Solo and Luke


"We're stuck in Canada...where there's more cows than people." - General Carville, Red Alert II


"GIMME MY OFFICE BACK!! *holding a model cannon*" - General Carville, Red Alert II


"I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!!" - Boris, Goldeneye


"Do you know how to work one of these?" *cocks the gun* 'Yes' "Good. Stay outta sight." - Bond, Goldeneye


"Jack Wade CIA, James Bond, stiff ass brit" - Bond, Goldeneye


(Yes I like Goldeneye :D)


"There is no spoon" - Neo


"Your best? Loser always whine about their best...Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen" - Mason, The Rock


That's just a couple of quotes on the top of my head....hehe :)

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I'd say my most favorite line of all time would be where you fight your first shadowtroopers, kill the four stormies, and find the officer who proceeds to point a tiny little hand gun at you(remember, you still have your saber out), and says, "surrender or die!" I then proceeded to slice him up into little tiny eency weency pieces. :D


Another one would be:


Who cares, out of sight out of mind says us-chiss bartender





:sprobe: *sound of probe repulsor*

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I know the movie is'nt out yet, but these quote is on the new SWTCG cards.


"As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours." - Count Dooku


"Why do I get the feeling your going to be the death of me?" - Obi-Wan Kenobi


"You have unusual powers young padawan, but not enough to save you this time." - Count Dooku

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A quote from the little ant-eater creature from Episode 4 (First SW Movie) who followed Luke and Obi-Wan to Han's docking bay:


"Nckkk nckk bzzt baaztt bcct"





"I'm saying that I want you to let go of your anger before it destroys you!"

- The taunt we've all grown to know...


"I see your schwartz is as big as mine..."

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