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Some people jus't are NEVER happy!


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I really have no clue what to think anymore after reading these boards since release of the new patch.


Before this place was full of people against the DFA move, hell a few people even suggested that JKO should revert to single sabre stances like the original JK.


Other people complained about heal being abused, others about drain....


Now as I read the countless new posts that have sprung up im actually seeing people who less than 1 week ago were ranting and raving about DFA spammers are now calling V1.02 "Balanced"?!.


I mean guys... Jesus Christ, to most people v1.03 is a godsend. Heal has been reduced, DFA spamming has been reduced. (hell DFA moves actualy *now* make a player vulnerable like they were supposed to).


You say v1.03 takes no skill? I have found that this new patch makes duels far more entertaining and as close to singleplayer sabre fights as we are probably going to get.


Duels are no longer decided with a single cheap shot, they take time and patience... waiting for the right moment to strike rather than <Jump> <Forward> and <Attack>.


Now im not saying that this patch is by no means perfect, and by its very nature when you nerf something, another thing usually becomes exploited in its place... but i think v1.03 is the lesser of 2 evils.


For people that are unhappy about having to learn more than one move, go out and play this patch using all its stances before you render judgement...


I know im not the first, but I congratulate raven for restoring allot of peoples faith in this game and doing their best to come to the aid of many in this gaming community... thank you :D


Roll on Version 1.04! :D




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Originally posted by geronimo27

Not sure what you are talking about. I and many others were very happy with 1.02, and are only now coming to the boards to complain about all of the nerfs put out in 1.03.


Same here.

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Originally posted by nattydred

Its a great patch!



As we all know people only come here to complain. A few dozen complainers here doesnt compare to the legions enjoying the game and not bothering to post.


I concur, A GREAT PATCH, well done Raven



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Agreed, we can't expect Raven to:


A) Beable to please everyone,




B) Get everything right with the 1st or 2nd patch. So instead of posting stupid remarks like "OMFG! this suxXorS!" or "Thats it, im quitting jk2" learn to be patient and don't cry me a river about not being able to spam DFA no more.


lol god knows the number of patches released for other games (eg, ultima online etc) before the vast majority of people are happy.


but so far v1.03 is a great step in the right direction and for that i take my hat off to you Raven. Keep up the good work guys! :D




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Im still wondering if only the DFA, Heal, and Drain were touched that people would be a lot more happy since they don't have to adjust much. I actually feel Raven could have kept a lot of peoples mouths shut, including mind, had they not revamped the saber system, and actually created one of the best MP games.


The DFA can kill.. I've actually done it about twice. If I was so motivated, I would just use the backwards slash to win. Too bad I don't feel this game isn't really fun anymore to me.

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maybe you haven't been pulled to the ground and backstabbed 324 times ?


otherwise you wouldn't be calling this patch a godsend.


No. I havent. Though I bet its annoying... push and pull mechanics weren't touched in this patch were they? I mean... push and pull are supposed to get you on the ground and then leave you open. You should be autoblocking them if you have chosen any push or pull at all. If someone keeps using that tactic on you then attack them differently. Find some annoyingly effective tactic and just keep using it on them and see how they like it. :D

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