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The patch really SUCKS


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They HAVE FKD IT REALLY NICELY ! NO MORE TENSION, NO MORE OF THAT FEELING I GET OF NERVOUSNESS, knowing the fact that one little touch and your dead. The tension is gone for me, and somewhat the incentive to really concentrate, it's like your saber blocks too much now, and the stances have been truly raped up the ass. Heavy is now just yellow slower with some added damage, well if u strike a hit while your swing is midway then it's pretty decent but on the fringe its suck some nice ass. I still have hope for it tho. Hmm yellow seems to be the dominating stance now, very unfortunate, alot the hits seem to be more luck based. It's like they have taken out the real skill and true timing of a one hit kill with heavy and just somewhat made it more lucky now, so everyone get's a chance of winning. Frame rate is pathetic and omg it's @#%$ when u join a ffa with 20 people or more, it crawls and I have a pentium 4 with gf2. I really hope as time goes buy there will be some clear line of skill to develop rather than just dance around like some monkey waving your saber increasing your luck of hitting, I want it to be tactical, more defined, more just what it used to be, I really hope they will release another patch that can at least give more of that back. I love the new levels and the music on one of them kicks ass, but yeah everything else seems to disappoint ALOT. There better be some hope RAVEN, U BETTER GIVE US HOPE

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"I really hope as time goes buy there will be some clear line of skill to develop rather than just dance around like some monkey waving your saber increasing your luck of hitting, I want it to be tactical, more defined, more just what it used to be, I really hope they will release another patch that can at least give more of that back."


LoL! Yeah...riiiight. You know what? At the moment YOU are the little monkey waving your saber around, trying to get a lucky hit while those, who have actually PRACTISED on the new system (instead of trying to spam the same 1.02 crap over and over and cursing on the boards that this patch SUX 'cause I can't dominate the game with my PRE-PATCH techniques) are watching you and thinking: "Man..why is that guy running around like a headless chicken swinging his saber like a madman? Maybe I should put him out of his misery with a few quick, deadly strikes.."


The game has changed. Learn it instead of sitting and waiting (and whining) for some new patch that would make you able to score again with your "good-old-moves". Trust me; the good players always finish on top, pre-patch and post patch.

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