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Ok, ppl, listen up. I know this has been said before but I really don't care. Hey, the names Deadpool, ya may have seen me, if not...again, I don't really care. As I was saying, I'm pretty good, I won't say the best cause there is ALWAYS someone better. But I do top my fair share of servers.

Now, Just because I kill a guy, or the occaisional choke/toss out of my way off a bridge(after i see others do it in a server, or if i feel like a good laugh) Or if I deny someone a kill(if someone is annoying me and they toss me off an edge i hit my lil key bound to killself, small price to pay) the Dying will start ranting as usual and call me a newb.....First off, I've been playing Jedi probably longer(the hours racked are sad) I've honed my skills accordingly and the word newb has no meaning applying to me or many others I've played with. But it is frustrating seeing other players throw the word around either to me or other players who are deserving of more and are fighting quite well and not just getting luck kills. Then these ppl bitch every time they die. I think you will agree that this takes away from the fun of the game.

I just want to say to you rat bastards to please try and die with dignity and put an end to your crying and go drink of a can of lead based paint(yes I am evil and I do wish pain upon others).

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Originally posted by CBrate

And the point of this post?


Well maybe, just maybe, you could read the post and give it a little thought, only a little mind you, that's all it takes, and try to find some meaning in there! I dunno, but to me it doesn't look like it's all that hard to see. So why don't you read it and then maybe give it some thought, instead of dismissing it on the spot. This is especially true, if you don't know what the point is.


Hell, maybe he just wanted to rant and get this out? Maybe he wants to see if people agree with him?! Just maybe! Think about it! It seems obvious enough!


Anyway, enough of that.


While it's true, a lot of people do moan and cry when they die, and it would be really good if they would just stop doing it, it doesn't seem likely to happen. People will cry, and people will moan, and people will be stupid little kiddies who have to whine everyone someone does something better than them... It's just the way things are, sadly.



And, it's true, I do disagree with the killself, and the grip and throw em' over a ledge, but I can see where you're coming from. At least it gives you some solace, knowing that them using a cheap strategy didn't really help them...

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wait until the next major fps comes out, and watch all the little kiddies move off to play that (of course only to supplement their cs, which they arent playing cause they got owned so badly in that too!). there's also bound to be a console command that allows you to ignore what other people are saying. i know there's one in cs (the only reason i play it), so i assume there'd be a way in this too ...

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If you're looking for my sympathy at being called names by clueless people or sore losers, you have my sympathy. Sadly, they don't show any sign of going away forever.. so it's just a matter of ignoring them, and if you want, doing your best to educate the unwashed masses of newbie callers/cheater accusers.


A good way to start is to point them to sites like

http://strategy.jediknightii.net. ; )

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I posted this in a different newb related thread and since it pretty much sums up the whole newb term dicussion i'm gonna post it here too.


I do believe that being called a newb these days isn't nearly as insulting as it used to be. These days you actually see true newbies calling us veterans newbs, and you have to wonder WTF? Part of the problem is that people seem to have a misconception of what the word newb means. The people who stand there in the middle of a fight and ask "how do you sheath your saber," or "how do you do a dfa" these guys aren't newbs. These are just idiots who haven't figured out what the manual is for. Drain whores, DFA spammers, etc. most are not newbs but are in fact people who have just found a routine that works for them and are so locked into it that they have bitching fits when you beat them. Being a newb is more a stage you go through where every gun, and every saber move is new to you. Your still exlporing your abilities and strategies. For instance take Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode 1, the Obi-Wan we saw was very different from the Obi-Wan we know. He was basically a newb in Episode 1 and the veteran that the newbs (Luke) look up to in A New Hope. He went from impatient and quick to act in episode 1, to patient and way more of a thinker in A New Hope. Of course like the force there a good newbs and bad newbs. The good newbs learn from their mistakes, attempt to learn as much as they can and generally ask more questions and bitch a lot less. The bad newbs...well... let's just say they grow up to be the pissy moany drain whores and DFA spammers we all hate. So don't be insulted if you are called a newb these days, the word has lost its meaning with most people, and only a few recognize what it for what it truly means.

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Or if I deny someone a kill(if someone is annoying me and they toss me off an edge i hit my lil key bound to killself, small price to pay) the Dying will start ranting as usual and call me a newb


I see how you can be upset and offended. Obviously the word they're looking for here is @%!^ing pansy-@$% b$#ch.


I'm sorry you are so upset by the confusion. If I see you on the server I will certainly make note to clear that up for you.

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Originally posted by Krazx


I see how you can be upset and offended. Obviously the word they're looking for here is @%!^ing pansy-@$% b$#ch.


I'm sorry you are so upset by the confusion. If I see you on the server I will certainly make note to clear that up for you.


mmm riiiight

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I do believe that being called a newb these days isn't nearly as insulting as it used to be. These days you actually see true newbies calling us veterans newbs, and you have to wonder WTF? Part of the problem is that people seem to have a misconception of what the word newb means. The people who stand there in the middle of a fight and ask "how do you sheath your saber," or "how do you do a dfa" these guys aren't newbs. These are just idiots who haven't figured out what the manual is for. Drain whores, DFA spammers, etc. most are not newbs but are in fact people who have just found a routine that works for them and are so locked into it that they have bitching fits when you beat them. Being a newb is more a stage you go through where every gun, and every saber move is new to you. Your still exlporing your abilities and strategies. For instance take Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode 1, the Obi-Wan we saw was very different from the Obi-Wan we know. He was basically a newb in Episode 1 and the veteran that the newbs (Luke) look up to in A New Hope. He went from impatient and quick to act in episode 1, to patient and way more of a thinker in A New Hope. Of course like the force there a good newbs and bad newbs. The good newbs learn from their mistakes, attempt to learn as much as they can and generally ask more questions and bitch a lot less. The bad newbs...well... let's just say they grow up to be the pissy moany drain whores and DFA spammers we all hate. So don't be insulted if you are called a newb these days, the word has lost its meaning with most people, and only a few recognize what it for what it truly means.


N00b or however it winds up getting spelled is just the new insult, its kind of replaced 'gay' or 'fag' and a host of other insults and I, personally appreciate the change, I think those were closed minded, idiotic and juvenile insults and at least n00b, or newbie has a little grounding in the gameplay. Granted its basically meaningless now...lol

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Getting thrown off a ledge doesnt generally bother me unless I have my lightsaber off, and am in the middle of challangeing someone, or I just come out of a duel and get pushed off or cut down from the back.

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