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Strategy for Artus 'crabs'?


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OK ... I'm now on my 3rd trip through the game, and I've just finished the Artus levels. However, each time through I get badly chomped by the 'crabs' in the mine ... boy do I hate those things.


I tend to waste a lot of ammo on them, lose shields and health ... I've tried the prod, but couldn't do all that well.


Any clues for me?





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Originally posted by NomadWR

Try "Electrocution" the zapper works good on the littel bastards...




I guess my question is - how do I go about stunning them without taking too many hits?



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funny, i've never lost even one hit point with those little bastards. When one stared running at me, i was just moving backword and shooting them with the standart imperial gun, but using the single shots, two or three were making the job. I didin loose to much ammo and I didint loose any hit point this way.

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When they attack they stop for a second, in that time you canhit them once. After the get hit by the stunner they freeze for a second, then you can attack again. With a little practice the timisg is pretty simple.

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Use the electro-shock thing, whatever its called. When you see one coming (or a bunch of them), just crouch and hold down the fire button. You will zap them all and usually not take a single hit of damage. The only place where they actually did bite me a couple times was up in the prison center where you have to protect that imperial guy.

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