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Darth Vader Released


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no that won't happen. you have the choice now and so does everyone else. my skin is an addon to sithlords model and should not be used to replace his more than good enough skin. Enough said.

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well your cape is better,

maybe i missed something but did vader have different pants and sleeves in different movies, so is that why there is a reflection in the different between "darth" and "vader".


btw did anyone notice that the model holds the lightsaber on the outside of the right hand, i just saw it with the modelview config

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Great work! It's almost surreal fighting Vader in JKII...


Just a question about the bot support though - is there a way to adjust him so he's a bit more offense oriented?


I heard a while back that all the bots are set to "camp" mode or something like that (and that there's a flag you can change in their AI files or something), and that was one of the reasons why they tend to back off so much.


Ideally what would be kinda cool is if there was a way to create a Vader bot that's way souped up ( in force powers and general offense + defense capabilities), a lot more aggressive, and generally just so friggin' hard to kill that people can run a mini-co op mode with a friend double teaming against him.


Maybe there's a way to extract parts of the Tavion or Desann AI script from single player + use it in the Vader bot or something.


Oh well, just a thought

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Okay, as most all of the websites have Sithlord-ii's Vader model now, I am removing it from my server.


Actually, I just really want to see how many people download it from JKII.Net, and I don't wanna take hits from that. :D

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WOW, I really love the model. It was nice of sithlord to make it and distribute it.


Great work Sith. I really hope someone can find a way to make the breathing happen all the time. I have enough fun with my Vader now. imagine if he had his breathing too as i choke my friend to death....


Keep up the good work!

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backstab problem...?

fixed, dude... long ago...

and i checked the sounds...the only files that really need to be made louder might be the respirator noises (when it is failing, too quiet) and the one death scream when he falls

everything else is as loud as the other files, unless my ears deceive me


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I downloaded the model and put it in the base folder along with all my other pk3 files....they all work.

Vader shows up in the menu as a selectable character and bot...

But when I select him as my character it won't work...it defaults to the next character on my list (darth maul)....


Any ideas why vader isn't working for me?


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...it's only a one-time glitch. Mine also chose the next model over, but after I did the following it never did it again:


Once the game loads and you see you are not playing as Vader, press Esc and reconfigure your player. Select Vader and you'll be on your way. :)


Hmm, I never noticed the backstab problem, maybe because that move is the hardest thing to pull off for me. Folks and bots in MP tend to run around so much that I can't get a good 180 degree position on them.


As for the sounds, I think they should be amplified a bit, too. It very well may be the EAX toning things down a bit, but I'm not going to give up occlusion and real 3D sound just to hear Vader yell. However, if I could hear him yell louder, that would be great!


There is a map available called Carbon Freeze that is a decent replica of the final battle in ESB between Luke and Vader. You can even smash the big window and get sucked out into the huge cylindrical room above the platform where Vader told Luke he was his father. On that platform is the antenna array(?) that Luke leapt from, and there is a force powerup on te opposite side if you are daring enough to grab it. I forget the author's name, but it's here on jkii.net, and makes a great level to play as Vader. Unfortunatley bots act like lunatics, so grab a friend and go head to head! It's fun to push them out that big window.


Great job Sith! You made quite a model.

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Several things wrong with mine....


1. When I join a MP game, the vader skin doesn't show up sometimes. I've checked that it is in the right folder and all, but sometimes it just gives me the bespin cop model....



2. When my model DOES show up, it is messed up. Choppy, and instead of black, it looks foggy grey.


3. When my model DOES show up for me again, nobody else in MP can see it. I have asked people who I look like, and they have always returned with either "That cop guy" "Bespin Cop" or "Kyle"

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Others need to download the model from jediknightii.net in order to see it in MP. Point them to the forums so they can see you as Darth Vader. The only drawback is that there may be several Vaders running around on one board so you won't be original, but that's the way it has to be. As far as your graphics problems, they may be computer related. Mine seems to work fine. Do you have any corrupt files in your Game Data folder? The recent patch hiccuped after I installed it because I had a corrupt Anakin skin.

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