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Work in Progress - Guard


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I've seen the above noted "cut scene" before, in the Star Wars Action Figure guide I believe. They note it was a scene cut from RoTJ, in which Jerjerrod (sure I botched that spelling) comes up to the throne room w/o permission and gets zapped (not killed) by a Royal Guard.


With all the silly crap Lucas pulled in the Special Edition, one wonders why more stuff from the cutting room floor wasn't used. Perhaps the scene just sucked, but it would be nice to see. Perhaps when the DVDs are released...

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Fantastic, will you be able to animate the cape? If it flows it will look awesome. Also, you need to increase the poly count a bit, too rough. Otherwise it's really fantastic. When will it be ready?

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Originally posted by neo6

Fantastic, will you be able to animate the cape? If it flows it will look awesome.


Just to remind everyone that _ALL_ animation in JKII is centralised in one file, and to make any changes/additions would require SoftImage XSI and reworking (or adding) every basic animation.


Remember that anyone who releases custom animations is lining themselves up to be swatted by SoftImage as the likelyhood of them having a valid licence is slim.


In other words will people _please_ stop asking if models will have custom animation because _IF_ someone ever manages it, it will a huge breakthrough and so obvious that you won't need to ask.

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guard is looking sweet. polycounts not that bad either, cape looks fine to me, get some textures on there and no one will even notice in the game. hopefully you added arms since the initial preview pic :p if you HAPPENED to up the polys i wouldnt mind though, i think a safe place is 2500 - 3000 or below, but not quite sure. keep up the good work

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OK, things have calmed down around here. Now that I've gotten various things under control, I'll have time to complete this sucker. Sorry for keeping everyone in the dark about this, but I hope to finish this thing within a week (or my roommate and all my friends will beat me senseless, they want this model done too).


As a side note, I got the full Crimson Empire comic book. I'm currently trying to find Crimson Empire II, for even more cool skin ideas (ie. Jax)

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I'm still not sure what to do with the cape. Right now I'm leaving it out of leg-way (torn cape like Kir Kanos on the Crimson Empire cover, kind of). It's no big deal to put it in or not, but I'll have to mess around with it in the game before I decide which works best.


Well, that's enough for tonight. Getting some sleep so I can work on it some tomorrow. :)


edit: The poly count is 1859, so I should be able to add some more detail to the mesh. Hooray!

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Originally posted by Goreld





I'm still not sure what to do with the cape.


If you look at the "Monmothma" model in "assets0.pk3", you can see how raven implemented long clothing down to the ankles. BUT PLEASE try and keep the guards long robes!!!

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Well, well, well!


I was hoping there would be a market for this! Look at what I started yesterday! It's all ready to go now except for one thing!





I want custom taunts. Im not even trying to make my own, but hook him up with some files that are already in the game.


Is it a big secret or something? I see lots of posts about it, but no replies, why? I see lots of models with custom taunts released...


Anyway, as soon as someone helps me figure out how to get him to do something besides say 'Come out.' or 'Hahahahahaha', I'll release it to JediKnightII.net.


Can anyone help me? I'll do a Jax as well. I was thinking of a helmed version, using the Reborn skin, but Im sick to death of reborn skins, lol.


I think this Crimson Guard looks beautiful though! I have 3dMax 3 and 4 and I still cant model for sh8.


Someone, PLEASE help me with the taunt thing!

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