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This patch is very frustrating


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Have you guys even played jk2 heh?


Absorb is so abused and then you make it so we cant tell if we are gonna waste our mana on someone WHO GETS MANA FROM OUR FORCE PWRS USED ON HIM?

What is up with that train of thought?

How can u possibly think this was any help to the saber/force ctf/team dm section of gameplay..


When jk2 came out everyone tripped out cause they thought Drain was SO over pwrd..


Well now ya effed it up so bad that it sucks beyond anything i could have imagined..


I can garentee you that light players out number darks in all servers i play on.


And what did ya do to our big over the hand hit?


All those newbs who couldnt figure out wayts to defeat it and complained screwed it up for us who own at it.


I worked for hours on my timing and acuracy with that weapon.. Now its a prayer in the dark.. And you leave yourself open


There are people running around servers backwards So they can hit backstab and hope to catch you off guard..


Nice fix there. heh


Im so frustrated with this patch..


This game was So nice before this patch.. Things where balanced.. Absorb wasnt so pwrfull that a darky couldnt over come him.. Now i lose all that mana Instantly cause i cant tell if some absorbed dude is using it or not..


So after i try drain and relized he is absorbing me I have no mana for Rage to protect me as he pulls me to the ground and backstabs me.. Ending that round..


Please Make the big over hand hit the way it was before this lousy patch


and PLEASE make it so we can tell if someone is abusing absorb .


I do have one good thing about it.


My victims dont launch into orbit when i backstab them now.. now they take the hits .. I like that alot.


Please Return absorb and big over hand hit to the way they where,



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I agree. This new patch has made Light Forces overpowered and Dark Forces way underpowered. Drain could cost a bit less to balance its strength and now too high cost. If I seem "forcist" or whatever the word is for someone who hates a certain side of the force, I am not. I play Light Force, and I think absorb is too powerfull. It would be possible to make a blinking absorb so that the blue glow would only blink on the model every second or two.


Also when one looks at the console or is typing a message(before the patch), they would be able to move. Typing a message or looking at the console now requires the player to stop moving which leaves the player vunerable to the players who go for the easy kill, which is the majority.


The patch, as much as I dislike it, also has its upsides. I have read and noticed the end and beginning of a swing is weaker than it had been before. I have also noticed a speed difference between Medium Saber Style and Fast Saber Style, which I did not notice before. I also have seen the image which appears over the players model when the player is typing, looking at the console, and configuring forces and buttons. I feel that is a great improvement although a majority of players ignore it, it helps a bit.


I am hoping for the new patch to be completed soon. I know it takes time and work to make a patch. I am not flaming the game or the patch makers. I am just pointing out what just about every other player is thinking. Thank you.



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Blocking seems completely off the wall now, if I attack someone with a overhand chop from the side or back more then half the time they block it. This patch really took the skill out of the game (as far as saber fighting goes).


Now its just a contest of who pull down and backstab the other first.


Darkside took a big hit with drain.


Grip seems to half been 'nerfed' too. You dont move as fast so anyone with absorb can turn it on before you can chuck them over the edge.


Only positive for darkside is that ligthning takes less power then before...but 8/10 players being absorb whores and the inability to hit anyone with a lightsaber besides pull/backstab...its not fun.

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I couldn't read the original post here past the beginning where you say that absorb is abused. Huh??? It's a DEFENSIVE force power that's used DEFENSIVELY. Where's the abuse? Maybe I'm just ignorant because I play primarily NF, but the little bit of Force playing I've done, having my powers absorbed was really the least of my worries. But I'm sure you know what you are talking about, just as I'm sure there are ways to abuse anything.


So carry on and don't mind me.. :)

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Ok, I just read the rest of the original post on this thread and I have to completely disagree. The DFA is a cheap move and I'm glad they toned it down. Please don't consider yourself a skilled saberist if that's all you did to win. All the time you spent perfecting that n00b move could have been better spent learning to use the saber with a little more pride and dignity, not to mention skill (well I mentioned it because it's nowhere in YOUR post.) And why do you have to see if someone has absorb on. If all you go around and do is drain and grip, then you deserve having your efforts wasted every once in a while on someone who is ready for your lame tactics. The only bright side to all this is that it looks like I will never see you on any server I play on. But then again, that would be fine with me, since I could show you the error of your ways on the end of my saber.

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Originally posted by JediCrow

Ok, I just read the rest of the original post on this thread and I have to completely disagree. The DFA is a cheap move and I'm glad they toned it down. Please don't consider yourself a skilled saberist if that's all you did to win. All the time you spent perfecting that n00b move could have been better spent learning to use the saber with a little more pride and dignity, not to mention skill (well I mentioned it because it's nowhere in YOUR post.) And why do you have to see if someone has absorb on. If all you go around and do is drain and grip, then you deserve having your efforts wasted every once in a while on someone who is ready for your lame tactics. The only bright side to all this is that it looks like I will never see you on any server I play on. But then again, that would be fine with me, since I could show you the error of your ways on the end of my saber.


First off Dfa Was never a cheap move.


newbs who couldnt figure out how to defeat it.. made it a move where experts could kill the basic newb to the game quickly.


Soon as the move was introduced to my ctf server i play on all the time. I spent the next 5 hours figuring out wayts to defeat it.


Since then ive come up with 4 well timed and perfectly excuted ways to defeat the move . all of which can be learned by anyone.


Secondly you obviously havnt played saber/force only ctf, dm or team dm.


Absorb takes the mana used on the person and puts it back into your mana base. So what you have is people walking around with invis mana suckers.


no longer can you time yer pulls just as there absorb dies out.


No longer can you hold off on your force attacks so you can time them perfectly..


Now its a shot in the dark... I wonder if this guy is using absorb.


Hit the drain button.. Blue lights up Yep i guess he is.. there goes 3/4s of my mana


Oh look he has Full mana now.


And btw.. I was one of the first people on my ctf servers that learnd how to use absorb to block such attacks as the force pulle/backstab combo. I use absorb as an offensive tool and if u think its defensive your Totaly and 100% wrong.


Yes you can turn on absorb and skate around the map vurtualy unharmed.. but imagin this scenario


i attack a player using the dark force


he drains.. I counter with absorb


he grips me.. I counter with absorb and gain all my mana back


He trys to pull me down I have absorb on and he gives me mana


I scoot up close to him pull him down instantly with Pull force


I turn around and backstab him


Case closed done deel


heh as far as your little challenge bring it..


Im on the matrix server or seatle saber only ctf all the time


ANother thing..


How come drain/grip are lame tactics


but hiding behind absorb is not?


The balance is so far off its just crazy to me.


Everything was fine before the patch

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Originally posted by JediCrow

Ok, I just read the rest of the original post on this thread and I have to completely disagree. The DFA is a cheap move and I'm glad they toned it down. Please don't consider yourself a skilled saberist if that's all you did to win. All the time you spent perfecting that n00b move could have been better spent learning to use the saber with a little more pride and dignity, not to mention skill (well I mentioned it because it's nowhere in YOUR post.) And why do you have to see if someone has absorb on. If all you go around and do is drain and grip, then you deserve having your efforts wasted every once in a while on someone who is ready for your lame tactics. The only bright side to all this is that it looks like I will never see you on any server I play on. But then again, that would be fine with me, since I could show you the error of your ways on the end of my saber.


this whole post would have actually made sense IF only the DFA was changed. But it wasn't. Every other aspect of saber fighting was changed as well. It's not just the time he spent perfecting his DFA that was wasted. I spent a whole goddamn month of my life perfecting yellow to a science. I had the most beautiful combos, and I mixed it up with red and blue to be a dangerous opponent. Now all of my skill in saber fighting couts for nothing, nada, zip. There is so little skill left it's ridiculous. An effective tactic now comprises of run back, throw saber when the other person attacks, then try to backstab them. OO boy how exciting.

I don't even know if I'm gonna keep playing. And not because I don't want to learn the changes. I really don't mind adapting to changes. Fighting with sabers just isn't fun anymore.

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One quick note, and being a light side player by trade, I don't know _why_ I'm sharing this...


Lightning cuts through absorb. Make of that what you will.


And absorb _does_ cost manna, w1ggl3s. It's not like we can leave it on all the time. If a dark side player is foolish enough to give me a full force recharge once they see the blue glow, there's nothing I can do for them.

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For god's sake, let the game out for at least 6 months before you go screwing with the mechanics like this...I was so hooked on this game since day one but now I don't even like to play it. Experienced players could avoid these "abused powers" and the one hitter...what's the big??



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I have and will be one of the biggest abusers of absorb..


I know what it does..


The only way u can kill an absorber is by killing them with the saber..


Which meens u have to be very close to me


If your very close to me without absorb.. Im pulling u to the ground and backstabbing you


Clue pls

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Took a half way decent game and made it feel like a beta. All saber control is gone and people are doing saber fights backwards in an attempt to land a backward slash. I guess its the only effective tactic seeing how auto block is almost now seems godly in any stance-


PATCH SUCKS- and sadly now MP SUCKS as well. Hopefully I can reinstall and milkl 1.02 for all its worth.


Thanks Raven!

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Originally posted by w1ggl3s


I worked for hours on my timing and acuracy with that weapon.. Now its a prayer in the dark.. And you leave yourself open





but wasnt it intended to be this way originally

in the manual it states it as a finishing move

therfore it suits the way it is now

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Strategy is out the window...Welcome to HACKFEST 2002.

All the lamers are out in full force with their "backstab script" which lets you pull it off with a press of a button. Thrilling.


This patch makes me feel like I'm playing a console game. yawn

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Most of the competitive venues for this game are boycotting the patch.


Not really sure why they released it anymore. Os's opinion of duels totally shoots the 'it makes sabers better' claim out of the water.


So far its screwed up every play mode, drastically changed most of the dynamics, and generally not done anything decent other than piss people off and make them reinstall the game.


Or simply quit playing.




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