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You know you're a Star Wars freak when. . .

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Guest Tie Guy

you spend countless hours on a message board talking about it. :D


You know the history so well that you could teach a class on it.


You have long debates about the non-existant technology

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Guest Admiral Odin

when you try and build a shield generator to protect your house against lasers


When you go to a car dealer ship and ask if they have the newest land speeder.


when you go to a hospital and ask for a 2-1B droid emdiatly.


when you say your late because your astromech droid wouldn't work


when you go outside with your stormtrooper armor on and blaster held at the ready.


when a teacher ask you a question you look towards to force to supply the answer.


when you cut your hand and try to use your mind to heal it.

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Guest xwing guy

And when you will talk freely about star wars to anybody. And you know there not SW freaks b/c they look at you funny. Thats happened to me lots of times.

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Guest Tie Guy

Oh, and my personal favorite


When you spend hours at a time praticing your lightsaber skills with a stick and a "happy birthday balloon." :D

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Originally posted by thrawn12786

You say poodoo regularly.


HEY!!! :p Why pick on me:D


You might be a Star Wars Freak when...everyone at school comes to you asking questions about Star Wars.


You might be a Star Wars Freak when...someone says something wrong about SW even if it is a trivial detail like how lightsabers work.


You might be a Star Wars Freak when...someone even mentions Star Wars and everyone turns their heads (in unison) towards you.


:D These are all from personal experiance :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

:eek: I'm worried about you....


1. You lose yourself in day dreams that are about the Star Wars Universe.


2. You've ever read the Thrawn Trilogy and SotE in under a week.


3. You regularly insert Star Wars frazes into your everday speech and your friends have come to expect it and be shocked and appaled when you don't.


4. One of your favorite long car ride activities is replacing key words in Star Wars frazes with the word pant's. We once did this for 3 hours. :o


5. Regularly have lightsaber battles with your siblings.

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Guest crazy_dog

Calm down people, SW is only a collection of movies, games, books and comics. Apart from that weird thing that observer 200 mentioned, Star Wars doesn't exist, at liest so far... if anyone wants me to start a thread about realistic Star Wars I'll stat one. Thank you for your co-operation :D .

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You know you are a Star Wars Freak when....


10. After yelling at your kids you state "Your Mother is not as forgiving as I am"


9. You smack your car stereo as the display blinks in and out as you state "she'll hold togethor...hear me baby? hold togethor"


8. Every time you ask anybody for help you end the request with "...your my only hope"


7. Somehow every time a flashlight ends up in your hands you're suddenly making lightsaber sounds and humms while violently swinging the flashlight around to the horror of your wife.


6. You make your friends refer to you as Darth [your name here]


5. You've ever wired a car battery, wires and tin foil to your arms and hands in an attempt to shoot "Force lightning" from your fingers.


4. You think the Star Wars Holiday Special was great (Especially seak psychiatric help if this applies to you;) )


3. Your children are named after Star Wars Characters!


2. {As already stated before} You spend countless hours debating professors, friends and family on the innermost technical workings of the Star Wars universe technologies!


And the Number 1 reason you know you are a Star Wars Freak is...


1. At the dinner table, on a constant basis, you refuse to ask for the salt and pepper to be passed to you, but rather try "Force pulling" them to you while outstretching you arm and fingers and closing you eyes (Even When company is over for dinner!) All the time hoping this time the force will really work! (again to the Horror of your wife!)


By the way, all of these are actual things I've done or do (With the exception of the Kids names...I don't have any kids yet, but when I do...;) Oh, and yelling at the kids(that's true, they are my nephew and niece though!)

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by crazy_dog

Calm down people, SW is only a collection of movies, games, books and comics. Apart from that weird thing that observer 200 mentioned, Star Wars doesn't exist, at liest so far... if anyone wants me to start a thread about realistic Star Wars I'll stat one. Thank you for your co-operation :D .


Let me kill you.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

You know you are a Star Wars Freak when...


7. Somehow every time a flashlight ends up in your hands you're suddenly making lightsaber sounds and humms while violently swinging the flashlight around to the horror of your wife.


Is there something wrong with this?

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Guest Gamma732

You know your a Star Wars freak when...you're being chased down a corridor in the Death Star by a group of Stormtroopers and you try to defend yourself with your trusty lightsabre...only to realize that you've been hallucinating again, and you've somehow ended up in the middle of the street in front of your house with your neighbor's dog chasing you.

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Guest Master Yoda
Calm down people, SW is only a collection of movies, games, books and comics. Apart from that weird thing that observer 200 mentioned, Star Wars doesn't exist, at liest so far... if anyone wants me to start a thread about realistic Star Wars I'll stat one. Thank you for your co-operation .


All Star Wars freaks must attack crazy_dog..(throws lightsaber at him with the Force, and uses the Force to send stuff flying at him.)

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Guest crazy_dog

Noooooo... I am dying... Aaarrrrgh! Stupid Force Choke. Nooooo... Vader doesn't exist... aaarrrgh!!!!!


:vadar:- I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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