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You know what works great aginst the "strong stance whores"?


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Now dont get me wrong, i dont hate all strong stance users.

But they get annoying when the use that DFA move all the time.


One counter too this which i have never seen mentioned is... Protect! With this att lvl 3 you easily survive a DFA attack, just thought i would let you guys know since hardly anyone uses protect.

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DFA? Are you referring to the lunge? If so all you've gotta do is use Force push on them.


I still can't do that !@#$*ng move in MP. It seems useless though because the only times I've gotten killed by it were when I was attacked from behind.

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In FFA duels, I always keep my distance from heavy users and just throw my saber at them every time they swing. I win 90% of the time, and they very rarely figure out why thier precious heavy stance isn't working.

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Haven't you guys ever head of rolling? Dodging the Heavy Special is easy once you get the hang of it. Roll to the side, swing around with a Medium side strike as the "Heavy whore" recovers from his attack.


In general, rolling underneath 'saber swings work for the most part. I tend to drive my opponents insane when I throw in a good dose of acrobatics. Never underestemate the power of movement. Heavy users don't stand a chance.

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Originally posted by Jeffie

Now dont get me wrong, i dont hate all strong stance users.

But they get annoying when the use that DFA move all the time.


One counter too this which i have never seen mentioned is... Protect! With this att lvl 3 you easily survive a DFA attack, just thought i would let you guys know since hardly anyone uses protect.


All the DFA whores I meet use drain also.


Not shocking.

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I've found one thing that works well for me, but if your a pure saberist your SOL. Anyhoo, I have found one thing that drops those DFA spammers like a sack of lead bricks.

Step 1: get huge ass gun (finally a use for the rocket launcher! The Flechetes' alt fire, the repeater's alt fire, and thermal grenades work great for this also)

Step 2: find DFA spammer

Step 3 (optional): taunt said spammer

Step 4: when spammer attempts to DFA you, take a step or two back and while the spammer is in mid-air and unable to block, proceed to pump his mangy ass full of your choice of explosive ammo.

Step 5: get ready for said spammer to attempt to kick vote you out of the game.

Step 6: watch everyone turn said game into a game of "hunt the whiny spammer.

Step 7 (optional): laugh while said spammer is subjected to every possible death JK2 has to offer.


If your pretty good at getting out of the way of DFAs, then I've found that dropping a trip mine, or det pack right where you were standing can really make the DFAer think twice about recklessly using DFAs.

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I remember dueling with a red special bastard on a guns and saber server who got amazingly pissed at me because Id wait until he was close to me (while in his slash), push him then load him up while he was on the ground. I told him that if he wanted to be a RS whore he should get used to it. Then of course I felt bad and pulled out my saber to take care of him but...

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