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My movie-review: your thoughts

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Ok, by now most of you will no doubt have read my review of Attack Of The Clones. Saw the movie Tuesday, May 7th in a press-screening.. You can read the review here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51741&perpage=10&pagenumber=1


What i'd like to know, is: has this review changed your view of AotC in any way ? Has it made you look more towards the movie or did it move you into the opposite direction ?

What's your stance on the movie after reading it ?

Your thoughts...

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leon, i feel sick to my stomach with that...


just kidding:D , i'm seeing it this weekend and you're review makes me want to see it more. ESB yes you are correct, the best star wars movie to date but if this one is the 2nd best in your honest opinion, then this is really something totally worth watching...

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