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saber throw worth it?


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personally i dont think so. the only time i ever use saber throw is on a certain server where saber atk, saber dfnd, jump and saber throw are the only force powers not disabled.


even on a jedi master server, i can find much better things to spend my points on. it's a total of 18 points for an attack that chews up force power, leaves you 100% vulnerable to attack, is slow and easily dodgeable, and even if unblocked does minimal damage.


i would much rather spend those points on something else, such as mind trick, or more heal. in fact, both push and pull together are the same cost as saber throw. in my mind i would take just one of either push or pull over saber throw.


dont get me wrong, im not saying it's useless, im just saying that it really doesnt give you much for the 18 holocron points ...

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In a FFA game it's a great way to score kills on groups of people who are in close combat. You get to stand off and send your saber whirling in at a group of 5 or 6 people who are concentrating on each other.


If you can keep it in there for few seconds and move it around slightly you can score some serious hits....

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Originally posted by tempest8008

In a FFA game it's a great way to score kills on groups of people who are in close combat. You get to stand off and send your saber whirling in at a group of 5 or 6 people who are concentrating on each other.


If you can keep it in there for few seconds and move it around slightly you can score some serious hits....


Too bad that as soon as the saber hits something it returns to you.

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Personally -- I never use it. Takes too much force, makes you too vulnerable while its out and has really limited value, IMHO. I'd rather have the points in Saber Throw hanging out in something which will benefit my entire team for a Team FFA or CTF map or which will help me live longer in straight FFA.


So... I ditch it.


Lately I've been experimenting with ditching Saber Defense 3. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.

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are you guys joking... Saber throw is the best finishers there is. ever heavy stance your oppenent... one saber throw afterwards and hes a gonner, and If you got it maxed out it does 30 damage. If your heavy stance player you really need saber throw to finish your oppenent so you dont have to chase him down and if you do it right after a heavy slash they usually havent healed yet cause they think thier in the clear to run. I'm a heavy stance player and I use a saber throw to end all my combos. Just make sure you aim for the knees so they wont block it or thier back if thier cowards and run. I'm not one to swirl my saber around me, but I think its one of the best under used weapons in the game.

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if i hit someone with a strong stance swing, i just hit them again to finish them off. there's too many variables, such as extra health or shields to make it 100% effective. the most total damage a player can take can be over 300, with 100+ health and 200 shields. that's 3 strong sweeps at least to take em out, if you throw your saber and it doesnt kill them, it just leaves you open ...

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Originally posted by BigMexican

. the most total damage a player can take can be over 300, with 100+ health and 200 shields.


I doubt you'll meet them with 200 shields much, as it degrades, but remember drain/heal and those bacta things. They can repair!


So you have a point.

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Originally posted by BigMexican

if i hit someone with a strong stance swing, i just hit them again to finish them off. there's too many variables, such as extra health or shields to make it 100% effective. the most total damage a player can take can be over 300, with 100+ health and 200 shields. that's 3 strong sweeps at least to take em out, if you throw your saber and it doesnt kill them, it just leaves you open ...


Maybe it just my reputation but not too many player stick around after i heavy saber them. Those wusses run all the time. thats why I find the saber throw so effective. I dont have to chase them down to get another hit in. For those that do stick around they just keep my saber from flying that far. : )

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when players run away i force pull em back and perhaps even kick em in the spine hehe :)


but saberthrow spammers are easy to defeat. get up close, wait until they throw their saber, dodge it, then hit them. you just have to let them open themselves and keep blocking their saber. red stance doesnt work very well, but the blue lunge and yellow diagonal upswings have done wonders for me.

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