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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones


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Well, just wanted to know what people were thinking about the movie right now. Personally, I can't wait for it - what I've seen looks great! I have my tickets for the 16th anyway.

The soundtrack - I heard a sample and its cool. I think its the love theme - its really good. I'm gonna buy it tomorrow.

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Yeah I hear that the Episode II music is the worst yet for Star Wars...


Honestly, I too am a huge Star Wars fan, but I really haven't been too excited about Episode II, but I still would like to see it because of the Jango Fett-Boba Fett story. Honestly, I mainly see this as a love story to shove in between Anakin's training to his joining of the Dark Side. But when Episode III comes out, then I will be excited because it will be a much better story and movie, if the stories I hear about what's supposed to happen in III really do happen. But, Star Wars is Star Wars, so that's why I'll be seeing it.


Another problem I have is the character names don't get any better. Count Dooku? I find that name very childish and non-Sith like at all. Sounds like Dookie (poop). But besides those things, I think it will be an OK movie.

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Yeah, I'm kinda looking forward to it. Over here (IE: England) there really hasn't been much hype over it which can only be good. From what I've seen it looks pretty damn impressive. I have my tickets for the 16th too! Yay! I haven't heard it but I'm told the theme isn't as good as the other one for TPM, ah well.

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There's a new theme that is introduced in this movie that I think is really cool. Also the imperial march makes it's appearance.


All the music I've heard is pretty good.


I don't know who said it's the worst, probably some old guy wearing a colostromy bag.

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No, because he says that when he comes home one evening after a busy day in the Jedi office to find that his daughter is having a party with all of her friends, and they're trashing his coruscant apartment. :D

Seriously, though, Mace looks great. In an interview Sam Jackson said something like "He'd just as soon sabre you in the back. He's really ruthless and efficient." And Count Dooku has a curved blade...

The soundtrack - yes, Vaders March is in there! Just before the end credits - very interesting.....

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StarWars.com has a great databank featuring bios of a lot of the characters. In Darth Vader's biography, you find out a bit of what will happen in Episode 3:

Skywalker was seduced by the dark side of the Force. Fueled by rage and discontent with the pace of Obi-Wan's training, Anakin challenged his master to a duel. Despite newfound power bestowed by the dark side of the Force, which added to his already formidable abilities, Anakin was grievously wounded in the fight. His burning anger kept him alive, and he was forever scarred not only by his wounds but also by betrayal. He abandoned his former identity. When metal coupled with flesh in the form of cyborg implants and enhancements required to sustain him, Skywalker's transformation was complete. He was no longer Anakin. He was Darth Vader.

I, for one, didn't know it happened that way.

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Intersting. I reckon its easy enough to forsee what happens from now on in, after we see Episode II. What i want to know is, whats with all these new planets? WHERES ALDERAAN??

Episodes II and III are still gonna kick ass, whatever happens!

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Originally posted by Metallus

Have you guys seen the new AOTC commercials? A lot of them look pretty cool, except that Mace Windu was given a cliche line: "This party's over". I dunno...it just doesn't seem to fit.


That's not made to be a Mace Windu quote, that's a bloody Sam Jackson quote... just think of... oooo....SHAFT!

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Wedge is as old as Luke - if he is even in any of the prequels he'll be in Episode III, as a baby. So, he won't be able to say:

[/b]"Wa!! That got him!!"

I thought Episode II was set on Tatooine (again), Coruscant, and a new planet (can't remember the name.) Maybe on Naboo, as well.

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