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SP Saber Colour: The Definitive Guide!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've tried to change yellow to another color by swapping out the textures**, but the new saber color still casts a yellow glow inpsite of the new color. How can that glow be changed?


**yellow_glow.tga, yellow_glow2.jpg, and yellow_line.jpg in the gfx\effects\sabers\ folder of asset0.pk3

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok, Hi all (SP related)

i read the postings on this page about making the ingame keys to make the saber color change with the tip of a key


i was wondering would it be possible to use a command to activet not target for 30 seconds & possible play a sound aswell


im guess it would look something like this


bind l devmapall; notarget; play wav1; wait 3000; notarget;


also, could i bind a key to load a new skin for the player simular to MP although it need not be so complex

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  • 2 months later...

Guys, most of these posts either relate to player made SP levels or using a key to toggle the lightsaber colours.


All I want to know, is how to change the default colour of the saber to orange for THE WHOLE single player game, so that every time a new level starts and I use my lightsaber, it's orange, not blue and without having to press a key.


Also, I've tried going into the console and typing


helpusobi 1

sabercolor orange

helpusobi 0


When I use my lightsaber it's still blue, I've tried leaving the cheat mode on too (as in not typing the last line helpusobi 0) nothing, no matter which colour I type in, it stays blue!!


I'm at my wits end trying to change it!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok AKPiggott,


but what if you want to make the saber that same color for all the JO maps? would it be the same way and you just "change the extension" after map from "map pit" to "map all" in the gamestart.cfg?


or is what u'r saying just for making mods where the indivisual level has that color saber? :confused:

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