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[b]star Wars Bounty Hunter[/b]

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Rogue have you seen the trailor, man it looks damm good, but I know what you mean when you say that, i mean, what's the deal with Jedi Knight II, while a graphically beautiful game, it glitches more than an 83 Macintosh. My words turn to blocks, my game clips like a badly edited film, and sometimes it just outright locks up (all this only happens on multiplayer, and then only when i play the server otherwise it's just fine) and of course I have to reboot, which gets very annoying. I have all of Lucasarts Star Wars games as well, cause i'm a star head, but we need a patch and fast.

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Originally posted by TFABlackPanther

[while a graphically beautiful game


cept fpr the fact that all the 'in game movies' look like **** b/c they are rendered in teh game engine. And it looks like ass, they shoulda done some cgi...............it really dissapointed......

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