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The ugly whale unit - identified !


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hey Kvan / everybody that noticed the 'butt-ugly' whale-unit in the Gungans-screenshots..


the new concept-art posted on the official Battlegrounds site (http://www.lucasarts.com/products/battlegrounds) has identified the unit as the 'Gungan Dunsenn Flop Carrier'. It's the 6th concept-art image.


This clears up that it's a carrier for the Gungans. So no whale-farts as a weapon, i guess..

:D :D

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

hey Kvan / everybody that noticed the 'butt-ugly' whale-unit in the Gungans-screenshots..


the new concept-art posted on the official Battlegrounds site (http://www.lucasarts.com/products/battlegrounds) has identified the unit as the 'Gungan Dunsenn Flop Carrier'. It's the 6th concept-art image.


This clears up that it's a carrier or the Gungans. So no whale-farts as a weapon, i guess..

:D :D


I was going to post this same thread 20 minutes ago...but the web froze up on me so...:(


I'm a good reporter though:D

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Guest Tie Guy

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought we might have gotten lucky and they changed it, but no such luck.


So far that's the only thing i've seen from GB that i don't like.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

I like the whale unit. It suits the gugan civilization style and it looks cool to me...besides...what else would they use as a gungan aerial transport?

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Guest Tie Guy

BIRDS!!!!! Whales are not meant to fly, not even when Hell freezes over! They just look too ugly for me, good thing i don't use air transports that often.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Well Sherlok, if you pay any attention to the photo that it IS NOT a whale, but some type of ballon fish, bird, whale hybrid. We just use the term whale because it is the quickest and easiest way to describe it! Besides Lucas arts doesnt even call it a whale, we do.

How bout lookin be'fer blabbin!:eek:

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Originally posted by Darth Maul Jr.

Well Sherlok, if you pay any attention to the photo that it IS NOT a whale, but some type of ballon fish, bird, whale hybrid. We just use the term whale because it is the quickest and easiest way to describe it! Besides Lucas arts doesnt even call it a whale, we do.

How bout lookin be'fer blabbin!:eek:


Sherlock... it's Sherlock... and it does look like a whale ;)

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Ah, ok screw let me just replace sherlock with *beep* since you actually went ahead and made a whole post just to point out a spelling error..so..*beep* ..Its not a whale, it a Dunsenn Flop carrier thingy...closest description is a whale...you say tomatoe, i say ketchup..lets call the whole person stupid!


From Sherack: tsk tsk tsk... no flaming whatsoever here, my friend. You have been warned.



"..soon it will get confused and wander off!"

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

eh...ok well anyways..whatever! The Dunsenn flop looks great for Gungans! It's an organic zeppelin. Nice and quiet. Only other thing i could think of for an aerial transport for gungans would probably be some kinda big winged bird hauling a shuttle of some sort or a bunch of birds hauling one. The giant Boomba launcher thing looks cool too!:D

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Originally posted by Darth Maul Jr.

Well Sherlok, if you pay any attention to the photo that it IS NOT a whale, but some type of ballon fish, bird, whale hybrid. We just use the term whale because it is the quickest and easiest way to describe it! Besides Lucas arts doesnt even call it a whale, we do.

How bout lookin be'fer blabbin!:eek:


Yes But the concept of Whales is so outrageous that it sticks...birds...to normal and if you didn't notice we're all wierd here:D

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Guest Admiral Odin

If i could see the unit I could give a better comment arrg. (it won't work.)



I was hopping for an air transport, great to get people behing enemy lines quickly.

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i was hoping that the whale was a joke. it fits i guess. i hope someone makes a units and buildings page and try to work something out.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

That guy at the Imperial Garrison web page has a listing of the units he can make out from the screenshots...but he's often way off on the names, like calling that turret a Missle Knight when its just a missle turret.. the knight is underneath the word missle, but its the artists name followed by the date he finished it...he admits to just making guesses though, so check out his page.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paladin

It kinda fits with the Gungans weird buildings and creatures.



No way, the other gungan sructures and units look great, but that thing is plain ugly. When i looked at the gungan screen for the first time it immediately caught my eye, a dead giveaway that it doesn't fit in.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


No way, the other gungan sructures and units look great, but that thing is plain ugly. When i looked at the gungan screen for the first time it immediately caught my eye, a dead giveaway that it doesn't fit in.


Same here TIE Guy...it was soooo strange

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i kind of liked the concept.

if you imagine that jarjar was early on described as 'obligatory cute', you'll laugh quite hard at his ugliness.

Nobody whined about the Soviet zeppelins from RA2, which were a bit weird as well. These units' organic looks suit the Gungans to a tee, and i won't be surprised if people accept them early on in playing.

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Guest Tie Guy

Zeplins looked cool, beczuse they were suppoesed to fly. They are real, and they are blimps, not flying whales. You didn't see any subs with wings flying around RA2, just like you didn't see any planes underwater. They should leave the whales ion the water, surely they could think of something better, it doesn't even have wings really. Whats it gonna do, flap its tale to produce thrust?

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