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Ok, I got an idea. Amazing, isn't it? (sorry if this doesn't fit in this board....wasn't sure if it should be under off topic) Well check this out: After we all get the game, we the people of Lucas Forums SWGalazies forum unite and form a sort of lose alliance. Well not an alliance so much as a communication network since we'll be of different factions. Basically, we all just keep in touch in the game world and party together......when alliances allow. This would allow us to play with people that we know more than people that we just flat out don't get along with. Also we could sort of set up a plan so that we all buy stuff from Rommel, that way he'd get all powerful and stuff. If we have a bartender on the forums than we can all go to his cantina. Basically just help each other out where it allows....make a sort of underground network of friends. savy?

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There ya go, that's what I'm talking about. Besides, perhaps for increased service the suppliers could give us a cheaper price of sorts, kind of like a payment for our diligence. We could also spread the word about how awesome his/her (that her is just for you CyrinV, just remember that the force is strong in this one. hehe.) stuff is and help improve the business at said manufacturer's shop. Oh yeah, the underground is forming....

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I like it. It's always hard to get started in a game like SWG and quite often it feel like theres 1000's of poeple around but you still have no friends(thats not a description of my personal life :)). I personally think an underground network of friends who can give a little help or join in on a few missions would be cool.


If one person rose quite high or became especially powerful, well, that gives us all a little leverage. It's almost like a little online Freemason's guild :D. With the number of skills announced(700+) it means there may well be someone out there from this board who can help you if you dont have the skills they do.


One vote from me.

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As a rebel PA, Trinity is attempting to form a Rebel Alliance, where we can organize a group of Rebel PA and actually have an treaty, similar to NATO. Well the thing that we need to ensure is that all these PA have to be in the same server in order for the alliance to work. So we are just getting to know other PA's and forming relationships and hopefully in the future the alliance can be formed.


Kiyamon - Minister of Diplomatic Relations

Trinity Republic

Email me

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Server locations would be a problem, but I'd be for what your talking about, a sort of common beginning.







Rich Bastard




"Hey kid, wanna buy a blaster?"

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Hmm Wraith,



I was also thinking of starting a trading franchise ( must be in our dutch blood or something ) Smuggling, transport etc.



maybe we could help eachother out or work together? Who knows :)

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Originally posted by Zendjir

Geez, will all dutch be traders? I'm gonna be one too. Oh, and put me on the list, I will trade your bantha poodoo for you. (Hell, someones gotta do it right? RIGHT?).



the old days will live again!

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I can't really name a profession. I guess explorer, trader maybe. All round bumbling adventure person. A friend and I have a PA and we'll be pooling money to buy a ship ASAP, so i guess we can help out by transporting things or offering a cabin. I'm sure I'll have more specific skills when we get started.

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Originally posted by gavor

A friend and I have a PA and we'll be pooling money to buy a ship ASAP, so i guess we can help out by transporting things or offering a cabin.


What facilities will the cabin have? I need a washroom, shower, basin and bed, obviously, but a nice bed, not too hard, and not too soft. Just right. If you can manage that, I'll take the room. Ohh... and no 1960s decor.

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Originally posted by FWB


What facilities will the cabin have? I need a washroom, shower, basin and bed, obviously, but a nice bed, not too hard, and not too soft. Just right. If you can manage that, I'll take the room. Ohh... and no 1960s decor.



Lol, it isnt a cruise m8 :)

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We have my Vice Captain dressed up in a nice blouse and miniskirt serving pasta just like mamma used to make. Accommodation is a fold out camp bed, cracked mirror and old iron bucket for washing. Toilets consist of old iron bucket.

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