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What's DFA?


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Originally posted by L!Z@rd

it means Death From Above... usually refering to the red stance over head chop now STFU


You ever. EVER. Tell ANYONE with a bloom county reference as a name to stfu, and I will find and murder you. Kthxbye!

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Oh yes, the forums can be nasty. But it makes it pretty easy to point out the children ( L!Z@rd) that frequent the forums.


As with most everything on the net, ignore the idiots.


The next "stupid" question that you may have is concerning what is "ass fighting"? I do not know for sure but I think it is referring to those people who run up to you backwards to do a backstab maneuver. Not sure how to do the move myself though. To ask is to cause adolescent rants to rain down upon you.

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Originally posted by L!Z@rd

it means Death From Above... usually refering to the red stance over head chop...


If you go to JediKnight II site http://www.jediknightii.net/lightsabers.shtml


they say


"Flip Forward & Attack Downward

If an enemy is directly in front of you and you are using the Medium Lightsaber Combat Style, this "death from above"move can be used with:

- Forward + Primary + Jump"




"Forward Jump & Downward Hack

If you are standing in the ready position and you are using Strong Lightsaber Combat Style, an unblockable finishing move can be carried out with:

- Forward + Primary + Jump from standing position

- Jump + Primary while in air + Jump Forward (update from nem-x)


and this was way before the 1.03 patch.


Funny how the REAL meaning of DFA has been changed in this forum :D

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Originally posted by CybrSlydr

Man, this is a pretty hostile forum. Sounds like the Delphi Falcon 4.0 Forum (never been there, but I hear it's nasty...). Must say I'm kinda disappointed. Great way to keep the community going...


It never used to be nasty, used to be full of sound peps, now laods of people have ruiend it and flooded it. :)

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Lizard don't bother me... I knew asking such a basic question would get a few flame responses. But if you don't know, you ask. And people like him mean nothing to me, so on with life. Thanks for the answers, now I know what some of these posts are referring too.



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Sorry for that response, Steve. These forums have hit hard times, when older members don't readily greet newcomers like we used to when these boards first opened and up until two months or so ago. It's a shame, really. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here.


*hand over chocolate jedi medallions*


Old tradition, somebody has to keep it up while the Master is away. ;)

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