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FOUR resource centers !


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The new concept art from the official site has stirred another surprise; the Rebels have FOUR different resource centers to process the resources from the game; one for food, one for carbon, one for ore and one for nova.

They look cool, but it's interesting to see how a player would manage this...

and more importantly, will a command center serve as any one of these resource centers once it's placed near a resource, like in AOK ?

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

The new concept art from the official site has stirred another surprise; the Rebels have FOUR different resource centers to process the resources from the game; one for food, one for carbon, one for ore and one for nova.

They look cool, but it's interesting to see how a player would manage this...

and more importantly, will a command center serve as any one of these resource centers once it's placed near a resource, like in AOK ?




(P.S.-I found it first:D )

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon



that's two in a row, fergie.. let me pat you on the back now.. :D


The new concept art gives us quite a few hints at how things develop. I'm also starting to appreciate the Naboo graphics from the looks of it..


Thank you master... :D


Naboo...why the Naboo...

I'm really starting to like the Gungans (don't ask)

The Emps have their ENTIRE Navy displayed on there and their command Center.

The Wookies have a War Factory Shot.


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Guest Tie Guy

The imperial command center and the wookiee war factory look awesome. Now iff we could just do something about that hideous whale. :D


Thanks Ferg

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Once again the whale units looks great...its the only thing i could think of that would sensibly transport a bunch of gungans...also if you remember in AOk there were extended resource centers you could use instead of having your peasants haul it all the way back to the base.. A mill for food, a lumber camp for wood, and they combined stone and gold into a mine. It seems that instead of putting nova and ore into one mine they just decided to separate them.

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Guest Tie Guy

Actually, the stone and gold camps were the same thing. I don't mind them having 4 different ones though, how hard is it to build it. You still need the same amount of ones as in AOK, now just two of them look different and don't share a square on the interface anymore.

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Guest Admiral Odin

well if used properly 4 resources and some defense could mean that you get all the resouces (quickly) and might win through economics.

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