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Altho I had to turn some graphics down....I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm definetely buying it!!!! That saber battle was SWEEET!!!!!


It doesn't bother me about the graphics being low for me to get good framerate, cause I'm used to JK/MotS graphics, and this looks better. hehehe I thought it was funny when I killed the boss, the stormtrooper walks out the door and says 'HEY!' YOU THERE!' lmao!

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Fast download, too - only took a couple of minutes.


I had to turn the graphics WAY down, but my video card sucks, so I wasn't surprised. I plan to get a new one soon anyway.


But the gameplay...eh. Why is everything so sssssllllloooooowwwww? You move slowly, you shoot slowly (rate of fire) - it feels like the whole game is in slow motion!

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hmm...I'm not sure.


What formats will JKII be released on?

Jedi Knight II is expected to launch on both the PC and MAC. While Linux is a possibility, it has not yet been confirmed or denied. There has been no talk of JKII appearing on a console.



that was taken from the unofficial FAQs....hopefully they'll port it to Linux sometime.


Well, I finally beat it on Jedi difficulty.....damn it is so cool...the boss uses different moves and force powers on the higher difficulties i guess....he kept gripping me, and doing this upper-cut through my chest.


Anyone know how to take screenshots? cause I want a screenshot when i'm in a saber-lock with him, it looks so darn awesome...I don't know how much longer I can wait to get the game...I know I could always dload it off of kazaa, but that's cheap and last time i tried i got age of kings and only part of the game. I was going to buy it either way tho cause of the patch requirement. :)


I guess I'll install it on my dad's computer and see if I can't get him hooked. hehehe


some notes on weapons:


bryar charges with secondary fire

stormtrooper rifle has a faster rate of fire with secondary


Experiment with the different lightsaber stances


Use the Force....mind trick is fun


Strafe and hit a wall then press jump and keep strafing, it looks really cool. :D


Force Jump=regular jump, just hold it down to go further


When force healing, don't move cause it'll cancel it.


If you don't like slow motion deaths, you can make them rare..if u like them u can make it so it's frequent. (i like them hehe)


Make sure to enable dismemberment!


They were VERY smart to not release a multiplayer mode in the demo. hehehe

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hehe i'm practicing my saber moves on the rebornboss...i keep making him respawn in different sections of the level. i like how he taunts 'now i am the master' and 'ahahahahahaha' it really feels like a duel. I installed it on my parents computer and it looks alot better. :D

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been playing the real thiong, MP is SOOOO much better then SP. tho for some reason a lot of the servers have not updated to the 1.03 patch :(


Had fun in one game, where a teamate and luke skywalker we dueling, and i was snipering... mate extending, and i disinigrated Luke with a disruptor. oh man, how that muist have looked for my mate to see Luke disappear like that LOL :D


I much prefer the way force jumping works. it actually works in conbinatio nwithyour jumps (imagine that) also you can walk on walls if you ahve jump level 2, walk next to a walk, strafe towards the wall, and jump. neato trick :)


it seems Force lighting is the nastist force power to get. It actaully looks like your doing thesame thing the emporer did to luke. only luke isn't writing in pain


In JK i wasa light Jedi. now like kylei dont gie a curudabout the Jedi, and will do everythign in my power to make my opponents dead


antoher neat trick is Force choke 2 or 3, then near the end of it, force push your foe and see him fly across the room :) :)

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I've had this game for about 2 weeks now, and although SP is fun, MP(specially duel) is where the game really shows it's best aspects.


Although there are a couple of things I really hate about the game. No, actually it's about the people who play it.


First, there's the heal whores. God dammit, what's the fun in dueling, if all you're gonna do is RUN LIEK A SPOON FOR 2 MINUTES every time you're hit? I mean, I know drain is the perfect counter, but it's still ****ing stupid, running around chasing random joe, trying to cut him in half. Meh, I'll stick to NF servers now, thankyouverymuch.


Second, the stupid SW freaks roleplaying everywhere. These exist since the JK days, and with JK2, they discovered new forms of stupidity. Since day 1, they've been polluting the duel servers with their "HELLO, I SHALL SALUTE YOU, NOBLE JEDI", then go off and make sure they play as cheap as possible. For those fortunate enough to not have seen the SALUTING, all they do is turn off the saber, crouch and look UP AND DOWN. Now they call it "saluting", but where I come from, we call it retarded. Now since I really don't care about their stupid saluting, I just stand there and wait whilst they go "YOU FOOL. BOW TO ME." in ewok-speak or whatever. Today, one guy actually said "I WILL NOT FIGHT IF YOU DON'T SALUTE, JEDI"(paraphrased, as I don't have PICTURE PERFECT MEMORY). I waited a minute or so and then promptly cut him in half. His response? "u dick"(not paraphrased). Is it just me, or is the "I AM A JEDI. NOBLE AND FRIENDLY" behavior dumber than the 10 year-old CS playing crowd?


Now, funny thing that also happened today. Some random idiot spent the entire time saying "CUM CHECK OUT MY KEWL SKIN D00D, IHAVE A TATOO ON MY BAK". so I think "hmm. this guy is stupid", but just to shut him up, I look at his back from about 50 feet away and go "WOW". He continues "NO U HAF TO COME CLOSR". Now I think "not only is he stupid, he thinks I'm as stupid as he is", as it was obvious he wanted to kill me with be BACKWARDS STAB and then go "lolol u fag". So I promptly cut him in half(see a pattern here?).


In conclusion, the game is great, if it weren't for the idiots. But those will never cease to exist.




ps - anybody who uses "u", "NE1", "b4" and any other variants of aol speak should be shot. then cut in half.

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Duels get boring real quick.


Hopped into one server that was suppose to be a Teams FFA, and it a 20+ player duel server where the duel limit was 20


so I would need to sit and watch over 300 deaths before i would get a chance to play... no thanks.


FF Team FFA is interesting... it is jsut gang tactics. one guy runs around looking to bait someone, then leads him into a trap, or where his "buds are" one force chokes, the other lightinings, and the rest use their sabers to kill the guy.


Had this happen to me, in the end 2 enemies were dead before i got sabered to death. :)


maps i prefer

Team FFA - Temple, Bespin, and really nutz Raven.


Personally, I think FF adds a lot to the game, as long as there are not any "runners" tho i would like to see some serers with challange activated.


typical Sabers tactics. Blow off your hi-powered Force (Choke, Absorb), knock oyur oppoentdown with push into wall, and Strong saber him while he's down.


PB we should find a place to meet and team up, send me an ICQ, maybe we should ressurect SOB clan

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Sweet mother of Peter Parker, I'm glad I opted not to get this game.


PS: PB, am I still in charge of SOB? I remember you quit after teh war with the JO fags and left me and zarg in charge and then everything went ape****.




haha, nute is a retard.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

PB we should find a place to meet and team up, send me an ICQ, maybe we should ressurect SOB clan




I wanted to clarify that I was still in charge so that I could go around and imply that anyone using "SOB_cockmonger" or whatever is gay and then threaten to kill their families for sport on a japanese game show.

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