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Is the community damaged?


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You guys think the community is damaged for good?


I don't see near the players I used to.


I'm afraid that this great game is gonna be run down to nearly nothing.




I dunno how accurate those are but I remember JK2 being much higher not to long ago.


I hope once Raven finally gets things balanced they return.


I hope I'm wrong it would suck to see such a great game die due to lack of good patches.


Not trying to be a Doomsayer I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

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I really like the things the way they are now (xept the bitching about the patch etc.) but I would always rather have 3000 people, than 70 000 since if we had 70 000 then we would get a new thread every 14 seconds since 50% of the people would have a "identity" complex....oh well...

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I think if they repair a few of the mistakes they made the recent patch will be fine. They need to tone down the blocking a bit since it's a wee bit crazy, and they need to take Saber Throw out of duels, and I suspect that they are going to make a much more subtle patch next time, and one that leaves everyone a little more satisfied.


Many of the good players were alienated by the patch, but I think if they repatch it with something a little more moderate many of those players will come back.

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It's Dead ! I hate the game now, everytime I play it hate builds up in me, because I remmber how good it was and much worse it is now. I cant stand it, SHAME ON YOU RAVEN, SHAME !!


Down boy, down!! Heel!! :)


They know better than to leave a huge chunk of their community dissatisfied...I hope.


And I agree Canoli, JK2 mods will liven up the game a lot!! Probably bring many of us back into the fold.

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I think that the community is just fine. It's another microcosm of the rest of the world. You've got people that are fun to play with and people who piss you off. Personally, the people who piss me off are those who spam the backstab move.


Honestly, if the number of people playing the game was at 70,000 and it dropped to 50,000, that'd be fine by me. Hopefully most of the people who quit playing were the same silly bastards who spammed the DFA, wish that drain still hit like a freight train, and wish that there were more cheap and easy ways to kill other players.


I think the patch DID heavily affect the community. But I don't see that effect as a negative one. If people don't like the patch, fine. They're probably not the people I want to play with anyway. I think Raven made the game a hell of a lot more fun. I had deleted the game from my hard drive before the patch came out. Now that it's out, the game's back on and is staying there unless they really undo the work of the current patch (which is HIGHLY unlikely). I really doubt that they'll be taking away features as much as they will be adding to or subtly modifying the existing scheme at this point.


You don't radically change the game (and the changes in 1.03 ARE radical, I'll give you that) only to substantially revert it to its unpatched version. Raven knows that folks don't like the 1.02 patch. I think their attitude is that folks should trust them to know what's fun and what isn't. If people disagree, guess what. YOU CAN STILL PLAY THE OTHER VERSION. Even if Raven does patch the game and I hate the new patch, at least I'll have 1.03 now.

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Ah yes, the long and distinguished history of a GAME THAT HAS BEEN OUT FOR LESS THAN SIX MONTHS.


And revertto1.2, why don't you follow the advice of your name and REVERT TO THE OLD VERSION instead of playing a game that makes you so mad? Or do you enjoy being mad at the game?


You say that the game fills you with hate after 10 minutes. You say that you wish things were like 1.02 again. REINSTALL THE FRIGGING GAME, GO PLAY 1.02 AND QUITCHERBITCHING.


Honest to god man, I know they say don't feed the trolls, but between you and ThisPatchSucks (probably the same guy), I've seen more pointless negative reaction to the patch than from anyone else. If you don't like the patch, FINE.


You're not forced to play 1.03. There are plenty of 1.02 servers out there. GO PLAY ON THEM AND LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.


IF you still feel the need to piss and moan about how much this patch sucks, how it's ruined your life, and how the ancient and proud history of Jedi Knight II has been sullied by this loathsome smelly patch, try writing some constructive criticism. You know, offer REAL suggestions. Like, besides "BLOW UP RAVEN! THEY SuX0r!!!" And besides "MAKE IT LIKE 1.02!!!"


Clue phone. It's for you. They AIN'T gonna make the game like 1.02. You don't fundamentally change game mechanics only to say, "Nah, let's change it back." They did this for a reason. If you don't like it, guess what, you can still play the way you want to. Go do so, and find something better to do with your life than spend countless hours on this board writing essentially the same message over and over and over, especially when that message offers NOTHING to the debate.


And don't tell me about your damn First Amendment rights. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS ON A PRIVATE SERVER.


Look, I'm all for people offering constructive criticism and intelligent debate, (and yes, I know this is the internet, so that's pretty rare to find) but why don't you try giving maybe a nanosecond's worth of thought to what could make this game better, given the existing scheme of the game. IE: how could we ENHANCE the current system to a point where the game would be better? You won't convince Raven to throw this version out the window and have 1.04 be the "back to 1.02" patch. They won't waste their time doing that when you can easily reinstall the game and have your 1.02. Think about things like, maybe, a reduction in the range within which you can block. IE: a reduction from 180 degrees in front, to maybe 90 degrees in front. Something like that.


I don't expect you to actually take any of this advice, but I figured I'd throw the suggestion out there in the hopes that MAYBE it might get through this little temper tantrum you seem determined to throw and MAYBE sink into your brain and take seed there.


I look forward to your intelligent response.

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Originally posted by Solo4114

Ah yes, the long and distinguished history of a GAME THAT HAS BEEN OUT FOR LESS THAN SIX MONTHS.


And revertto1.2, why don't you follow the advice of your name and REVERT TO THE OLD VERSION instead of playing a game that makes you so mad? Or do you enjoy being mad at the game?


You say that the game fills you with hate after 10 minutes. You say that you wish things were like 1.02 again. REINSTALL THE FRIGGING GAME, GO PLAY 1.02 AND QUITCHERBITCHING.


Honest to god man, I know they say don't feed the trolls, but between you and ThisPatchSucks (probably the same guy), I've seen more pointless negative reaction to the patch than from anyone else. If you don't like the patch, FINE.


You're not forced to play 1.03. There are plenty of 1.02 servers out there. GO PLAY ON THEM AND LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.


IF you still feel the need to piss and moan about how much this patch sucks, how it's ruined your life, and how the ancient and proud history of Jedi Knight II has been sullied by this loathsome smelly patch, try writing some constructive criticism. You know, offer REAL suggestions. Like, besides "BLOW UP RAVEN! THEY SuX0r!!!" And besides "MAKE IT LIKE 1.02!!!"


Clue phone. It's for you. They AIN'T gonna make the game like 1.02. You don't fundamentally change game mechanics only to say, "Nah, let's change it back." They did this for a reason. If you don't like it, guess what, you can still play the way you want to. Go do so, and find something better to do with your life than spend countless hours on this board writing essentially the same message over and over and over, especially when that message offers NOTHING to the debate.


And don't tell me about your damn First Amendment rights. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS ON A PRIVATE SERVER.


Look, I'm all for people offering constructive criticism and intelligent debate, (and yes, I know this is the internet, so that's pretty rare to find) but why don't you try giving maybe a nanosecond's worth of thought to what could make this game better, given the existing scheme of the game. IE: how could we ENHANCE the current system to a point where the game would be better? You won't convince Raven to throw this version out the window and have 1.04 be the "back to 1.02" patch. They won't waste their time doing that when you can easily reinstall the game and have your 1.02. Think about things like, maybe, a reduction in the range within which you can block. IE: a reduction from 180 degrees in front, to maybe 90 degrees in front. Something like that.


I don't expect you to actually take any of this advice, but I figured I'd throw the suggestion out there in the hopes that MAYBE it might get through this little temper tantrum you seem determined to throw and MAYBE sink into your brain and take seed there.


I look forward to your intelligent response.


Not to be rude or anything but...take your own advice--calm down. You don't want to have a heart attack :D

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Once again, a thread in which some state opinions, others refute those opinions, and people start being smegheads. The saddest thing is that this thread wasn't directly about the patch, but the players.


The patch made stuff different than it was before. It doesn't make things much better or worse. The people playing, on the other hand...well, instead of death from above, we now have the kick'n'slash.


The attitudes of too many players is making me eye my AvP2 again...

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I have to agree with other posters in here. I used to play for 2-3 hours a day. A FFA match here, duels there and then a couple CTF games before going to sleep or going to work- I haven't been playing like that since the new patch. Lately, I log on and try to get into it but the enjoyment just isn't there.


The blocking, damage reduction and change to saber swing calibration is ridiculous, the backstabbing is so rampant that even if you find a server that people are not spamming this move on you can't enjoy it for more then 5-10 mins before someone connects and starts it up. The only games I have found without backstab spammers that are FFA are just people running around with their sabers down waiting for the current duelers to finish- /yawn. Gone is the excitement of the battle pile-up and the flash of sabers all over the screen- one or two backstab moves clean it out faster then DFA ever seemed too. Auto-block makes my hard earned effort to find an opening in opponents defenses totally frustrating and relegates most players to a 'finishing move' alot of the time now.


It truly is a shame, this is the first game I bought that was based on the Star Wars universe and for about a month it dominated my play time.


The idea of going back to patch 1.02 playing is tempting, but the reality that Raven won't be supporting that product anymore makes doing so pretty unrealistic.


Is the community permentantly effected? I would have to say yes, since retention is very important to any community. It was fun while it lasted, sadly unless they pull a 180 on saber combat I think it is time for me to move on.

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Once again, a thread in which some state opinions, others refute those opinions, and people start being smegheads. The saddest thing is that this thread wasn't directly about the patch, but the players.


Smegheads?? ROFL That's the funniest insult I've heards in a while.


Also, I wanted to say that I decided to try playing JK2 again for the first time in a while, I have the past couple of nights, and I've noticed that I can only play for about an hour before I get extremely bored and frustrated. So far, both nights (I play NF Duels) I got on, played for an hour, and got really bored and watched as my kill ratio went from an extreme high to an extreme low. With 1.02 that took hours, like 3 or 4, I usually quit before I got bored playing then. To me that means that the patched version isn't as good.


So I agree Denise, but give Raven some credit, I doubt that they'll go back to the way things were, or something silly like that, but I bet they balance out some of the blocking concerns, and fix the backstab animation(which is as buggy as the old DFA was--it hits you from miles away...)


I think that if most people just wait, Raven will come through with something that some people like less, but more people like in general, they would be pretty foolish to ignore the current concerns of the community.

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