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Stop Blaming ME for the patch!


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I warned everyone that OPTIONAL changes are good yet PERMANENT gameplay changes are bad!


See -- Tribes 2.


Now look, half the people love the patch and half of them don't.


I wrote to Raven asking for SERVER SIDE OPTIONS to allow for SP style saber combat.


That's IT!




That's all I asked for .. A SERVER SIDE OPTION.


I even asked for SERVER SIDE OPTIONS to disable saber stances - so admins could OPTIONALLY disable them - nothing permanent - and it would pass on as game browser ruleset that can be filtered. Again - options . . .


My request for saber stances:


g_saberstance 1 - 3


1 = light

2 = light, medium

3 = light, medium, heavy (default)


Wow, what a horrible thing to ask! Especially something that is optional!


Before you blame me because my silly name is NEWBJEDI - why don't you back track far back into game feedback - a week or two ago.


Notice something interesting?


Oh wow, NEWBJEDI was against CHANGING THE GAME!!!




Now I'm being blamed for supporting the patch and making it happen!


Why is this?


Because I support the patch?


Heck, yah. I'm tired of gameplay CHANGES.


If they make a changes, so be it, let's deal with it and learn with it.


I am fully against, whining, bickering, personal insults, etc.


Why do you think I made the Whiner's Guide in Game Feedback?


Notice - it was BEFORE the patch!


Oh wait, so NewBJedi was anti-patch and now he's for it?


No - I'm pro-OPTIONAL change.


Get it? OPTIONAL . . .


Optional - meaning a server admin can change the setting but otherwise it defaults to the original - right off the cd - settings.


If Raven truly wants to make this entire community happy - they will quickly back-track and make a bunch of the current tweaks in gameplay - an option - that server admins can turn off, and people can filter out - like as in rulesets for in-game browsers.


I'm sure most people haven't gotten this far into the message and read it...


Repeat after me - fluffy purple people eater! :)


Anyhow - before you BLAME me... look at my previous threads and positions.


I support change, but only OPTIONAL change.


Do you understand - OPTIONAL?


Got it? Okay - good.


Now stop pointing the finger at me - a person who supports both sides of an issue - freedom of choice, options, admin options, rulesets, browsers, etc.




Have a nice day.

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Thanks for trying not to get this great patch released, ass.


The problem with serverside options is that this causes so many different server setups that there are few of them using the same combinations(or many of them using one standard one, often the default), and it's very difficult to know which server is using what without taking too much time looking at each of them. Less server-side customizability makes it easier to find what you're looking for.

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Originally posted by Zek

Thanks for trying not to get this great patch released, ass.


The problem with serverside options is that this causes so many different server setups that there are few of them using the same combinations(or many of them using one standard one, often the default), and it's very difficult to know which server is using what without taking too much time looking at each of them. Less server-side customizability makes it easier to find what you're looking for.


Thanks for the personal attack.


Try ASE and creating modifiers.


Less server side options = overly simplistic and boring gameplay.


How would you like it if they made all servers with weapons and force?


FYI - if you actually read my post you'd realize I was trying to get the patch that was going to be released, full of options, so people who didn't like the changes can disable them - even if those people are a minority.


It's amazing that you have a problem with server side options.


Ugh ...

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As I said, then you'll only find a select few of the kind of servers you'll looking for because they're all so different. Only the most mainstream of options see a reasonable amount of use in online games. Compare it to a usermade map; it can be the best and most popular map online, and far better than any built-in one. Go to a browser and organize it by map, and compare the numbers of this map to any included map.

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That's the point, the mainstream would go with the default changes - that's fine.


You would be enjoying the large amount of servers with the new changes as you may in the next few days.


But ... what if there was a way to keep the old styles so those people could simply play the game like it was right off the cd?


The unhappy people could run some servers and enjoy the game the old way.


They would complain less about the new patch because they could easily disable, most, if not all, the changes (minus bugs and cheats) made.


In fact, they couldn't complain because it would be their choice to play and run servers that had the 'old style'.


How is THAT a problem?


When I played Quakeworld - way back when - there was only a few servers that had the Matador maps/mod. About 20-30 people played it regularly - everyone else played other gametypes/maps.


Big deal, I managed to find something that fit my niche and was happy. Why does it matter what the mainstream does aslong as you find enough people to play with?


In this case it would be a minority of people who didn't want the changes. So be it. I'm sure they'd find plenty of servers and other players who share their preference.


End of story, no whining, no complaining about the new patch - options let the community (and it's minority members) control the destiny of the game. Permanent changes do nothing but harm a minority - who maybe a very important minority at that.


Notice - I support the mainstream who wants their changes - that's fine and great - but also they need to allow the minority of users (who don't want changes) to be able to disable the new tweaks/options/configurations.


It wouldn't be that difficult to do - they could simply make the old style a mod within the game itself.

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Take notice of my comment awhile back - 4-20-2000:


"04-20-2002 03:22 PM




Registered: Apr 2002


Posts: 449


Changing gameplay is a drastic mistake because it would alienate those who already are used to certain style in MP.


Sure, a server option for g_spsaber or something like that is fine.


But any changes to 'base' gameplay at this point would be a tragic mistake.


I don't think you'll convince any dev team to do that.


You may convince them to add gameplay changes - server-side optional, but anything permanent will only lead to worse problems than what you started out with."




Well, I was wrong about that. You convinced them but now we have a lot of upset players. Way to go.


Again, I enjoy some of the new changes, but having no option to change back was a mistake as you can see from the unhappy competition crowd.


It's not a question of who is right or who is wrong, it's a matter of choice - and people should have the choice to play the game the old way as well as the new way. After all, they did PAY for the old way. The new way (patch) is a freebie.

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Im as big a game geek as the next guy, but some of you taking this just a bit hard arnt yah? settle down, play some games, have a good time. Thats what games are for right? Relaxation :)



*returns to decaptiting some newb in sof2*





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Originally posted by D.L.

This is sad.


It's no ones fault.


Blame some one!? Blame yourself if you want.


I'm happy with the patch.


Just don't install the patch and leave the whining at home.


Agreed. Shut up you whinners and play the game. Just because you suck at a computer game doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us.

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