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Yoda Model!


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yes i agree life is more important than a model and if any disagree then learn to make your own besides how mayn people say they are gonna release a mod or sumtin like it and you wait so long that when it finally comes out if it does your like hey i remember that so get a life

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G0G0GadgetForce said this to another post:


"I totally agree with everything you just said. His head is wider. I repeated alot of stuff upon proof reading. You are right about the "smile" too. The toy says like 75 sentances and the eyes, ears, and mouth move. The latex on the lips is connected to an actuator. They may have also wanted an appearance of being happy so it didn't scare younger kids. (Remeber: "You will be, you will be" ? he scared me!!)


You are also right about the animations. This team needs a animator that knows what hes doing. If it is possible to create new animations for charcacters that fit the fighting fields without creating a total conversion mod.


Your right about Arco too. He is good. One of the best I've seen for Q3 type models. I hope I can achieve his level of detail someday.


That post with the pictures was meant really for Arco. It shows bumps, warts, and wrinkles that the actual Yoda puppet/CG character has. I was trying to get the perfect light with macro and no flash to capture the topography of the skin. This is one little bumping/wrinkley dude. I also thought a close up of the hands might help.


Maybe we could post ideas about animation substitutes for all the moves. What does the team think? Do you guys want to recruit an animator? Is that approach is feasable?"


I just realized that too--I thought something was a little off with the toy, but anyway, I also think it's a little more yellowish than Yoda is, but NO BIGGIE ;)


BTW--Isn't that weird--the Furby (my younger cousins have them)--has a big round face and small ears--while this has a smaller face and large ears! (guess they were thinking kinda elf-like)


ONE MORE THING--has anyone seen gremlins--the furby is pretty much like that, I wonder why noone ever talked about that--I noticed that the first time I saw them.


SRRY bout going off topic--let me redeem myself...


YODA ROCKS--and so does this model!


:evanpiel: (close enough head to yoda for now[don't want to bother looking for it :p )

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I've been thinking, how many servers are running jedimod full time? Last time I checked it was about 4 or so. So when Yoda comes out he'll only be tiny on those four servers, the rest of them he'll be giganticly deformed.


And isn't jedimod for FFA only (I play on CTF)? So only yoda will be tiny for just FFA servers with jedimod.


I was wondering if they could just get the resizing part of jedimod a seperate mod of its own, so all servers can have it and still be balanced (I think the 2sabers and dualblade makes the game unbalancing)


Just my 2 cents tho

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Just to help and prevent you, and more importantly other server administrators, from being turned off of the Yoda Model for that reason, I'm telling you that all the features of JediMod can be switched on or off.

Thus, a server can use JediMod with just the Scaling turned on, and no other modifications enabled.


It is true though, that this model is intended to be used with the scaling feature, and the server community will need to catch up with the times and make it a common mod.




(for best results: Shrink, Play and Enjoy!!)

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Hey Vampire and Midget, I love you guys but mind your own buisness. CRAP! If you guys are bothered so much about spam, then stay far far away from this thread cause its full of it, lol. Anyway start acting like a real world Jedi. A Jedi wouldnt whine about such petty BS. You dont see me whining about this crap, and thats because I don't think twice about it. I'm not going to let that stupid crap ruin 1 second of my day. And I'm not going to add to it by saying somthing back every time either. Anyway, I'm not trying to be hard on you guys I'm just saying to look at it differently, cause while yes there is almost more useless spam than usefull info in this thread lately, I want this thread open for the few people who do have some sense. Besides I'm trying to coordinate a release ASAP, and then I will start the New Official release thread and will ask Kman personally to kill this damn thread. But I'm like spam or no spam, this thread has been quite a small phenomenon for good or bad I don't know, but I say we might aswell ride it out and see what happens. So lets lighten up and have some fun and just ignore the spammers.

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I myself set different vales on my tckmodel than others, so untill yoda comes out I don't have the midget lammerz, I also set the values of Big and MrBig to nothing.


And I hear people saying "Hey i can't be huge" or, "Hey i can't be a midget" So its all based on the server....


I think thats y its called a server side mod.....


Hope This Helps,


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Does anyone know a mirror for the JediMod file, as jk2.net doesn't seem to be working... AGAIN!


Any news on Yoda... I have also noticed that, although Kman has re-opened this thread, neither Kinja nor Sithlord have released the "news". Sorry if I sound a bit ungrateful, I don't mean to be! I'm just looking forward to the model a lot and would like to know what's going on!

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Kinja, why not release Yoda WITH Dest's JediMod? That way anyone downloading Yoda and installing him will also have to install that. It's much simpler to do it that way because you know 20000 people are going to download him and go "Wait...this guy looks like Quasimodo!!! WTF!?!" instead of actively getting what's needed for him to look right. I suggest you put a disclaimer at the VERY top of the readme file that says "This file requires a scaling mod in order to work properly".



And for your info whoever was wondering, JediMod works in all modes.

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trooper http://www.jediknightII.net <--------- HERE IS THE JEDIMOD



this jedi mod thing, will yoda be realesed with the specs i.e what height etc etc if it hasnt got the mod with it......


and if it has got the mod with it will it be all set up ready???? :confused:


wounder what taunts he got :D :D




edit: sorry :( but yay they cleared the thread up at last tnx man

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First off, somebody ban Tru_Weed_Smoka. I think that, by listening to his incesant rantings, we have all become just a little dumber.


Secondly, good job on deleting most of the crap in this forum. It's a lot cleaner now.


Third, what scale size in JediMod would be best for Yoda when he is released, or will that be covered in the readme?

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Originally posted by Kinja

BTW: Everybody, I was thinking we should all try and frequent a few certain servers and play some MP Jedi Outcast together. Anybody know of some good servers?


Anchorhead 1.04 @shuzu.net (

This server has JediMod 1.0 on it. :D


Wookiee Beer Parti! v1.04 (

Good FFA server.


MatrixCPA's CTF v1.04 Sabers Only (

Saber Only CTF.

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Hey Vampire and Midget, I love you guys but mind your own buisness. CRAP! If you guys are bothered so much about spam, then stay far far away from this thread cause its full of it, lol. Anyway start acting like a real world Jedi. A Jedi wouldnt whine about such petty BS. You dont see me whining about this crap, and thats because I don't think twice about it. I'm not going to let that stupid crap ruin 1 second of my day. And I'm not going to add to it by saying somthing back every time either. Anyway, I'm not trying to be hard on you guys I'm just saying to look at it differently, cause while yes there is almost more useless spam than usefull info in this thread lately, I want this thread open for the few people who do have some sense. Besides I'm trying to coordinate a release ASAP, and then I will start the New Official release thread and will ask Kman personally to kill this damn thread. But I'm like spam or no spam, this thread has been quite a small phenomenon for good or bad I don't know, but I say we might aswell ride it out and see what happens. So lets lighten up and have some fun and just ignore the spammers.


..ahh yes that is called class! If only alot more people were as classy as Kinja is on these forums, we would be doing well.

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Go Kinja! You tell 'em babe! :D You don't like BS? Stay away from ANY forum. Heh heh. ;) Sad, yet so dreadfully true. Either don't have anything to do with forums... or you be nice, put on a DAMN good show for your audience (like Kinja is doing with Yoda), suck it up, put up with it, and don't let it get to you. And like he said, lighten up and have fun!

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Here's a good empty couple of servers from my neck of the woods: - fan mod, soon to be replaced by jedimod - duel server


I'm admin on both of these servers, and they have incredibly low ping so feel free to stop by (as they are mostly empty during the week :p) and say hello. As soon as Yoda is released (and they get that damn JediMod installed) that'll all be on there too ^_^.

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Here's a good empty couple of servers from my neck of the woods: - fan mod, soon to be replaced by jedimod - duel server


I'm admin on both of these servers, and they have incredibly low ping so feel free to stop by (as they are mostly empty during the week :p) and say hello. As soon as Yoda is released (and they get that damn JediMod installed) that'll all be on there too ^_^.

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tnx matt shoemaker 4 the yoda size thing :D


havent tried yet but i take it jedimods good from what i hear and itll get a whole lot better with yoda ( i hope )




p.s tnx again 4 clearing the tasteless rants and spams off this thread , oh and kinja COME BACK !!!!!! the threads empty again ;) ;) ;):D :D

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