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1 thing about RED why don't you stop...


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whining and just learn how to hit them while they are in the air... I've done it ever since peeps have used the DFA or one hit kill red move... Look its very hard to hit people with that if its one on one and they are decent its easy to see them make a swing when they are not even near you and expect it.. you just get close have them swing and then you get ready now theyf ly in the air run at them strafe and swing youll do a swing hit them in there torso and do about 50 dmg and when they land they miss and have taken a considerable amout of dmg... NOTHING IS WRONG WITH RED, its slow one swing per 2secs its just people would rather whine than learn how to defend it...I use Medium and Red paired so I know both sides of the story...

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You are correct. Many People are too lazy, and teh Speed Hack may support their side, yet i dont think thats what matters. Look, i have also dodged the one hit kill, and did it back on them, and i have also used fast and medium to kill them in dfa, and also, look at it, its slow, easy to dodge, and one hit kill? no, if you are prepared with 100 armor and 100 health, its take it twice, and you almost have a won battle.


DFA One Hit Kill, is not so cheap if you look at it, quit complaining, your exactly like the fools in counter-strike, except you can change the problem here, because people "cant beat it".

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Sure, it can be dodged. The problem is that its hit detection is bugged, so you can hit people with it even when your saber isn't touching them(and when it's stuck in the ground); there's an element of randomness to it, which means people who spam it can get a lucky hit quite often and win the fight. It's just stupid. Also, it can technically be blocked, but the blocking seems to also be bugged as it's nearly impossible.

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Originally posted by Zek

Sure, it can be dodged. The problem is that its hit detection is bugged, so you can hit people with it even when your saber isn't touching them(and when it's stuck in the ground); there's an element of randomness to it, which means people who spam it can get a lucky hit quite often and win the fight. It's just stupid. Also, it can technically be blocked, but the blocking seems to also be bugged as it's nearly impossible.


Yeah, i usually side step it or roll underneath the person doing it, but sometimes the bloody thing hits me from 2 feet away! I really hope they fix this clipping bug in the patch.

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strong style, or really ANY one move in particular, I just agree all the hit detection for ALL the styles need to be fixed, maybe put in more parries/clashes or something as well. for example keep all the moves as they are, but make it so the DFa won';t hit you from ten feet away, same goes for other strong stance hits that seem just silly (i dont mind longer reach for red stance, just somehow Make it beleivable not this 2 foot away from the end of the saber hit thing that happens with strong style).


However red style is very easy to counter unless the guy using has mastered hitting things with it in ways most can only dream of... i mean heck it has a LONg recovery time, a medium styler with some practice can land two or three solid hits on an oponant useing red stance in between swings.


this nearly equals the damage output, sure it takes more swings, but it takes almost the sae amount of time... thus Ithink the dame and speed of strong style is ok, just fix the hit detection bugs and I won't bitch about anything a strong styler does anymore unless the spam DFA and never hit me ever since it's so easy to dodge.


As for the other stances (I see this less commonly with red), the saber will go right through an enemy, and not even do the 5 points of contact damage... this is a glaring problem in some fights since there are many times I should have hit or been hit for a saber for full damage. i see it almost every night, I medium style spin swing right through some guy running by and nothing happens... if the hit was blocked show me the animation/sparks etc, and make the sound, or do the damn damage to my target. I will acept either ending.


As far as balancing goes, with the excpetion of playing with on gun servers (which I do rarely so i am biased here), on saber only servers (duel for example or ffa/tffa saber only) full force or otherwise, the game is otherwise balanced pretty well IMHO. People who whine about drain just haven't practiced light side enough... to be honest I started as a dark sider... got a little bored of it, and switched to light, you know what I found?


i do better with light side powers... those who say absorb DOESN'T work against drain, just arn't using it properly... I have yet to come across anyone who can outdrain me when I use absorb, thats not a challenge since I am sure someone out there can, but the same could be said for anything else...


So in short the force powers are fairly well balanced, and the only thing I would like to see limited is how some people can grip you, spin you around so you can't push or pull, then red stance whack you before you can actually move freely again... (was spammed on me tonight, and Was kind of gei after the 100th time). If I was playing light side that tactic wouldn't have worked because I would have had absorb on the second the guy hit grip...


i will say though that maybe I could live with drain sucking up a little less force mana per second, but otherwise leave it as is, dark jedi don't get heal, when I play dark to not have drain on at at least level 2 is suicide against a good heal slut (i mean that affectionately by the way heheh).


Otherwise drain is fine, a lot of people complain about it, and for the life of me I don't see it heheh. hell I don't even use it except to heal myself or to counter lightning and dark rage.


i do agree though that drian thren lightning or grip is a truly painful way to die... and you feel so helpless... but i still think it doesn't need much changing even with that aspect... But thats just me heheh

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I think most of you are missing the point. Very few of us complain about the heavy stance being "too powerful" or "impossible to counter".


The problem is that a whole lot of players do one single move (f.ex DFA) overandoverandoverandoverandoverandover again. That is boring. Just as watching someone roll backwards or go: "Hey! You there! for 20 hours straight.

It's not about whether or not you are able to avoid the attack or kill the person spamming it. It's just TEDIOUS, LAME and NOT FUN. That's all.

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Well Luc you can't control all the boring noobs that are going to just DFA all day, if you have throwing enabled just throw at him while he missed or hell do it to him if they want to make it that type of battle. I only do DFA if somone just sits still and looks at me...basically I'm saying don't stand still move its an obivous DFA shot hehe...


and on this Quote:So in short the force powers are fairly well balanced, and the only thing I would like to see limited is how some people can grip you, spin you around so you can't push or pull,



Now on this basically let them grip you doesn't do much dmg for the first few seconds then just hit absorb they drop you and they are dazed because theyve spun you around then you get a free hit on them... If you already know that sorry about that didn't get if you knew that or not hehe..


Anyway I love this game alot real coo, and I hope that they improve on the moves and such so it stays fun...Also I hope that Star Wars Galaxies is going to be alright even though the makers are cough the same who make EQ ....we all know thats a bad thing. Anyway this is the closest we got to a Star Wars online world at the moment so Lets all just enjoy what we can out of it and try to help each other out here on these forums... TY have a good day allz

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Red Stances power really doesn't mean anything to me, until its hit points screw up. I once slashed someone after there 1 hit, and I then proceeded to do a quick wallrun, within a second I died. It just feels lame in duel servers, to wait for 20 damn minutes to watch a couple o enhanced JK hitting. RED stance reminds just of JK normal MP, couple of kids going back and forth. Except this time its slower, and doesnt have much of anything to do with lag. And if there is lag, its just damn gei. I got this game for realistic saber combat, which is great in SP, but even worse in MP. In MP, the fast and medium stances make it a bit more realistic, although you rarely get blocks/parries and the like. Throw in less blocks and less realistic combat in MP, along with the red stance and you have got a slow arse lag like JK. Just my two cents.


Drain is ok, although it just gets frusterated under newb hands. I can barely get my arse in there to attack when they simply run backwards while draining me. Even with absorb, it still gets just plain stupid. NO, the force powers just don't seem fair. Dark is just plain 1 sided. Hell, look at SP. All your good force powers besides neutrals are dark side powers. Light side powers are gei, no one complains about Light Forces like in Jk cause there all defense and they dont do ****. At least I could use blind once in a while in JK, and even now my persuasion is pretty stupid. Now I am forced to play dark side in MP. Don't even get me started on bots in MP, WTF! I can see lag as an issue, but as you can see little 56k players can hardly even play FFA, and the lag isnt much at all in duel servers. Get your lazy bums off the chair and convert sp ai into mp dammit!!!

1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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Currently I have major problems fighting the red stance, because its nearly impossible to dodge when you have constant pings of 400+ and are on the other side of the world to the other players :) However, i'm hoping that if and when I get a broadband connection my problems will vanish :)

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I use all stances, predominantly strong stance and you can easily defeat DFA. I just learned a couple weeks ago how to do it in MP and from having things done to me and me doing things to other DFA'ers here's a couple tips.


Force push will always work if you see it coming. Also you can usually kick them at the height of the move while they're in the air, the same way you use the pull and kick move. Or just simply move to the side and do a upward slash when they land.

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