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Raven you made this game crap, part duex


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I think the problem with the anti-patch agrument is a flaw in the logic of it.


I'm sick of reading, "Join a saber only server!" The reason this bothers me is that some people mix sabers and guns. If I have only a bryar pistol I will switch to my saber. If I run into someone else with a saber out I will engage them. I will use guns when I find them if I feel that the situation and my mood justifies their use. Sometimes I'm in a saber mood; I use guns only occasionally. Sometimes I'm in gun mood; I mostly use guns.


Also, it is often fun to take on someone who has a gun with a saber. That is why I like to use the saber, on occassion, in a guns server. Also, until they implement a feature that lets you setup a server as a "guns only" server, any non-saber only server is really a combo server.


When someone complains about a gunner, I tell them, "Guns are part of the game; I suggest you use them."


Now I say to you, stuck in your paradigm of Quake 3 style gunning, "Sabers are part of the game; I suggest you use them."

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think starwars

vs sabers guns ARE meant to be useless!

what i don't get is half of you people complaining now are the ones who complained before.

make up your damned minds!

personaly i hope they leave it as is just to peeve you guys off, or even better, make it worse!

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We used sabers with the 1.02 version. A lot. Mostly as a last resort or to get the hell away from someone. Once in a while offensively.


Now there's no point except for defense. On top of that, we can't really effectively defend a flag anymore, so the whole CTF side of the game is bs.


Now lookit all the complaints from the saber only side of the equation, the patch was reactionary and thus it screwed all of us.


Raven never should have listened to the complaints, they should have added things that made sense to them and stayed away from these stoopid friggin forums.


Reactionary game design is the worst kind.




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I just played my first longer session on a patched no force server, and I enjoyed it a lot. No more bunnyhoppers, no more pirouetting maniacs, thank god.

The only slight problem seems to be saber throw in a NF game. (Maybe if I learn how to deflect it on the ground, it'll be more fun.) The sweep/backstab thing wasn't a problem. I guess it's all about who you play with. I've heard a lot of talk of sweep-whores, though..


IMHO fighting is now much more like it should be. And by this I mean the way it is in...(oh yes!)...THE MOVIES. Very fast paced, lots of blocking. (Thinking about Obi vs. Maul in the end..okay, maybe a bit too much blocking :D ).

But attacking someone in a narrow hallway with light stance, dealing dozens of lighting fast blows, sparks flying all around you...forcing him to retreat...ahh...that was just amazing. :)


No more boring, simple back and forth movement avoiding the DFA over and over again.


Just thought I let you know that I, for one, am happy with the patch so far. (Dunno about CTF, JM-force games etc.) Maybe it's because I haven't been whoring a single pre-patch lame move (that was now nerfed) all day long..?


Oh well, happy gaming to you all, and remember: don't be an ass. You're not fighting against bots here.


*notices the incoming flames and takes cover*

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Just a bit too much blocking?


I started up a game and let 3 other people in telling them that I wasn't going to move and I wanted them to literally beat the crap out of me. The game was 10 minutes in length, fraglimit didn't matter as it was just a test.


They started off taking turns assulting my poor jedi trainer who stood there motionless with his light saber stance.


A few minutes progressed. They decided to team up against the poor Jedi Trainer. A few more minutes passed. Eventually time ran out.


Number of deaths: Zero.

Shields: fully depleted

Health: 85.


I think that qualifies as more than just "a bit too much" blocking when I can have three people attacking me for 10 minutes in various saber styles (no special moves, just standard slash moves and combos) while I stand still and block almost every single one of them.

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Fine then, you try it. I watched someone else do the exact same thing - stand in a corner from the beginning to the end of a game and just take block all sorts of hits.


He never died.


Same scenario, I never died.


Believe what you want, but before you roll your "eyes" at me, try doing the exact same thing. Oh, I'm sorry, that must be a little too hard so you'll just accuse me of making stuff up.


Good job.

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Standing in a corner might work against normal attacks... Hmm. But if you use force or speacial attacks, then the situation is different. But that doesnt really matter now does it?


Not accusing you of lying, though..no no not me :)

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I agree with you Pernicious. I have tried that as well, and the only time I took damage was when someone kicked me.


But think of this: If you're just standing in the corner, you wont be getting any kills at all. You'll be doing nothing, just standing there. So theres no way you can win. To win, you'll have to get out there, open yourself to attacks long enough for you to get your own in.



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Under stand what ffa is!! Free For All = FFA

Second you can use saber challenges.

Easy as that, if you don't want to be disturbed, do a saber challenge. So all you're arguements about guns destroying saber duels are simply not valid.

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I just can't stand the arguments that I see on these boards.. Most are like:



"I have just been raped. :("



"WTF you stooopped b!aacth! Are you too dumb to realize that someone's gonna rape your azz if you walk alone at night!? LOL You moron! STFU! This is a free country b!atch, if you don't wanna get raped stay inside with ur daddy! And STFU!"


Now the conclusion here is that there is nothing wrong with the rapist. The rapist was a'okay. It's just those retarded n00bs who walk the streets alone...


I mean, really guys, what is wrong with you? Why do you defend the lamers? Perhaps you feel that the criticism is aimed at you? Hmm? :rolleyes:

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Hopefully Raven will notice that TWF, CWT, and CAL arn't requiring the patch. The real gamers hate it.


I posted this on the TWF forum...


The only people who actually like the patch are the ones that were stupid enough to have long saber fights on guns servers. They got blasted over and over because they're not smart enough to actually learn something.


Look, the TWL is about competition and skill right? The 1.03 patch tries to remove the skill facter by making sabers random and removing ammo so everyone is reduced to running around with a gayber.


What's the point then? The 1.03 patch eliminates competition and the skill facter and is therefor pointless to play.


If TWF requires 1.03, WD will drop TWF. I'm sure that many other clans will do the same.

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Uh, hate to burst your bubble, but League and Ladder players maybe make up a womping 20% of JO players. If the clans leave the game, it wont hurt the game. So your clan dropping a ladder would have zero effect on Raven.



And its TWL not TWF, read the banner on their site. I've been a participant since its inception.

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"The only people who actually like the patch are the ones that were stupid enough to have long saber fights on guns servers. They got blasted over and over because they're not smart enough to actually learn something."


Oh wow. That was great. You must have done extensive research on this. Think before you post, thank you very much.


And what about skill? You're honestly saying that the patched version doesn't require skill? Interesting. I guess we will all have the same score in the end then. No wait! I just got out of a game where I was leading with 19 kills. The others were at <4, I think. Amazing. I wonder what happened? Can't be skill, cause you don't need that anymore. Simply luck then, I guess. :rolleyes:


Do me a favour and stop posting that bs.

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the lot of you f u c k i n sheep should die.

not one of you knows a damn thing about what were talking about.


you just go off on your "i am newb, hear me roar" tangents and think your gods gift to the message board... *sigh pathetic

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Ruffus, exactly who are you posting about? Or, rather, what "side" of the issue? I ask because both sides seem to throw the "shuttup, n00b" argument at each other.


I always thought it was funny when you see two hardened veterans calling each other n00bs. But thats a diff subject...



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I am posting towards the lot of you sheep


and am on the side of the gunners being a gunner myself


the patch f u c k e d up guns gameplay beyond all possible salvation.


those are the facts, you sheep can try and sugar coat it with your "newb-logic" but it doesnt change the simple fact.


Now your countless posts about i have no problems with the patch because i am so "elite" i rape the s h i t out of everyone i play. laff

fact is.. you dont gun your not a gunner so just shush go play your sabers and stop going off on your "I am newb, hear me roar" tangents. *sigh


stupid ass sheep, all up in the koolaid without even knowing the flavour.

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Me: Alex, I'll take trolling for 500.


Alex (host of Jeopardy): The answer is, "He takes a game too seriously. His argument relies heavily on insults. He only plays Jedi Knight II to kill people with guns. He completely ignores half of the game, and flames other people for doing the same thing.


*buzzes in *


Me: Who is RuFFus?

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Ruffus, have you read my posts? Any of them? If you did, you would know that I do use guns, and enjoy them. There are some levels where I use guns more than sabres. I never call myself elite, and, in fact have never said I rape everyone. In fact, I'm not all that great w/sabre. Good, but not great.


Yeah, I agree on the trolling part. You're just here to start a fight.



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