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Quick Q: a new cheat? Has anyone seen it?


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Alright, so it's not so urgent as a new cheat, but it's been lingering in my mind and it's time I got it cleared up.


A while back, i was on a duel server. A guy joined with a reborn skin, and when his turn came, he cycled his saber color through all the colors rather rapidly (not very alarming, just holding down a bound key), and then proceeded to lie down on the ground w/ his saber sticking up into the air from his abdomen, and starts sliding around at me (quite alarming).


I exclaimed an obscenity in the chat w/ a few lol's, and proceeded to backtrack to buy time to absorb the whole situation. Killed him fast w/ a sudden DFA (I don't think he ever swung), and he left a little while after the next guy came up.


It's not really a serrious cheat, and I doubt it could be exploited, but dang it, I wanna know how he did it! =O)



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a while back i read in this forum that someone has played a bit with the jk2 code and managed to do this fake death thing as well as the butterfly move and will release a "fix" to make it possible to use these too moves in multiplayer.

i will look for the thread and post it here when i have found him

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It's an exploit and not really a cheat. You can do it also if you *I'm not gonna tell you* until you lie down and slide. The really funny thing is that these players are easy to kill because they literally can't hit you unless you DFA them and impale yourself on their saber. Probably be fixed in a patch.

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It does not involve switching colors and it does not involve a wait period. It does have to do with console commands though.


I dont see this as a cheat at all, it is just am abnormal trick to pull for a few cheap laughs and then back to fighting.

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technically seen, it's a cheat. since not all players know how to do it and it wasn't intended by the developers (otherwise the would've made it possible to bind it by default) you can cheat other, unexperienced player with that.

thus, it's a cheat... not a big one, but nevertheless...

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Actually, now that I think about it, it could be considered a cheat in some situations, such as CTF.


I do not play CTF, so I have not encountered it as a problem.

I usualy play saber only FFA, and it is usually just used there for sillyness.

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It could defintely be used as a cheat in CTF.


If during a rush on the flag, say 3-4 people, one person uses it and "fakes" their death, they can then heal. The defenders believe they are dead. Bodies take up to a minute to disappear. In that minute the defenders are going to move away from the flag to re-arm and refresh ammo and reset the defenses, allowing that person to move slowly toward the flag, grab it and run. BAM! Instant advantage.


Now, how is this not an exploit?

BTW, shooting bodies on the ground is a waste of ammo and time so don't give me that excuse.


I compete in the TWL. There are currently 58 teams competing in the CTF FF ladder. That is a lot of competition. In some minds that might be enough motivation to step over the line and cheat.

If Raven decided to include this as a feature then I would have no problems with it. Since they have not as of this time I do have a problem with it.

I really don't want to see this game go the way of CS. The best way to do that is to stop the small things now. Sure, in duels and FFA it's useless but in CTF and CTY it isn't. Where are a lot of your competitive ladders? In CTF and in CTY.

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Yea, ok :)

In my earlier post I was referring to what I normally do, duels.

In some of the more team based and frantic games, I guess it is true that they could cheat, and that IS what it should be considered as.

Fyunch is right, we have to stop the little things right now, the 2 main things I can see are people binding scripts to help with saber locks, and this people lying down thing.

I sure as hell don't want to see this game go the same way as CS, as that is one of the exact reasons I have quit it.

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Originally posted by Mertado

It's an exploit and not really a cheat. You can do it also if you *I'm not gonna tell you* until you lie down and slide. The really funny thing is that these players are easy to kill because they literally can't hit you unless you DFA them and impale yourself on their saber. Probably be fixed in a patch.




Exploiting bugs is cheating.


Most cheats develop around bugs.

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I have a good idea how these "fake deaths" are done.

If anybody has that "butterfly" mod that changes your rolls in MP. Go into the pak file with a zip editor and look at the annimation.cfg file. You will notice that they changed the annimation frames from the default rolls to enable the side twirls and stuff. I think that the way these "cheaters" are doing this fake death thing is that they edit the annimation.cfg and change maybe the crouch or somthing, to enable a frame in the model that would normaly be a death annimation. For example, the defaults for the model are that, for instance, when you crouch, your model gets low to the round. But that is only how the model is set up. The game reads the annimation.cfg and sees that when you press the crouch key, it activates frames 30 through 40 (just for example. I don't realy know the frames for the crouch annimation) and makes your guy crouch. But if somone edited the annimation.cfg file. They could make it so when you crouch, the game picks up that it's supposed to activate frames 60 through 75 (death annimations. Again, these aren't the real death annimations) thus making your character look like he's dead.


That's how the guy that made the butterfly mod made your character activate those hidden moves. He just changed what frames the game looked for when you rolled.


I want to remind you, I have no idea if this is the way those "cheaters" did it or not. Just an idea though. And I think that even though people could take advantage of this bug, I think that Raven should know about this and find some way of fixing this.


Also, I think that maybe by turning the PURE server setting on, that it might fix the problem. But then again, if the "cheater" changes the orrigonal file on the client side, the server won't know the difference.

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Originally posted by Usurper

It does not involve switching colors and it does not involve a wait period. It does have to do with console commands though.


I dont see this as a cheat at all, it is just am abnormal trick to pull for a few cheap laughs and then back to fighting.



well I've done it, using only switching colours and wait so :p

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