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SP Saber Colour: The Definitive Guide!


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Mike Gummelt and myself have finally worked out an effective way to change the saber colour for your SP level!


OK first of all create a directory under the "gamedata" folder. This will be your mod directory.


Now open up Notepad and type the following:


map pit

helpusobi 1

wait 60

sabercolor red

helpusobi 0


Save this file in your mod directory as "gamestart.cfg".


Now, open up assets1.pk3 in the "base" directory. Extract the file "ui\newgame.menu" into your mod directory.


Now open this file and search for the following line:


uiScript startgame


Delete this line and replace it with the following:


exec "exec gamestart.cfg"


Now create a new PK3 file with this modified file in under the "ui" directory. Make sure this PK3 file is saved under your mod directory.


Now load jk2sp.exe. Go to options, then mods. If you have the patched version of the game, your mod directory name should appear in the mod list. Click on your mod and click "load mod".


Now go to "New Game", select your difficulty and then begin. The level will load the "pit" map. Get your saber out... and... huzzah... it's red!


If you want to change the saber colour or the map that's loaded, simply open up "gamestart.cfg" and change the "sabercolor" and "map" command extensions.


[edit: mistake fixed, "newgame.menu" not "main.menu", sorry about that...]

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real fast how do you make pk3 files?



and AKPIGGOT your the man! You made those very nice levels for mots. I hope you make more good levels again for this.



By the way what happened to commandchamber.net and swttc akpiggott? I wanna try to motivate the swttc to remake the swttc for this game. Itll be faster since now they have cloud city stuff and so-on.

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Changing sabre colour in SP is EASY!!! This was borowed from sum1 else and i then modified it but here is a script for changing Saber colour is SP

//script mechanics


set s_oran "devmap; sabercolor orange; bind c vstr s_yelo; echo Your lightsabre is now ^1O^3r^1a^3n^1g^3e! (The one Kyle took from Yun after his own was destroyed in JK1 - THIS is the correct color. *_*)"

set s_yelo "sabercolor yellow; bind c vstr s_gren; echo Your lightsabre is now ^3Yellow!"

set s_gren "sabercolor green; bind c vstr s_blue; echo Your lightsabre is now ^2Green! (The one Kyle inherited from Rahn)"

set s_blue "sabercolor blue; bind c vstr s_lila; echo Your lightsabre is now ^4Blue! (JK2-JO default)"

set s_lila "sabercolor purple; bind c vstr s_dred; echo Your lightsabre is now ^6Purple!"

set s_dred "sabercolor red; bind c vstr s_oran; echo Your lightsabre is now ^1Red!"


//which key do you want to cycle the color of your lightsaber? Default is: " c "


bind c vstr s_oran

//end of script mechanics

save this as ur autoexec.cfg and press c to cycle the lightsabre colours

the origional auther was Digital_Ronin@gmx.de


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i think jedi master difficulty might need special flags set on the infoplayer start entity or something as it starts with half health and no shields


anyway excellent work dood!


now the mods ive instituted into my sp level wont effect the rest of the game when a player uses it



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Hi guys,


I know this doesn't help as a permanent modding solution, but I wanted to add this from the Single Player forum since this thread is a sticky... for the new people.


How to easily change saber color in a single player game...


A) Temporary Cheat - must be done each level


1. Hit SHIFT+`(tilde key, usually above TAB) for the console.

2. Type HelpUsObi 1

3. Type sabercolor red

4. Type HelpUsObi 0

5. Hit SHIFT+` to close the console.


B) Semi-permanent Script - using a hotkey


1. Open Notepad in your Start>Programs>Accessories menu

2. Type this exactly...


bind DEL "vstr r_saber"

set r_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor red; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0"


3. Now save the file as autoexec.cfg in your Gamedata/Base folder of your Jedi Outcast program (probably in Program Files>LucasArts>Jedi Knight II... or wherever you installed the game). BE SURE that the "save as type" field in the save window says "All Files" instead of "Text Documents," or it will be saved as autoexec.cfg.txt, and won't work.


4. Now everytime you press the DELETE key in a SP game, it will set your saber color to red.


If you've already created an autoexec.cfg file, just add those lines to it.


C) If you want to cycle the colors, type this instead...


bind DEL "vstr r_saber"

set r_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor red; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr g_saber"

set g_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor green; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr o_saber"

set o_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor orange; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr p_saber"

set p_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor purple; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr y_saber"

set y_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor yellow; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr b_saber"

set b_saber "HelpUsObi 1; sabercolor blue; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0; bind DEL vstr r_saber"


This cycles the saber colors with the DELETE key.


D) And if you want to start a brand new game from scratch with a lightsaber and force powers, add this to the autoexec.cfg file...


bind INS "vstr jedi_cool"

set jedi_cool "HelpUsObi 1; setforceall 5; give weaponnum 1; wait 30; HelpUsObi 0"


When the game starts, hit the INSERT key. Then press "1" for the lightsaber. You won't see it, but hit your Alt Attack key to throw it, and it will light up. You also have force level 5 of all powers, with two new stances that are really fun. Now when you press the DELETE key, the saber color will change too. BE SURE that the word "weaponnum" has two N's in it, or it won't work.


Have fun...


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