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I don't even understand rolling in Duels, when people roll around me in duels I tend to slash them...its not a quick attack because there's a delay as you get out of the roll. You can jump to someone faster, and you can attack as you jump.

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I belive the problem is you can link them together endlessly. Otherwise it makes sense as a dodge move. You are already running max speed, then you jump and roll. You should get a momentary speed boost as the roll completes. But doing it over and over and over and over is rediculous.


What pisses me off is you cant do it while holding a gun. Only a lightsaber. WTF???

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

yea, i agree its weird, looks like it was intended, that way, wonder why...


i catch myself a lot crouching around with the repeter, cause im trying to roll... then i curse and swear, and get up and run :D


Heheh, when I go around with guns, I'm always tapping crouch thinking I'll roll, but, of course, it just comes off as a retarded "I forgot I can't roll with guns" split-second crouch. :D

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