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what will the Naboo be unique for in the Xpack?


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in regular GB they had a good navy great air, and great jedi. In the Xpack, the Rebels are almost the undisputed rulers of the skies and the Republic have almost the undisputed best jedi. So what will happen to the Naboo?

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They will be uqinue in that their the only race that turly sucks :p .


That acutlly not a total joke they never where that good rebels and empire both had jedi rearly as good and rebel had air that was basily if not totaly equal to naboo. And they both had other things that gave them an edge. The naboos main thing will be to fund other races in battle and to look cool.

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I am a Royal Naboo junkie and I think that they will still be able to hold their own. They come up short on a few of the upgrades, esp the mech upgrades, but they game will still be balanced out and the Naboo will still rule the waves.


Plus, how can they be the one race to truly sucks when thye have the Gungans to compete with for that category.





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the Naboo will still rule the waves.

true, the Naboo are dangerous on water maps as i found out the only time i played a 1v1 against a royal naboo......


I was the Rebels and it was set to random map, the forced deployment was drawn. Im not used to water maps so i didnt have the build speed that i normally have. Soon as i start to go to T4 he attacks me with Cruisers (errr the GB equivalant to Cannon Gallions). Lucally i had build alot of command centers and spread out the best i could on my island. Also i had a base on the mainland which he had yet to discover so that was my ace in the hole. (had i not have had that i would have been doomed). I manage to delay his destruction of my main base long enough to use my expansion long enough to get fully upgraded xwings (i should have gotten y-wings instead but im still got some newbie left in me and i didnt have the resources). I proceid to to start blowing up his navy then out of the blue my computer freezes up on me. I was so mad i wanted to break somehting. I still wonder how that match would have turned out. I wont lie though for me to win it would have been an up hill battle.

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Tarde fed and gungans match them on water maps. And they both get good upagrdes on the land too. Gungans mechs and troopers are among the best in the game. and trade fed has great mechs and heavy weapons.


Now naboo lets see aside from planes that die in 2 shots from a 40 food 30 carbon AA trooper they got boats. Gungan subs sink you slow ass curisers and trade fed just slugs it out. rebels fly in their supioer sir force and crush you. While empire us cannons assualt mechs and their decent navy to ward you off. Also I can't wait to watch an air cursier rip up your AA destroyers ot lure them into a death trap of turrets.


So you suck on land and your sea and air are conutered easily at his base or in the open with right units dosen't look good for you quite frankly.

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Well you are right about the weakness o the air units, but I still dont concede you that point. All air units die quickly from AA troops, no matter who you use. Plus the Naboo at least get shielded air units. The Empire doesnt and if I am not mistaken, the TF doesnt either.


Now the gungans have good units, but I slay them each time I fight them, easily I might add. Using a about 5 frigates and a few destroyers, I defeat gungans all the time.


The TF ships are strong, but they dont stand up to much abuse from a superior force, as is always the case. Most of the time, the computer or another player will withdraw their forces.


Now where the Naboo have issues is their lack of upgrades on mechs and heavy weapons, but I have conceded that point I believe.






huh, I just dont see the need.

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I’m not sure what game your playing but the gungans and trade fed has all the same upgrades and ships as the naboo. There a perfect match it comes down to the guy in command. And if you beat a gungan player easily with Naboo he was a NooB or just plain sucked.


Shields don't help that much air and Jedi by and large sucks and any civ that relies too much on them also sucks. Rebels just get by having great troopers and decent mechs. Naboo has no saving graces its mech and troops suck and Jedi are waste of a unit if he has 1 group of 10 bounty hunters. A few turrets in his base and he can laugh at air attack. 20 AA troopers and good-bye air attack on route to smash your utterly pathetic ground forces.

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tadre fed can atleast put up a fight on land after tech 3 unlike the Naboo Naboo are hands down the worst.


Won't matter short of giving masters as much health as heros and a 20 attack which I can't see them doing. They will still die on mass as bonuty hunters shot them from behind a wall if you somehow manage to beat his feild army.

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Naboo have the best cannons, best bounty hunters (use infantry up until t4, then use bounty hunters as your infantry). Their unique unit can take a lot of punishment, and their Jedi and Air is the best in the game.


I would argue that Trade Fed are the worst civ, because of the carbon penalty. All the other civs are balanced IMO.

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I like the empire best they look real cool to me atleast and they got good bouns all around.


heh bonuty hunters they can just barely beat a reapter trooper who has no hit piont upgarde. But he cost 3 times as much. he also has less range and armor then troopers.


Air not a factor great heavy weapons=great Anti aircraft.


jedi not a factor bonuty hunters=dead jedi hell Destroyer driods can take them of they have numbers edge.


And thats another thing unlike most civs where the unipe unit is tacked on and not usally used alot the tadre feds is used a ton. Destroyer driods can beat the **** out of bonuty hunters and royal cursaders and most of the other woefully underpowered units.

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Try massing ten Naboo bountyhunters (which are better than any others, and cheaper) against ten fully upgraded repeaters. The naboo bountyhunters will win.


I agree Jedi aren't that effective, but they do have their uses, conversions, killing infantry etc.


Air is badly used by many in this game. The Naboo's aircraft are built faster and can quite easily knock out AA with the help of some ground force (bounty hunters, strike mechs, crusaders, cannons)


Again I add that the Naboos cannons and bounty hunters are the best in the game. Naboo need advanced tactics, but if you can master them they are possibly the best civ. Watch some of the experts play with them, there are some good recorded games at mr fixit. YOu will learn how powerful the Naboo can be!

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Sorry I must shot down you 10 bonuty vs 10 reapters you right the bonuty hunters woulds win with like 6 of them dead. But you totaly disconut cost even with 10% cheaper I could feild like 25 Repaters for the 10 bonuty hunters which will then quickly proceed to die.


Lkie I said air sucks period naboo can't take out AA easily at all their ground forces will be rotting corpses long before they reach the AA to take it out. You also talk about how your ground army will support your air yet you don't mention the fact that the enemies army will be much tougher. And may even eb sheilded (gungans).



Cannons suck when all the stuff backing them up is badly outclassed which you can't say most of the Naboo army isn't.

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I've siad this many times and will say it again it shoudln't take an expert player to win with a side. If it dose then that side is unbaclned and weak. It takes an expert to win with naboo you yourself admit that. That Right away is proof that it's the skill of the player not the side that winning those games a palyer that can win alot with Naboo would be god like with rebels or empire.



P.S. I have watched some and still hold that empire, rebels, or gungans would have fared just as well if not better then naboo. Sometimes what top players think dosen't matter this is such a case 90% of players belive Naboo is weak and at disavnatage with some expert that could own with any race saying their fine as is.

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Like I said before, The Naboo require advanced tactics, and if you can master those they are a formidable civ to play. I would agree that for a beginner The Naboo are a poor choice. Once you have mastered the tactics of the different civs you begin to play with different strategies. The majority of experts (who obviously have mastered the game) seem to go with the Naboo.


You can say what you like about experts, but perhaps they have explored the game furthur than you.


So 90% say Naboo are weak, should the other 10% that say they aren't, not voice their opinion?


The games I would recommend to you are games between experts. Watching a game when someone is easily outclassed by their opponent doesn't indicate the strengths and weaknesses of a civ.

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