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FULL details of EVERY new unit

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galactic Battles.com is proud to announce our NEW Clone Campaigns section is now LIVE.


It has every detail of the new civilisations plus exclusive Screenshot of the day.




Its been fun making all this, hope you all like it




PS: remember, you will need to have the original Galactic Battlegrounds game to play Clone Campaigns

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Great work DarthMaulUK,


I loved the new info on the new civs and such. When you mentioned that you will have exclusive info earlier this week in one of your posts, I thought that you would have first hand knowledge on what each civs unique team bonuses and changes would be.



For instance what are the TF and wookies unique team bonuses and what changes are under the hood? These 2 civs seem to be the most powerful right now.



Waht are the real changes to all the civs that really differentaite themselves from one another?



Well time to go.





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Guest DarthMaulUK

Mounted troopers are there.


At the top of each troop section you will see a button in the middle, above the Introduction.


It says 'Next' in faded red text.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I have thought about structures..but its alot of work. even for me.


Its something i have thought about though. Just check out the screenshots for now



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i noticed that in the trade fed trooper entry, repeater trooper isn't listed as an all tech game only upgrade.


does this mean that in the xpac the trade fed can now get repeater troops normally?



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I don't know much about that yet.


All i can say is that when you play the computer - its amazing. Not good. Just a pain.


The computer always teams together 'unofficially' and sends in troopers ten to the dozen. So, if you have set it to 6 enemies, 2v2v2 - they will ALL attack you. Your Ally will give up pretty easily and has a habit of building in your base and I have noticed at times, the enemy will 'forcebuild'! Ive seen a mech factory go up in the blink of an eye with one worker.





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