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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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I'm pretty dissapointed that Raven didn't fix any of the NVidia glitches in single player with this patch. Using the "recomended drivers" isn't an option for those of us with GF4 cards. It pisses me off slightly that I bought a GF4 TI4400 JUST for this game, and I'm not able to see the game the way it was meant to be. white/yellow skies are ugly, so much for playing through the single player campaign again like I had planened after the patch.

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Light stance rocks! I beat the highest difficulty bot, using desann (damn drain ho) and I pwned him with it! WOOOOOO!







light saber combat is much funner with bots, but the spammers will ruin it.

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Ok, DFA is NOT out. It is just harder to do. What u do is a regular DFA but before the jump hit attack again (similar to what they did to the kick). It works the same, difference is that you can NO longer turn while its on the air, so people won't spam it as often when they know they'll b vulnerable from the sides. I like this patch so far. There is one prob I'm looking at it and thats the overpower of one saber attack which no doubt u guys will find soon...It is a one shot kill on duel servers and quite easy to do...hope they address this.



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I like the new DFA. You have to put in that running start *hint hint* before you can take the leap.


Now it definitely works like a finishing move.


I think they overnerfed the flechette and heavy repeater however. Each of their secondary fire takes exactly 25 points of ammo, meaning no more then 4 shots when you first pick it up. It seems they didn't change the damage done though so that sorta balances it out.



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so far I like it! Curious as to what you mean by "spammers will ruin it"


I've also noticed several other things. Lightsabers bouncing off each other, clashing on many swings, and results in greater frequency of saber locks.


Push and Pull look like they use less force power to use, instead of 1/4 o fthe pool, maybe only 1/6. I have been trying to test out the drain and heal differences. Heal i see now takes 50% pool to heal 25 points. Definite nerf there, but i like the fact they turned absorb into a more strategic power by not having the constant blue glow. Anybody who wants to try out the new patch and can't find a server...I'm running a listen server at Feel free to join in. It's not showing up in the list but you can connect to it via the console /connect <ip>





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I like the new MP saber battles, alot more blocks, and its more predicatable (in a good way) ALl in all, its much more fun, even though i think there will be a *very* slight increase in lag due to the higher amount of data neede to keep teh playes up to date with the new way of saber fighting. How ever, i pulled that out of my ass and i'm probably wrong, as its just a guess.

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As someone who was rarely defeated in duels using various techniques, this patch certainly redefines a -lot-. I'm not sure I'm ready to put up a 'like' or 'dislike' vote yet cause I've only been able to play against bots.


Things I like:


Force Drain: Yep, it's a good thing. I used it before only to heal, and now there will be no more drain whoring from anyone.


DFA Nerf: You can still do it, but since you can turn, it really isn't useful at all. It's basically an 'insult' move, like the light stance back slash. It's like saying to your opponent, 'youre so lame, I was able to pull off even just this move' I used DFA moderately, and yet, I still feel this is a good change.


Force Absorb: Light side needed a boost, this will make me think twice about pulling/pushing one, cause then you'll just restore their force power.



Things I hate:


Jumpkick nerf: Was this really neccesary? The acrobatics like the jumpkick, which is the only non-saber attack was really cool. Now, you have to jump against an opponent twice to pull it off, basically making the "Dont tread on me" mentality useless. I don't think even a newb is dumb enough to let you jump against them not once, but twice, even though it is quick. Again, I haven't been able to test it against actual players yet, but up against even bots, which I have always found easy to use this against, it is a cold rarity and you really have to be constantly trying to do it to pull it off.


The jumpkick was a good way to make people think twice about charging at your with their saber. Some of my best and what I feel most challenging wins were pulled off against people using this.




Overall, I feel as if this was a patch to appease those who don't take the time to learn the full game mechanics. Now it's just a swing fest based more upon luck and less upon skill (but not all luck). I can live and adapt to these nerfs and additions, I can even agree with some of them, but one of the greatest things about Jedi Knight II was, it was easy to tell the difference between the veterans and the newbs. But I suppose you gotta take the side of the majority in things like this. It'll take time, but those who took the time to learn the 'old style' mechanics, will learn the 'new style' mechanics, and give newbs a whole new reason to complain. =)



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Just tried and my god i think they ruined the game for me, i could care less what they did to the heavy or light stances but medium (which was my favorite) SUCKS now. You can't even do spin swings anymore for crying out loud, maybe i just have to give it more time but i sure don't like what i see so far.

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Personally from what I'm reading, the Force Heal change is lame and so is the Force Absorb thing. On a saber-only server that I regularly use, no one has had a problem with those affecting them living or being killed. If they use heal they use it, some people just drain them so they can't use it. Now its harder to heal yourself cuz you can only get 50hp from 100% of your Force, how crappy. And if they drain you its even worse.


And for Absorb, if you use it, your blue, big deal. So your telling me I have to hit someone to find out now? Thats retarded. If they are across the room and I want to pull them or drain them or use lightning on them, I'll waste all my Force because I can't see that they have Absorb. Giving them a huge advantage (course I don't use Drain, I'm an Absorb guy, but I'm speaking for those Dark Siders).


And I noticed there was nothing about the Heavy Stance being harder to use. As in no more 1-hit kills. Only thing mentioned was that Sabering in general is harder to use. Start and end of saber hits are weakened. So that affects every stance. Meaning Heavy Stance still has the ability to do 1-hit kills (albeit you have to hit direct on). I though they were gonna do justice to the many of us tired of the 1-hit kill thing by making so it you COULD NOT do a 1-hit kill AT ALL using Heavy Stance.


All I can say is, good work Raven. Your first patch has hurt the MP gameplay IMO.

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There wasn't a thing wrong before with the backflip, they basically ruined one of the moves in the game!


New MP maps, big deal, they're just duel maps. Why not include new maps for the different game types?!


So far I'm not impressed.

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I wonder what monkeys were used for information to create this patch. Many bad changes IMO.


And now I'm reading that medium stance is harder to use. Great. Thats the stance I always use. And I was complaining about Heavy Stance, now my stance is weakened making Heavy Stance even worse to go against.


About the only semi-good change was the jumpkick thing. I know quite a few people who whore the jumpkick thing but using it and then doing a top-down swing using Heavy Stance for the 1-hit kill. Atleast that has been stopped or made less easy. Although I liked using jumpkick to get away or knock people off ledges.

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WTF Raven!?


Oh for god sakes, as if the JK2 guns weren't weak enough. 8 up to 25 for 2nd HR fire is more then a slight correction don't you think? Seriously, the guns were weak enough.


Yeah, I could agree with the FC1 and DFE being tweaked but gimme a break. Same thing goes for drain. But JK2 guns were already a joke compared to UT/Q3 and you whent to far "balancing" healing.


The sabers are weaker now and saber combat will be slower and in tighter spacing. Guess what, that will make the saberist even easier targets for gunners whether you nerfed the guns or not.


-The guns are a joke compared to other FPS

-The forces are weak compared to JK

-There's definately a shortage of ammo on the maps


Thanks for making the game that had the potential to be better then JK into a newbie brained joke.


If you keep "balancing" things, everyone will tie because nothing will do anything.

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I think the best thing we can all do is run servers without the patch until Raven stops ruining the game and ACTUALLY LISTENS to us about what to change. Its like they pulled the ideas out of their butts and said "hey, lets change this and piss everyone off"

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How about we all play the game with the new patch LONGER THAN 1 HOUR before making any hasty decisions. Change doesn't always mean the game gets worse. Just get used to the new Saber combat. The true master is the one who adapts.

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What's wrong with you people? I've yet to play the patch (seemingly like many of the people who are knocking it) but many of these changes were definitely frequently requested on these forums. We should thank Raven for listening, and now you're all gonna act like they made this **** up? Jeez.



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Good idea. I think I'll have our hosting company hold off on patching the WD server.


Raven, you'd better release another patch and un-nerf the guns. While you're at it, make it so you can regen force while using powers.


Seriously though, you're already damaging the MP community. No one wants to play a game that's just to weak so that newbies can do well running round swinging saber with no idea of what's going on. Stop listening to the whiners and just make it good for god sakes.

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I personally didn't like the patch at first...after I started duking it out w/ a frined we saw the potential behind it. Either way I think the kick thing was uncalled for. I like the absorb thing, that'll prevent force spams...So far so good, but like some guy said on top,, I think Medium got screwed a bit..Its still fun and still needs to get used to it but I liked the other medium better.


To peeps complaining that they don't listen to us. Check the boards please, everyone's been complaining about drainwhoring and healslutting since the game came out.

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