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Dark Forces TC


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Alright since the valley of the jedi forum guys seem to be supporting the project enough I've decided I'll revive a mod I was planning for JK but not for JK, but for JK II.


Models\Skins: We are going to need a lot of new models, including all three phases of Dark Troopers and the original Kyle Katarn, and yes of course there is more.


Levels: We are going to need to try and recreate the original levels from Dark Forces as close as possible.


Textures: We need to also make the textures as close as possible, from the sewage to the graffiti walls of Nar Shadda.


Weapons: Recreation of weapons from Dark Forces, we'll need to remove some and add some. The ones we need to add are Fists, Fusion Cutter, IM Mines, Mortar Launcher, Concussion Rifle, Assault Cannon.


Cutscenes: Using the game's engine we will need to recreate all of the cutscenes from Dark Forces.


The Site: You know, someone to maintain the website, update the news and so on.


At the present time that is all we need, no doubt we'll need more in the future. Multiple people in each area may be good too. So if you are interested in one of the jobs above just say so. I've already begun working on some things. If you want one of the above jobs just say so. If I get enough people to join the team I'll e-mail Lucasarts about it.

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Yea, this is a good time to put this here. As you all know, I started the discussion about a Dark Forces TC and if Lucasarts will allow it. Its been almost a week since I've sent the e-mail, and I've recieved no reply. I'm taking this as a no, I would rather not get in trouble for making a mod I'm not allowed. If you want to start it Assault3000 go ahead, just be warned of the LucasArts lawyers. (This is the picture of their head Lawyer -> :vadar: And this is a picture of the car they arrive in when they come to your house -> :vsd: )


As for me, I'm going to stick with missions in between the gap from JK/MoTS and JK2.

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I don't know about lucasarts but most companies really don't like letting you do any kind of conversion of something they own. I was working on a Simpsons TC for Quake III a year ago and Fox shut me down really quickly. Make sure you get proper allowances for anything you do before getting your hopes up.

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Originally posted by Assault3000


Levels: We are going to need to try and recreate the original levels from Dark Forces as close as possible.


Demyse said he could do this . . .


Textures: We need to also make the textures as close as possible, from the sewage to the graffiti walls of Nar Shadda.


we should consider using the original artwork (there are some palette issues to address). If we can't, then we should use art from JO as much as possible, and make from scratch everything else, releasing it under GPL.



The Site: You know, someone to maintain the website, update the news and so on.


I can do that . . . I also do skins, sounds, music and I have an FTP server with lots 'o disk space and a 512/640 static IP connection as well.



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As stated in the other thread, I'm completely available to do the required coding for the project. Although I doubt LucasArts will say yes to this (or even respond at all), should we attempt to do this anyway? If we create all the content ourselves and not steal anything from the original Dark Forces then LucasArts shouldn't have much reason to shut us down.



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I can tribute with my modeling skills.


I realy liked Dark Forces when it first came and I think

it would be realy fun to see a versoin of it for JK 2.


Since I don´t have the best internet connection, I highly

encurage single player modifications.


I have some 3D studio max modelling skills but none

for any of the quake games (made a model for Q2 a long time ago.)


...but I can build the model and pass it on for texturing and

animation to someone else that feels up to it.


...though, I have to see how much time I have becouse

I´m soon moving out and won´t have a computer for a while.


Give me a mail if you get a go from Lucasarts (or who ever) about this project

and I´ll be happy to join.


I´m also very good with skinning (perhaps better then modelling)

so I can also work on textures and skins.

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Well, as I said in the other thread, I can get you webspace from an up and coming gaming site whom I work for. This would be unlimited and bannerless with no obligations. We could also get a free forum or two just like the ones here on their message boards. I can do a website (I have experience in that field), I also do graphics - I'm talking the kind of things for websites, front ends, banners, logos etc.. I'm pretty good in photoshop :) Also, I can have a news script set up for us. That means you log in to a secure place, type your news and put in some pics or whatever, hit submit and it appears on the main page or news page, wherever. So anyone can post news =]


Just to give you an idea of my skills, I made up this banner real quick the other night and slapped it into this old web design I had hanging around. This is just to give you an idea.




I hope we get the go ahead :)

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I fully understand Demyse´s perspective on that. I´m not sure if a conversion of all levels 1:1 is a good idea without getting answers from LEC.


Anyway, I have already roughly build up the first level ;)

I think it´s the last level of Dark Forces someone would complain because you can also play it in the demo.


I´m new to mapping but things are going quite well and I think I´m done with the architecture at the end of the week.


I will give you a beta as soon as it looks acceptable :D


Playing the level with some Trooper bots and the Kyle skin maybe fun...


@The_One: Looks pretty ;)

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Ok all, I've gotten an IRC channel registered for the JO -> DF Mod.


server: irc.gamesnet.net

channel: #jodfmod


You can find me lurking there, and a good friend who is an IRCOP on gamesnet.net, Terminx, will be there quite often as well I suspect.


Here is the list of everyone who volunteered to do something, with their email address if available. I'm going to look into getting a page on SourceForge, for the mailing list if nothing else, so we can have a team mail list. We might be able to store source code, and other game resources there as well.


Demyse - mapping - need email

Tzar Sectus - code - remi@strategyplanet.com

Devilock - models - need email

The_One - web site - heavypear@hotmail.com

MilesTeg - mapping - need email

Assault3000 - ??? - need email

Zx2 - code - flux92@hotmail.com

Crack 6K - mapping - jc6k@adelphia.net

infinity_blade - skins/art - need email


I'm Darth Linux, I do production, skins/art, sound/music and a variety of IT/IS related things like host the FTP site, manage mailing lists, IRC channels, web maintenance, packaging/distribution of the mod and so on.


To see some examples of my work you can check out:




I know I'm *NOT* the greatest skinner in the world, but heh I'm not a complete NOOB either so cut me a little slack ;-)


If anyone wants to chat a little more about this and start to get organized, send me an email or ICQ message or check in IRC to see if I'm there.



ICQ 9534116

IRC: irc.gamesnet.net #jodfmod, #qblood

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ok, after about 3 hours of work converting the original Dark Forces BM files to TGA format, including figuring out which tiles get which palette (since each level in DF had a unique 8bit palette), I have completed getting the artwork into a form useable by JORadiant.


Important details-

Number of art files: 877

Size in MB for ZIP file: 3.5

Size in MB uncompressed: 10.4


This ZIP file is available for MilesTeg, Demyse, Crack 6K and anyone else interested in mapping for the JO -> DF Mod, and it is on my personal FTP server. If you want it, send email to darth_linux@planetblood.com and I'll tell you how to get it.


Since using this art in an add-on level for Jedi Outcast that is released to the general public may be a copyright infringement, I would suggest that any levels created with this art NOT be released quite yet, and that if you don't own a copy of Dark Forces already (and therefore this art) then you shouldn't use the contents of the art ZIP file.


other ramblings -

I didn't convert the artwork to JPG format because that would introduce artifacts and dithering, and the artwork is already quite small since it is 8 bit. Uncompressed TGA preserves the original palette, introduces no artifacts, and for these images in particular, doesn't make a huge download when they are compiled into the map.


If anyone notices some art that looks like it is in the wrong palette, let me know what the filename is and I'll see if I can figure out which palette should have been used. A lot of the art contains lots of greys, whites and blacks, and choosing one palette vs. another wasn't obvious to me. For most of the art, the first 1 or 2 letters of the filename will tell you which map it goes in, but not always. . . .


anyhow, enough rambling


Darth Linux

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Yo, my e-mail address is morris2k@bellsouth.net. I dunno if I'll be able to start mapping right away. I'm currently failing my physics course (I've now learned the importance of doing your homework when it counts as 40% of your grade...) and I've got 5 weeks to bring the grade up. At the start of the summer I should be very gung-ho about this project if we can start it.

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Hey guys...


I've been working on a version of the kyle skin and drawing up some designs for a few other model possibilites...


Unfortunately, My version of dark forces got toasted a little while back, and haven't gotten another copy yet. Is there any places I could get images in the meantime? ( I know it's cheap, but it's not exactly easy to find a copy) :)

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