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Poll: The Strong, Silent Evil


Which is the coolest strong, silent, evil character?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the coolest strong, silent, evil character?

    • Boba Fett
    • Darth Maul

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Evil SW characters with 10 or fewer total speaking lines: Boba Fett and Darth Maul.


Yeah, I know one is a Dark Jedi and one is a mercenary....but who cares, really. I just want to know which one YOU think is coolest, and why.


My opinion: Boba Fett. Okay, maybe he doesn't have cool twin sabers, and maybe he couldn't do any hippy skippy flippy kicks. BUT. Go watch ROTJ and check out his quick-draw in Jabba's palace.


With that sort of speed in the gun hand, who NEEDS the Force? :cool:

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What? The EU novels? I take it those would not be part of the original book trilogy, i.e. the novelization of the original three movies, all of which are the only really canon sources? ;)


Let's face it. Boba chased Han Solo through two movies, played ball with Vader to capture him, almost killed Chewie, and tried to throw Luke into the Sarlacc pit. That sounds pretty evil to ME.

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I chose Darth Maul.


When I watched the movie there was a girl that started crying when she first saw him, that's how evil he is.


BTW: I haven't seen ANH or ESB yet, the only time a saw Boba was when he got killed by a blind man.

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He's not in ANH and he does an AMAZING job of STANDING in ESB. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Boba Fett goes in to action all of one time in the original trilogy, and he gets his a$$ whupped by a half blind guy...yeah...a realllllllll big shot


boba fett isnt evil.


Even in the books all Boba Fett cares about is money. If you are willing to kill people, torture people, send people to be killed, or send people to be tortured and then killed for money, you are EVIL, its that simple.

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He was too cool to fall into the pit and just die.


And what's this about some "half-blind guy" killing him? What "guy" are you talking about? All I saw was a General of the New Republic, the same guy that almost waxed Darth Vader over the first Death Star, destroyed the shield generator on the Sanctuary moon, made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, and was so intimidating that 30 of the Empire's best shock stormtroopers turned tail and ran at the very sight of him.


What about Maul? This is a creation of pure evil that was bred to kill, and yet he's so singleminded that he doesn't even notice a VERY PRONOUNCED WOBBLE on a fallen lightsaber? He's so "evil" that he doesn't even have the wherewithall to put his guard up when he sees A) that saber fly into the pit where his dangerous opponent is still hanging and B) that dangerous opponent leap up and over his head with a very active and deadly saber? Come ON.


And I'm sorry.....the canon 'crap' is not crap. It's canon. Thank you come again :D

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actually, he cares about justice, the people he kills are evil thats why he does it, boba no evil!


Yeah like Luke, and Han, and Leia...such evil people...


bleh, half the richness of the starwars universe comes from the extended universe! bleargh to canon i say!


I agree EU is fun, but face facts, George Lucas has officially made the EU his b!tch, Boba Fetts backstory being example #1


And what's this about some "half-blind guy" killing him? What "guy" are you talking about? All I saw was a General of the New Republic, the same guy that almost waxed Darth Vader over the first Death Star, destroyed the shield generator on the Sanctuary moon, made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, and was so intimidating that 30 of the Empire's best shock stormtroopers turned tail and ran at the very sight of him.


Much of this only happened after Boba Fett was thrown to his doom, and if you think being killed by someone activating jetpack on by mistake represents skill...well it seems to me a more skilled Fett might A)Grab on to something rather than scream like a schoolgirl or B)Turn the Jetpack BACK ON...


What about Maul? This is a creation of pure evil that was bred to kill, and yet he's so singleminded that he doesn't even notice a VERY PRONOUNCED WOBBLE on a fallen lightsaber? He's so "evil" that he doesn't even have the wherewithall to put his guard up when he sees A) that saber fly into the pit where his dangerous opponent is still hanging and B) that dangerous opponent leap up and over his head with a very active and deadly saber? Come ON.


Which shows yet again that when Lucas writes a bada$$ he does it very, very poorly (sorry...I love Star Wars but the fact is that in the movies Boba Fett is a putz and Darth Maul is really, really sloppy)

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Both Boba Fett, and Maul got punked out.


Hell, even Vader got punked out in my opinion.


He shouldve just force pushed Palpatine's monkey a$$ over the edge rather than try to throw him over with his one good hand.


But my vote went to Fett. How can you NOT be a badass when you got the force? Naw man, Fett had good old fashion skills. Not to mention he is one of the only people in the galaxy that could get a strait deal out of Darth Vader.


I hope Fett carries over into Episode 3 since he is just gonna be a little boy in EP2.

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Darth Maul wins hands down, he was a greatly skilled Sith lord who bested Qui-Gon Jinn in battle, and was only beaten by Obi-Wan Kenobi, a legend in his own right (even Darth Vader himself described Kenobi as the greatest Jedi that ever lived).


Now lets look at Boba Fett, yes he was a great bounty hunter with a 'near' first class record (he failed to get Han Solo several times and in the end needed Vader and the Empire to capture him) To the guy who said he's not evil, that's rubbish, if he wasn't evil he wouldn't have handed Han over to Vader to be tortured, he'd have just captured him himself (if he was good enough). Also, he was beaten by a blind Han Solo who had his back turned to him, and died squealing like a little girl crying to her mummy!


In my opinion Boba fett is WAAAAAYY over-rated and should never have been resurrected from the sarlaac pit for the abomination that is the Bounty Hunter wars trilogy. I'd rather read a Star Trek novel (ERGH!)


Just as a note, no offence is intended to the original poster or anyone who likes the EU stories about Fett, if you like them that's cool, I love the EU but I avoid stories about Fett like the plague! He died in ROTJ, Lucas said it himself, and that's the way I see it.


Lets see if his father can be a better example!!


Mal Brigand

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

Both Boba Fett, and Maul got punked out.


Hell, even Vader got punked out in my opinion.


You know......you're right.


Which shows yet again that when Lucas writes a bada$$ he does it very, very poorly (sorry...I love Star Wars but the fact is that in the movies Boba Fett is a putz and Darth Maul is really, really sloppy)


Also a great point. What's up, George? You write these potentially awesome characters and turn them into pansies. What the hell's the point of THAT?

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar

he is a bounty hunter, depending on who hired him he can be good or evil


It's his willingness to do evil deeds if the price is right that makes him evil, regardless of how many good employers he has inbetween.

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Originally posted by Vestril

He's not in ANH and he does an AMAZING job of STANDING in ESB. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Boba Fett goes in to action all of one time in the original trilogy, and he gets his a$$ whupped by a half blind guy...yeah...a realllllllll big shot



Actually, he IS in ANH. He was digitally inserted into the Special Edition scene with Solo and Jabba the Hutt. He does another great job of standing, but at least he makes an appearance.

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Ah, the joy of watching the divided opinions unfold! Original trilogy vs. prequels, original vs. remastered versions, movies vs. novels and other spin-off material...


*Glances fondly at his 'Boba Fett - Enemy Of The Empire' which contains a fight between Fett and Vader.*


First off, I'm voting for Fett. He's evil. He doesn't have an excuse, like any old Sith; he's just morally bankrupt, which is why he probably isn't fiscally so. He's smart enough to suss out Han Solo's plan and project his trajectory to Bespin so he can inform Vader (there seemed to be some sort of relationship between the two, and I hear that may be explained in episodes 2 and 3). He correctly assesses Luke as the greatest threat during the fight over the Saarlak pit and holds his own against a trained Jedi. His comical death at the hands of Han is poetic justice, and I don't think he was short-changed at all.


Maul, now...until he showed up, I thought Darth was Vader's first name! (If it's any consolation, I know how to pronounce Xizor!) He shows up on Tattooine for no adequetly explored reason before failing to stop his prey from escaping the planet. He holds his own against a jedi and his padawan; he's a sith, after all. How he met his own death proved he was more familiar with using his (admittedly very cool) saber than his brain.

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Woah, close fight. I´d expected Boba to win, hands down.

Anyways: Vote like 7, Vote for Boba! :D


Really, Maul is way too stereotypical as an evil sith who follows the emperors every command and he is only featured in one of the movies. Boba is in all the released movies with the expection of Phantom Menace (Yes, he´s in the cg'd version of ANH, standing next to Jabba), has some story to him and is one bad mofo, as a less refined version of Mace Windu would have put it.

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When you really think about it, what did Darth Maul do that was evil? He fights Qui-Gon one-on-one, then takes on both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Aside from that all he does is glare at the Neimoidians who are bazillions of Kilometres away through the holo, plays sniffer-dog and tracks down Queen Amidala for his master, gets his cool lightsaber broken, and dies when he gets too cocky and believes he can slay Obi-Wan with the sparks from his lightsaber.




Boba Fett died cheaply, but at least he plotted the capture of Captain Solo. Even though he pretty much bank-shot himself into the Sarlac pit with much thanks to Han.



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