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Greetings all.


I just found out about SWGs this week and I have been trying to learn everything i can about it asap. I can't wait to get my hands on this game, i dont know how all of you who have known about it sinse the beginning have been able to wait for so long ;) props to you


anyway i have a bunch of questions, i've found the answers to some by researching numerous forums and sites. I'll just ask one for starters, because i'm sure you are all sick of answering newbie questions.


here goes: i saw that you can equip numerous items, like 2 rings, 3 levels of jackets, wrists, shins, etc...is there any word if there are magical mods to items (like diablo2) or are they just defense pts and for looks?


thanks a bunch, see ya's soon



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Well, I said welcome to you on your other topic, so here I'll just give you a big old HOWDY!


I doubt if there will be magical mods to the items. It's Star Wars not a fantasy universe, so there is no magic. If there's any special properties there will probably be technological reasons for them.


Oh, here's a tip to help wait out the time until release that's worked for all of us. Take up dancing.



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ok, didnt know if it was mentioned somewhere that i had missed...


perhaps items like rings will have boosts to strength, or pools or something. Perhaps to heal faster. What else would the 2 ring slots be used for, they wouldn't add much to your char's appearance.

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i hope you will stick around. :D




have you checked the FAQ on this site and the official site?





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What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

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X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Greetings Saiyan22, welcome to the forum!


There will probably be no such thing as 'magical' rings, but I think they might give you acces to certain areas (as mentioned before) or show your alligiance with a clan or something like that. Or maybe even little transmitters, or homing devices for your vehicles, or distress beacons or....or ......


Or maybe......they have a cherry inside, that you can nibble on while you are in transit to another world.


Who knows?

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thanks for the warm welcome


as to what type of character i'll be making:

probably a warrior/soldier type, not nesessarily bounty hunter but if give bonuses maybe...after diablo2 got boring, I started making duelers with friends and that was a lot of fun :lsduel: ... so i'll probably go the route of the warrior...and if luck permits...eventually jedi:syoda: gotta stay optimistic :cool:


heh, despite the facts given, i remain optimistic to one day becoming a jedi, until then i can explore other professions...


sinse you can reallocate skill pts, perhaps i will move from perfession to perfession...maybe a tattoo artist to give myself a buff tattoo ;) then make myself some nice clothes, then time to move on again...etc


its really hard to say before the game comes out, until then I picture myself as a jedi:D (it could happen)

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