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"Dont kill if saber is off"


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I agree with the whole "if the saber is off, do not attack!" way of playing. Especially in Duel servers.


The nice thing is that most people who play in Duel know the rules and leave their saber unignited and bow before a match. Then there's the type of players who don't care and try to do the Strong stance at you when you are trying to bow.


One more reason why it is nicer to play on the Zone than the handful of n00bs who play on public servers


I used to be that way, but I got tired of people taking advantage of it. If they need to stop the fight to fix something fair enough, but if they turn off their saber just to keep me from attacking while they wait for the best time to attack--well I feel the need to teach them that that is a poor idea.

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I run a server that states Saber Off = Peace in the MOTD. Simply put if I see this or if I get two complaints against another player I kick him, no questions asked.


Yes my server is FFA not a DUEL server...Duel servers are lame since you have to wait so long for your turn. In FFA you can challenge someone or even if other people are currently dueling you can taunt them then light your saber and start fighing.


This is the way I like it and this is the way it'll remain. If any of you ganks are on my server and do this (and I happen to be on it), you'll find yourself staring at that beautiful "Server has disconected" screen.

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In FFA all bets are off. If I see someone who is just standing there with a Bryar pistol (like they just spawned) or with an unignited lightsaber I back away from them.


The other people I love, but don't necessarily mind, is the people who will fight you with a lightsaber until they know they're on the way to the grave and then they try to whip out a flechette launcher or something. It worked the little while when JK:O first came out or if against a newbie, but that's about it.

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Originally posted by Darth Skyw@lker


Hey genius! Duel in FFA are completly different than the Duel modes!

you have to wait 324234 min to fight in duel modes, in ffa you just go near someone and ask him to duel with NO FORCE ( in duel mode there is force and its ****ty ) so stfu


You know Corky; you have Force and No Force duel servers...

And as for waiting... Those numbers in your in-game browser that look like "4/6", those represent the # of players in a server. You can (yes, the game will allow you to) choose to go into a server with a smaller amount of players for faster game play. It never ceases to amaze me how you whiney little brats always want everyone and everything to conform to the way you think things should be. "I don't care if it's CTF, I wanna duel so you n00bs have to duel or your gay".

Once again for those who rode the little bus,

Game Type> Duel

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If you have to get kills by attacking someone with no defenses up you are a llama plain and simple. If you feel differently it is not your fault but rather your parents for failing to raise you properly. Expecting those who don't play with this level of integrity to understand and comply with others who do play by an honor system is an act of idiocy.


Do as I do and find a good server with good admins who kick these llama's.

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I forgot where i got this, but on a thread a found someone talking about the same kinda thing. Then on a reply, (or something) this guy said sometimes u can kill guys with their sabers off. Sometimes their "fair game" like, if their running towards u, like their gonna kick u. Wich is why i always walk. Or if something with the corner, either their facing it or something, cause they have a birds eye view and when u get close they'll just turn their saber on and do that cool move in strong stance. Or if they using force.

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Oh, and also, whenever i turn off my saber, its either to do a duel, to watch a duel, or sometimes i walk around like im all superior (its fun, ecspecially when your the ghost morgan guy) and just look at them, pacing back and forth. Also, if i cant do a duel, but theres a guy i want to duel with, ill turn off my saber. Then he will. Then i taunt and bow, turn my saber on real casually, and we start fighting. And only lamers kill people with their saber off. Unless the above said "fair game" stuff i heard.


And with the no force duels, they suck. Ive never played on these actually, but it would suck cause u probably cant throw your saber or jump high. At least FFA duels let u do that.

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Oh, and also, whenever i turn off my saber, its either to do a duel, to watch a duel, or sometimes i walk around like im all superior (its fun, ecspecially when your the ghost morgan guy) and just look at them, pacing back and forth. Also, if i cant do a duel, but theres a guy i want to duel with, ill turn off my saber. Then he will. Then i taunt and bow, turn my saber on real casually, and we start fighting. And only lamers kill people with their saber off. Unless the above said "fair game" stuff i heard.


That is the situation in which I attack someone with their saber off. It doesn't mean 'peace' it means 'I'm better than you'--I like to prove them wrong. So far no one has complained, I assume because they realize that they were being idiots, and believe me they rarely do that again.


When I am fighting I leave my saber on, if I stop fighting I turn it off. This sends a clear message. The people who turn their sabers off midfight just to prove that they are superior deserve to get attacked like that--in fact they're asking for it.

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No no no, i dont turn it off DURING a fight (but hey, that would be a cool idea) its like, in this custom map, bloodriver or something like that, i hoped up onto one of the ledges that surounds the map, and just walked back and forth. While the guys kept trying to come up. RIght when one did, i turned on my saber. It was also once in the deathstar, i think the hangar, that i hoped to a ledge and did that. Its fun to watch them keep trying to get up, or throw their sabers. I just push back the sabers. And one guy kept going almost high enough, but not quite, so i just gripped him, then (is this ther jedi cannon thing? i dont know. If its not, tell me how) i let go of him and pushed him away. He flew far. hehe. :duel: I act kinda like the guy in the black here. (darth vader?)

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A FFA game is just that... Free for all, which also means no rules, the fight is finnished when either player is dead. Period.



If someone lowers thier lightsaber in front of me, then I pity the fool.




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I'm the head admin at the [LiCk] DO NOT ATTACK IF SABER NOT DRAWN FFA Server -


Alot of what you fellas are talking about is an annoying problem. Our server has some pretty simple rules to promote FAIR play..


No two people can fight if either saber is not drawn. Those who's sabers are not out are specifically looking for a duel. Every so often we get a llama that attempts to exploit this rule to save their @ss's. Turning off yer saber mid-fight for no other reason than to not die will get ya kicked.


Our rules have no loopholes. I can't spam every damn rule. If you do ANYTHING lame, I'll let ya know it.


However, revenge killing is not tolerated either. Simply find an admin, or hop on irc for 2 secs, and we'll get the problem fixed, I guarantee it.


My only regret is not being able to have an admin on 24/7. We recently added another admin bringing our running total to somewhere around 10.


Our server has consistantly been praised by the JK2 community for being one of the consistantly BEST FFA Duel servers out there. You'll never find a bettr group of regulars, and some of the best saberists, anywhere!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac

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pretty much all the ffa servers i play on now have "if saber is off, do not attack!" or something similar in their motd or name. i always follow this rule, unless me and someone else agree to mess around, like having a kicking duel.


if i see anyone not following the rule in one of these servers, i show no mercy. a lot of times a bunch of us who do follow the rules will gang up on them. like one person will grip them while the others hack away.



if i'm on an ffa server that doesn't specify this as a rule, i show other players the same respect they show to me. if they have their saber off and bow, i do the same. if they instantly attack, obviously i'm not going to whine that my saber was off and they had no right to attack me.

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Originally posted by callvin

I'm the head admin at the [LiCk] DO NOT ATTACK IF SABER NOT DRAWN FFA Server -


Alot of what you fellas are talking about is an annoying problem. Our server has some pretty simple rules to promote FAIR play..


No two people can fight if either saber is not drawn. Those who's sabers are not out are specifically looking for a duel. Every so often we get a llama that attempts to exploit this rule to save their @ss's. Turning off yer saber mid-fight for no other reason than to not die will get ya kicked.


Our rules have no loopholes. I can't spam every damn rule. If you do ANYTHING lame, I'll let ya know it.


However, revenge killing is not tolerated either. Simply find an admin, or hop on irc for 2 secs, and we'll get the problem fixed, I guarantee it.


My only regret is not being able to have an admin on 24/7. We recently added another admin bringing our running total to somewhere around 10.


Our server has consistantly been praised by the JK2 community for being one of the consistantly BEST FFA Duel servers out there. You'll never find a bettr group of regulars, and some of the best saberists, anywhere!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac


thats a great idea of rules...exept you dont need to kick a person because hes trying to run away mid battle, just let the other people chase him down and take him out, the same goes for people who fight a little, run away, heal, do it over again, and end up racking up points

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar

one time

this guy was hacking ppl and sum1 sed

hey u have no honour follow the code

he sed:

i follow no stupid codes

so i slashed him when he had saber off and he went crazy

saying that i shudt hit him with saber off

kinda dumb isnt he



how did you get that smiley (my personal favoritetrink12.gif) as your avitar?

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I play on the WirePlay servers mainly, since my CL is the admin of the WP servers


The WirePlay FFA #3 server is NF, Sabers Only, and most of the time (even though it isn't an enforced rule) people don't attack people with sabers down


Even if people do attack someone with their saber down, the person being attacked (the attackee? is that a word? :D ) usually whips out their saber to defend themselves


I have to agree with some people, however

If you're on a level like Nar Shadda streets (in my opinion one of the worst maps in the game) and you're playing with people you DON'T know, then it becomes impossible to run around with your saber holstered, as people will just continually push, drain, grip, or saber you while you run back to the place where all the duellists are going


I feel that if someone wants to attack people when they have their sabers down, then why come onto a forum and complain about it (I know that in my case, if someone takes a swing at me with my saber off, which most of the time is very obvious they are about to do it, i just jump out of their way, ignite my saber, and proceed to chop them into little chunks of bitesize Bantha feed :D *Just like Darth Vader... "Don't Make Me Destroy You!" )


I would give you all the IP for the server, but unfortunately, i'm at work just now, and not in the habit of memorising IP addresses (one of my weaknesses, i know :p )


Thats my take on the situation, anyway...


:dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber:

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Originally posted by HappyPrancer

in a FFA what matters is kills divided minutes. People who waste their time dualing don't deserve not to be thrown over some edge. It doesn't even make sense to have your saber out. It's such a slow, clumsy way to kill someone compared to pushing them over the edge.


Really, one should look for easy kills like people typing, or trying to dual someone. They tend to fight back less.


So, to sum things up, if you want to dual, make sure no one is around who will blast you, and don't get upset if the person you want to dual shoots you with a rocket, because you deserve it for trying to dual with people in FFA.




Do you have any fun playing or do you have to kill online to prevent a psychotic episode in real life?

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i just played at the Happy Fun Ball server and also got kicked. i'm sick of these idiots running around with no sabers thinking their off limits. i'm fighting this one guy and kicking his ass, right, he keeps grabbing shields and health then after about 800 damage done to him he puts his saber away and runs, so i chase him and kill him. then he starts bitching about his precious no saber=peace ****. so i declare right there: "if your just standing around with no saber and you aren't waiting for a duel, i'm killing you." well after fighting the same guy and him running away minus saber, i kill and then BAM! Disconnected. insanity! luckily happy fun ball is the only server that has such nazi-esque rules, and i should have known better than to go in there in the first place.

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I have to agree with you on that one flippo, i do sometimes leave people when they are waiting for a duel, but fighting, then putting away the saber when they're almost dead, thinking this will stop you from killing them is just stupid :(


:dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber: :dsaber:

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It is frikkin annoying when you challenge somebody...and to have them cut you to pieces while you are...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! But then again...when im in a dueling mode i just go to a duel server. But still that gets annoying in FFA. Have you no honor?!?!?!?!:D

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