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Mercs vs. Jedis -- Suggestions for the Future of this Mod


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I think class based games rule. I loved Mysteries of the Sith multiplayer, unfortunately no one else did, and I was left playing with myself.


Anyhoo, I played a Jedi vs Merc game. Here are some changes I would make.


Mercenaries are pull/push fodder on levels like nar shadda. I think that giving them a jet pack (or a grappling hook would be cool) that works in mid air, but operates much like force jump would make things easier. They could just fly back to a ledge, if they were quick enough on the trigger. This would also help them to jump.


Saber blocking needs some tuning for this type of game. At a distance, a jedi and merc are at a stalemate. Any weapon can be blocked or pushed by the jedi, and the jedi has no way to harm the merc. Getting in close puts the merc at a disadvantage. They just stand there staring at eachother. Or else the merc unloads on the Jedi until he dies from returned blaster fire or runs out of ammo. It would be nice if a Jedi had to do more than just look at the merc to avoid dying.


I don't think limiting the number of jedi is a choise option. Think of the people who play on public servers. Even team games are free for alls. Everyone will want to be the stronger jedi class and If someone wants to be a jedi on a public server, he will just log off if he is forced to be a mercenary. Then the games are small, and less fun. I think it would be better to try and balance Both classes so that you'd get a good mix of both types on a public server.


I think this is a game I would be interested in playing on any level except nar shadda (which is where I played...as a merc...but I got second place despite being thrown to my doom at least once a minute). I hope that the next patch cleans up the gameplay for this game.



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I think giving the mercs some force jump ability or some equivalent is a good idea. When I do guns on force servers, I like to go to 3rd person, so I can do all kinds of jumps and acrobatics with my gun to freak the other person out and maybe get some hits in (with non-explosives, that is).

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I really like most of Ten Tigers ideas.


We should still have ratios, but that should be a toggle that can be turned on and off, for admins that don't want to limit that. But truth is that just won't work out. And if you make mercs equal to jedi's, then that's just weak IMHO. The reason I don't htink it will work out, is due to AVP2 (aliens vs predator 2) It's one of the best examples of cross player type games. And what you often had was always a disproportionate number of players always on the winning team. Rarely ever even games. But it also had a way to limit each class and on those games it was much more even all across the board.


I think if you we're going to add in grapples and jumpack, jetpacks, hell you might as well ad other interesting devices for mercs only. Cuz you know in the movies it seemed like every bounty hunter had his own speciality. It would be cool if each merc could have his own. Like a jump pack, quad laser or some other devious jedi killing device. That would probably even out the mercs vs jedi greatly. Again though please make all this stuff cvar toggles to give us admins a variety of ways to put these things together.

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Gosh, I hope Raven is reading this, this could turn out really hot.


Imagine now, what they could do with this in an expansion pack? That might be what it turns out as, in the end. This is a LOT of stuff to work into a patch.


But man, I can just imagine being gripped by a jedi and thrown off a ledge, only to come blasting back up with a jetpack, or grappling a nearby wall, swinging up, then back over and catching the Jedi from behind.


Ten Tigers, I'm not thrilled with the idea of thermal detonators being instagib. They can be really hard to see in the middly of a fight, and one might not know their opponent is throwing detonators until the first one hits. And they seem to be very easy to aim...



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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Ten Tigers, I'm not thrilled with the idea of thermal detonators being instagib. They can be really hard to see in the middly of a fight, and one might not know their opponent is throwing detonators until the first one hits. And they seem to be very easy to aim...



A valid point. Perhaps to compensate you can make them flash, and beep more. Easier to see/hear comming.


Cause as they are now, ThermDets are a joke. IMO that is...

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Oh, I dunno, they can be useful in some levels. more than once I've rained them down from the catwalk by the compactor in NS_Hideout and made several frags, or mortared them down the hills in the Massassi Temple. I use the secondary fire of them, though. Waiting for them to blow up sorta sucks...


I guess making them beep and flash would be nice. Maybe make them fly a little bit slower, they're pretty quick.


Finally, and this is just off the top of my head: do you think maybe eliminating the secondary fire (instant explosion) would maybe make them a bit more fair? After all, if you're gonna put an instagib weapon in there, it has to have serious drawbacks in other areas, right?



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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Oh, I dunno, they can be useful in some levels. more than once I've rained them down from the catwalk by the compactor in NS_Hideout and made several frags, or mortared them down the hills in the Massassi Temple. I use the secondary fire of them, though. Waiting for them to blow up sorta sucks...


I guess making them beep and flash would be nice. Maybe make them fly a little bit slower, they're pretty quick.


Finally, and this is just off the top of my head: do you think maybe eliminating the secondary fire (instant explosion) would maybe make them a bit more fair? After all, if you're gonna put an instagib weapon in there, it has to have serious drawbacks in other areas, right?




Actually I kinda like that. That way if you are not too familiar with them, or just plain slack, you can very well blow yourself up with them. Just dont make the timer last too long or it will be way to easy to push them back...

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420

I forgot to touch that. I think thermal dets are fine as they are. They do plenty of damage. I think if they hit you directly with nothing but 100 health you should die. And I believe thats how they work now.


Unfortunately that's not how they work now. I can vest up four of them with normal health/shields. They do like 40-50 damage...

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers


Unfortunately that's not how they work now. I can vest up four of them with normal health/shields. They do like 40-50 damage...



Really? damn never tested it, that's weak. I would think at least 100 health with no shields. I mean it is an explosive, a grenade can kill a man within 10 feet. Much less get one to the head, and much less a star wars hyper modded grenade.

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Originally posted by KnightHawk420



Really? damn never tested it, that's weak. I would think at least 100 health with no shields. I mean it is an explosive, a grenade can kill a man within 10 feet. Much less get one to the head, and much less a star wars hyper modded grenade.


I field tested it on myself. Of course mind you I did have 100 shields, but it still took 4 of em to kill myself...


And that was at groundzero...

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Ok new update :)



* As i said before a grappeling hook

* New freeze trap => freezes the jedi for 10 sec when he comes

near it.

* Freeze gun => same as the trap but you can aim it.

* Uhm a sling of some sort (Boba used it in Rotj). It's has the

same purpose as a net but it's a iron cable.

* If the sling isn't good i prupose a netgun with a laser net (not

cuttable by a weapon) It will disappear after a shot period.

* Make it so that the jedi can't reflect the disruptor shots.

* Mercs should be the only one to be able to use the shield (jedi

use force shield when they are light)

* Mercs should start with a better weapon then the Bryar and the

stun batton. (replace stun batton by something else)

* Mercs can use map turrets (like sp or maybe a AT-ST => make it

less powerfull then in sp)

* Mercs could maybe have a cloaking skill or cloaking pickups (like

the shields/force shield/ysalamiri.

* A little ysalamiri that works for 15 sec would be nice too



* They can wield a saber

* They can use the force

* Option out of 2 sabers (double or single)


Game Mode itself:

Make it so that the jedi can't out number the mercs. Excample 10 jedi vs 8 mercs isn't possible.


Uhm make sure that each color is an other side. RED = Jedi

BLUE = MERC or something else that they can be recognised and that people on the merc side can't be jedi.


Maybe some fortress maps. 2 fortesses (one for jedi and one for merc) The mercs would have 2 turrets on their fortress. And the jedi would have hard to reach places. Like their fortress would be buid on a mountain or something like that.


Maybe importing 1 or 2 AT-ST in a map would be nice for the gameplay issue. You could disable one af the AT-ST weapons or make them less powerfull so the jedi have a chance against them.


That all for this reply hope you like it so far :)

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Originally posted by Lord Nodata


In about 2 days, Jango Fett will prove you wrong.:D


**************EP2 SPOILER ALERT******************














lol he gives Obi Wan trouble, but Mace Windu makes short work of our buddy Jango

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Didint read through the whole thread yet, but I had some ideas on a class based mode as well. Originally I thought of it as Jedi VS Bounty Hunter. But then though of some more classes. here are my thoughts.


Game modes include ffa, ctf, and misson mode (will explain at the end)




Jedi- any assortment of powers up from force level 5 to Jedi Master. Start with force, saber, and 25 shields.


Bounty Hunter- Instead of force powers they can use any guns and gadgets. Gadget one wrist based item (chocies are flame thrower, rope weapons as in what Boba fett did to Luke in ROTJ, or a grappling hook). THe next set of gadgets include back Gadgets, either the jet pack (with a one shot high damage large damage radius missle) or a back mounted yslmalri. Aside from those all the other pickups and guns are available to use.

Also on the weapons, the rope wrist gadget will temporarily immobolize a jedi while they cut out of it with the light saber. Will immobilize other classes slightly longer than a jedi. They start with all gadgets, an st rifle, and 50 shields.


Force Adept- Only up to force level 3, and even then can only choose from neutral powers only. Also they do not get a lightsaber. They can use any of the pickups and any of the guns.

Start with 25 shields. Start with an st rifle.


Droid- Can use any of the weapons and pickups. Run slightly faster than normal speed bounty hunter and force adept and can jump higher. They are also immune to falling damage and physical damage (aka kicks). They start with 200 health and 100 shields. Start with the bryar and thermal dets.



As for the mission mode, it be something like the Jedi and force adepts have to escape a city which would invovle passing from checkpoint a to b to c etc. Also in mission mode the amount of jedi depends on the number of other classes. For example 15 merc=5 jedi/force adepts. In addition there would be a Rank restriction. Using the above example there could be only 1 Jedi master, 2 Jedi Knights, and the rest would be Jedi Guardians.

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Chang informed me that it's a hidden feature because of those balanace issues they didn't have time to fix. Or should I say, the other programmers never got around to it, just like with all the other bugs.

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